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Just thought I'd share this.

Anyone buying compressed bud? I am. It's a bugger to break up finely sometimes.. I don't like the idea of putting my 1/2 in a grinder and I like to crumble as I go through the night...

Anyway.. My lady got me a BIG hot chocolate cup for Christmas (yep, it was a while ago...) with a mini grater inside for the chocolate on top. It turns out that this is a nutmeg grater, available from most homeware shops.

This little baby does the trick perfectly for powdering those big tough buds into highly combustable bong material!


P.S. - Also take a look at blessedherb's grinder tip... A similar thing happens when you grate...

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I've seen the chopping board and rocking blade things for sale in any number of head shops, so the other day I just had to... well, not waste my money, go out and buy both a board and a knife for 3.99 a piece. Works a treat really. Saved me about £7+. Plus I spent a stoned half hour drawing my own leaf on it.   lol

Last week's half ounce was in compressed bud. Seemed a little damp too. And a lot less than half ounce. (half ounce will, if I'm not partying, last me about 7 days.) This lasted about three. It wouldn't even fill my stash tin (tin holds just under half ounce). I hate the stuff. Give me something that looks a lot when it's in a baggie and I'm happy.

I was gonna have words with the dealer today except she presented me with a very good 10-spot to make up for it.




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