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Prices of Hash and weed


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Hey fellow smokers,

       i know this topic has probably been discussed but i feel it needs talking about again, don't ask me why just do. how much does everybody pay for their weed and hash in their respective areas? ???

         Skunk on the oz is £90

         Hash on the oz is £40

this is in the north west.

     KoKane  :)

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Blimey, skunk at £90!!! Thats a bit cheap. Your going to pay at leats £120 around here, midlands, but the (pretend)hash is the same £40 an oz.


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the hash around these parts varies so much you cannot be sure of a good smoke usually around 50 oz

weed 100-120 usually 20 bags  some good deals from the younger users as they go to the damn and bring in personal

where ya live kokane sounds like its ok where you are at them prices :)


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In stoke, i'm payin £65 1/2 quality bud...

£40 oz - common poor soap.

Don't know about decent resin because I can't get any...

B.T.W. - any reliable source of good resin? pm me!

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You shoulda seen the deals some folk were floggin' at J-Day!!

This geezah comes up to me with two scrawny deals (less than a teenth) & wants a tenner for each! So with my powers of persuasion i tried to buy both deals of him for a tenner.He was 'avin none of it - so i said come back & find me if ya change ya mind - he never did  :sarcasm:

120 - 140 on the Oz is the norm here in Cambs.

Shit soap is being given away  :sarcasm:

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I tend to buy per quater usually so pay slightly more but anyway.....I pay 35 quid 1/4 skunk and 15 quid 1/4 shitty hash (which I do my best to avoid). But feel free to pencil me in for a £90 ounce if you live anywhere near lancaster.


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ive been paying £20.00 an eighth for skunk. maybe a bit naive but have just stopped smioking soap.

My dealer has just done the off with my twenty, looking very much like ive been shafted, so put me down for an oz at £90

pm me  :peace:

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round these parts its:


£25 1/8th

£45 1/4

£75 half ounce

£140 ounce


£10 1/8th

£15 1/4

£25 1/2

£40/50 ounce

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I grow, so don't pay. However, from what I see around these parts you are either extremely lucky, or else the skunk aint up to much. Trust it is the former. Real skunk, properly budded, is around the £120 - £160 mark in Humberside. Soap? Last lot I came across I chucked on the fire - fecking poison.

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electric and nuit's x 10~12 weeks......

i have never sold my weed at more than £120 an oz...

i donate 2~3 oz of my grow to medi~weed...because im a mediweed user myself....

i would never let soapbar in my house...

spliffdaddy  :mad:  :oldtoker:

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Here where i am it's still 20 quid a quarter of shitty soap baar which we have to smoke because you can only buy bud if you know someone whose growing, even then it's 75 a half oz. I just finished my first harvest of Purple Haze and White Widow, 1 plant of each which incidently came from a bag of mixed from seedbank. I reckoned i had a years supply and smoked it within 5 months!!! well i had a lot of parties. Since then iv'e moved house and it's taken me till now to start. Just got 9 females from a bag of 16 super skunks from the Dam and i gotta smoke shit till it's done. I'm in a place called Ulverston in the north west so if there's anyone near  :) you could let me know.

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Finally found someone here in E London who can sort me with nice fresh bud of various strains lately been getting White Rhino (guess what....blueberry is coming round next week ;) looks like there is a lot of it round )  Unfortunately still tends to be just 20quid bags, which are usually only 3.5 grams - real juicy buds tho. ;)

'Soap bar', bog standard, nasty, 15 quid quarters. Anything THAT cheap (when I started toking back in 92 it was like 15 an EIGHTH....go do the maths and figure how that works when the cost of MJ aint decreased it's gone with inflation;) something somewhere in the production got a whole bunch cheaper.

So on the Oz, when/if that much bud is for sale it's gonna set ya back 130 plus, and IMO you'll only get 130 at mates rates if it's any good...Soap Bar well....ffs if you want you can get a bar of this crap for about 300 quid (or about 50 an Oz.)

It's not even that the soap around anymore (in the south anyway) seems that bad - in terms of the bits of plastic in it etc, it's just all so damn henna and coffee and in the main devoid of any potency whatsoever.

So yea, I'm rambling. It's 7.59 in the morning and I just finished a fatty. Of course I'm rambling :D:)

Joolz - what happened to the thread on stamping currency with a leaf? I cant find it, it was there yesterday?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think i'm bein had!!!!! :oldtoker:   90 a oz for buds is great,i hope u weigh it, coz soemtimes they say a oz and they mean 22g or whatever. anyway here in the midlands we got these prices

Buds £160, £130, £120 a oz...depends who you get em off

Melange.... (the most dog aweful hash ever maybe?) between £50-55 a oz or £300 for a 1/4 key .... i avoid this like the plague.... buying this creates a market where any dope can be sold, no matter how crap!

I had some decent maroccan hash recently £80......a one off though   lol      it was nothing to write home about, but when u ain't seen any hash thats reasonably smokeable for while then these things are a little blessing.

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Hi all

I just got some nice orange bud, very carefully grown by th look and tase - £550 for 4 1/2 oz which is £122/oz. You just do not get decent hash anymore at any price - So Im buying a bubble bag


David  :oldtoker:

"My single biggest regret in life is not having been born someone else" W.Allen

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