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What about madness, genius, dreams and manias

BiPolar Dave

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Just some waffle.

Some folk claim to have god like visions, I do. Some folks think people like me are mad? What is a genius? I get called that sometimes? What is making me a genius? Why am I different?

Let's roll it out.

Folk believe they are god as they have seen all for what it is, or think they have, so it's an explaination for something I described or peoples interpretation of things they see at whatever level on the scale; they see more so they think they are god. Trust me, most are full of shit I imagine and haven't been anywhere near the part when you feel you are gone from the planet and physical and return to the energy of everything, that's as far as I have gone. I did feel like god on the way, the point of a few hours when I felt I could see infinately, as my perspective on life was not clouded by consciousness, I was unconsciously conscious at the time. God delusions are also probably overly used and the world is full of lying fakers, after money; so claims are bounded around without justification any. David Icke is not a person I know anything about but claims this? I don't aim to replicate anyone only to find my own answers to questions and problems. True prophets have nothing in the bank.

I sound crazy man; your conscious mind and ego have been trained to repel odd opinions; like shit or piss, it's a natural reaction; ego is challenged and repels what is sees to protect self image etc, that's why only certain people will come to this thread, it'll rock you a bit if you have a fat ego. Things that challenge the delusion you live in are bad and the ego is a massive delusion, house like in size, label a man mad to justify ignoring his opinions, basic mental slavery processes for weak men. Your mind searches the subconscious for answers on me, you don't have the info needed; you ask me questions to get more info, basic process, your subconscious wants more info to get a clearer image before it presents anything new to you; which is natural. You'll keep searching but your conscious is clouded by socialisation/media/brainwashing and so it automatically makes an assumption or searches always for the same thing as the parent control system is your ego fucking with what could be searched for. It tells you I am crazy by automation as I challenge it's very worth with power and grace. The ego fucks with the search filters so you can reject me and walk off retaining the delusions of your own existance. We are all deluded, just some more than others. I'm happy to be deluded if where I am is a delusion cause I've never felt more at peace as I can dodge, duck and repel things I don't like.

Your logical mind is bent by my oddness, your mind just tells you I am crazy cause I am different, it's automatic process, you can apply control over that process by reading up on what I am telling you etc then you'll start to get different answers from the subconscious each time you ask that question; "is he mad"? Mad is just used as the short answer, simplistic, media soundbite, that's all for another day.

If you got some alternative perspective / more experience with mad people and mad stuff you'd start to get bigger answers when you ask yourself am I crazy, most people just get an answer based on their training (life experience). I like the fact I sound crazy, that's good, shows I am making progress.

I don't dream at all bar if I am mismanaging my life, one reason is cause I smoke cannabis alot, I don't need to dream ; I keep my mind empty of anything that's bullshit and process my own behaviour and things while I am conscious, so there is very little for the subconscious to process at night. I don't go to bed with issues on my mind related to the conscious day I have lead, stuff that I might need in the conscious world the next day or whatever. Dreams are for people overloaded with daily crap and nonsense or for pleasure only, the dreams are the subconsious ordering reality to fit in with the delusions of the ego, self image and rationalising things to fit in with your comfortable illusion of the ideal life. More out of wack your life the more you need to dream. Dreaming is again not a process you are in control of, so the answers in dreams are nonsense, you want the right answers from the subconscious you must be awake when you go and look for them. Dreams are a waste of good sleep time in my opinion, defragmentation of daily events, automatic unblocking of pathways, reordering relality to fit in the delusions your ego/self image and conscious mind create to keep you from just collapsing in a heap cause of the shit world we live in.

I don't know much about dreams, or have any interest in them, they are a process of file ordering, placing bad shit deep away in the cellar, putting light ideas into the front, forming fast pathways to delusions that fit in with the delusion we live in. It's a way for the mind to order and settle itself so you can keep plodding on in misery day to day without a total breakdown, they are your saviour? I can't remember my last dream, 8months ago?

I used to dream like a fucker when my life was "normal" ie overloaded with conscious shit, when I live in the conscious all the time and never questioned it I dreamt more, now I don't dream at all and less so since I started to tap into my subconscious more and so I don't need dreams to delude or order anything. I am happy with what I see, my life is ordered ideally and I don't have any worries at all, so I have a clear mind, that means no dreams and clear minds operate in higher functional states more often where I make clear judgements consciously about issues other people cannot interpret, they have to dream to order, to try to make sense or lock away the offending information, this happens at night away from the confines of the ego, people get scared on LSD etc as it allows you to see more, peoples conscious blocks out scarey things like madmen and never gave you an answer, that left a loose end, thats what dreams do, order loose ends either by answering the problem or by locking it away. I want all my loose ends answered before bedtime and I find those answers in conscious form, so at night I don't dream cause I tie up my own loose ends, to make sure the job is done right and nothing is missed. Dreams and processing for mental slaves is done at night, so to hide away the information that scares ego/self image and logical thought etc or it locks away things that cannot be processed in either the conscious or subconscious at that time due to a lack of insight or knowledge. These "loose ends" are rarely answered in a normal person, I go and look for loose ends in my divinations and then look for answers in my conscious periods and the conscious feeds the subconscious and low and behold; next time I dive into my subconscious I look to see if that loose-end is tied, if it is I look at what has happened and why and then either take the answer I see or go for more info and a better answer based on more knowledge. Eventually a picture builds. I don't dream cause I do the process myself :yes:

Delusional or Empirical Fact Based Reality? You decide. I was once a normal boy, a slave. I have broken free and now observe slaves and their various forms of "reality" (each countries mind is a different set of lessons applied to create a socital system, = mind control).

