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Are we all Garbage.


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The junk society.

We are all to an extent part of the system off non conformist but the spy's for the means test mean to act as though they are wanted in this society to be like your cammrons and politics our own belifes are are politics and we all put them into there right boxe's but for once it is good to exept we are all the same people trying to surrpase each off everyone we incounter watch out for the spy's i tell you this because they are there and want us to be dreamers and let them walk over our paths and bow down to there propaganda and the worst part is people embrace this non caring goverment and goverments..the more people that wake up and join that cause then we will never get what we all truly deserve.-peace-

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lost me :unsure: reads like one of thisuncoilings posts before its been spellchecked and run past a thesaurus or two :spliff:

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Guest Thicky

I found it less obscure and tangential than tUM's offerings and, if read slowly, it can be made sense of :yep:

(I actually caved in before the end the first time I tried to read it but came back for a second go :D )

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Yeah but what does it mean ? I've never embraced the government or anybody from the government either

I think it`s aimed at Solarchild lol:wassnnme:

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(I actually caved in before the end the first time I tried to read it but came back for a second go :D )

the more i read the less i get thicky :stoned: (and even though my punctuation is always all over the show i do like to see a bit here and there). thought i kinda had it on first read but now its like looking at this after a few reads :stoned:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not at all h u t dry.I am an opptimizer and the world we live in can bee poor earthly things are not that intresting unless we fully understand the spys for the means tests (people that tell others your busyness and think they dont no you no.they are all spys for the means test the goverment stinks my father is 65 and he has altzhimmers and i am looking after him without no penence or pay from this so called goverment.i grow because i loove the essance off growing and injoy others oppinions on there striff's i am talking about the world unseen religion is not for the next world but we can teach it if you desire. heaven is a place where all creed and coulrs unite thrugh thought only.more soon.

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Free my mind and my ass will follow the best advice. chronic 1

Free my mind and my ass will follow the best advice. chronic 1

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The junk society.

We are all to an extent part of the system off non conformist but the spy's for the means test mean to act as though they are wanted in this society to be like your cammrons and politics our own belifes are are politics and we all put them into there right boxe's but for once it is good to exept we are all the same people trying to surrpase each off everyone we incounter watch out for the spy's i tell you this because they are there and want us to be dreamers and let them walk over our paths and bow down to there propaganda and the worst part is people embrace this non caring goverment and goverments..the more people that wake up and join that cause then we will never get what we all truly deserve.-peace-

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Guest grandad

being a thick fucker, i never got the brainwashing i needed to conform to anything, i think i came out equal in my battle with the system and the law. was a buzz, but i cant handle woman.

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WHA Thank you for blessing me with that very moving to me.Basicly about right the time we see the unknown world the one that is thought only.I am not a grate beleiver in the close minded shafted feeling we all feel an it is pritty plan look at one thing and respond in what your hart says not your brain then try get your soul to open the doors to your thoughts.

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