Would you take a logical reasoned and worked on theory as a delusion ie; what I have done? :yes:

Or, would you take some shit your ego, self image came up with automatically to feed the lies you believe about yourself and world, that's why you gotta get rid of the ego to think right, it's deluding you. :no:

You had a MAD dream, your mind finally had the info it needed to process a problem, you pulled the lever in your sleep and the jackpot was hit, sadly you woke up being refreshed as your conscious had finally deluded itself about what it saw in the subconscious that was so concerning and troubling. You managed to lock away or deluded yourself about a bigger issue, so you felt better. It's those types of big issues I hunt, no matter how depressing, ugly, dark or nasty I deam the material to be.

More knowledge = better ability to ask questions of the subconscious.

The subconscious is like having all the information you can ever need at your finger tips.

You earn the right to ask big questions and get big answers two ways.

Experience and Education.

You feed the mind it all goes into the database of subconscious, everything ends up there, everything you have ever seen and been, your conscious, subconscious, vision, senses and feeling, every touch, every moment of everyday of your life is there, in the subconsious, data storage, hard drive. You never see it all, but I do!

You use that knowledge and experience there to be able to do everything you do each day. You ask questions and get the most logical answer for your situation, usually 1 answer, simple and concise, that's being normal, simple answer keeps you going forward.

You get intelligence and vision by being educated with knowledge, more knowledge more insight and vision. Also more ability to ask complex questions in the right way when conscious, smarter people are only more educated!

When you are lucid and normal the questions get answers filtered by lots of things, ego, self image, reason and logic, loads of filters block out anything scarey, odd, not ideal, dangerous, or challenging, you get a nice comfortable safe answer to live by.

When I get superconscious or break reality with drugs or mania I am unconscious conscious or consciously unconscious, ie; in a state of altered consciousness or perception but not asleep, but I might as well be, I am awakenly asleep, or asleeply awake. A half state. This gets rid of ego, self image, reason, logic and most of the filters on my subconscious. The filters are NEEDED all the time in my everyday life to make sure I get just 1 answer or a few options to keep me from being confused or overwhelmed.

Only some information comes down from the real data store at the time you ask it a question in lucid states, rightly so; you can't be wandering down the middle of the road in a semi-lucid altered state with 50 different concepts of action to interpret, that's madness!! You get sectioned now and people shun you.

You can only get a few pieces of info in a normal conscious state, just enough to get on with daily stuff, more mentally enslaved you are the less info comes down till you are a robotic man. Got this down man!

In altered states I bypass the filters and see infinately, different drugs or manias mess up different filters, I come from many angles at the same issues! Removing the blinkers is a scary process, few people break down after taking LSD as they can't handle the shit they saw without the filters on. I've done in effect loads of different types of this process of de filtering by supressing consciousness and so become subconsiously conscious!

The filters are easy manipulated by skilled mind workers. You live in a filter by design unless you are mad, that's socialisation and school.

Im a bit hypomanic right now; my filter is modified; I have fuck loads of experience, knowledge and control over my parental control systems that protect me from the potentual of my mental google systems; I can see more clearly with a modified filter so I type what I see.

The night I left for friends house on my bike I had become unbalanced, the filter opened too wide and I become confused and delusional as I had 50 answers to each question about everything I was doing at any moment. I was awake but asleep, living but unconscious of consciousness. I was mad that night. Logic and reason filters had gone totally leaving me free to get any answer I wanted from my subconscious. There is massive vision there, when you float through the subconsious it's like the size of space.

:rofl::headpain: :headpain: :headpain::yucky:

I headed on my bike to start a new life one evening cause of mania, but why? I became overly unconscious while consciously awake, so you start to use your subconsious to a greater degree but that is not a place to live, so I was sleep walking really; conscious and subconsious shorting out and fighting. John Nash lived in a mixed world and his schitzophernia allowed him to live in the subconscious, basically the fucker gets to use infinate brain power by living in his subconsious, that's what a genius does. That's why they are fucking weird often and tripped out and lost they are awake yet alseep, a mixed consciousness, more on the subconsious side the higher the brain power but the less the ability to function. As a friend of mine gets higher he drifts off and goes mad, so do i. A True Genius is one who can tap into and balance the conscious and subconsious together via knowledge and education combined with some ability to modify filtering to get at bigger ideas and so function and have brain power in the right balance. Genius are always near madness and that's why.

Total loss of consciousness but not being asleep is infinate ability to grasp and see new concepts. I did this two nights in a row I submerged into an deep awakened sleep, on the grow room floor, 3hrs I think I was there, I had no need for questions there, that's beyond reality cause reality would require a piece of consciousness to justifty itself lol. I went beyond, balls of steel!

:stoned: :stoned:

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Terry Pratchett's Small Gods, philosophically/metaphysically there are beliefs that in the life which is your last carnation, or last necessary carnation, individuals attain a state similar to that required to join the Godhead. (Obviously, if true)

As to your genius, Manic Depression is both a gift and a curse, Boojum used to have a tag line, paraphrasing, "I don't want you to take away my demons because I will lose my angels."

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Thank you. Ebay will provide a copy. I've never read anything bar psychology books. This is personal empirical notes I make on myself.

I have felt like I have physical sensations held in my subconscious that I have yet to feel in reality? Maybe that's something....for another day. :wassnnme:

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Very interesting Dave. I agree that 'madness' is purely a matter of perspective, like many many things in life. I wouldn't say I'm mad but I get called weird & strange looks a plenty but I think it's due to others perceptions of 'normal'. In fact I view myself as a f*cked up perversion of myself, shaped & contorted by the looks & whispers of others, I wish I had a mental guide when I was growing up that would have stopped me changing my true nature just to satisfy the status quo. Now as an adult, I love my weirdness, because you see I'm not weird, I just am..........

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Appreciate your point and it's great. Mind if I copy it? Think and expand on it? Cause can relate to the headspace you talk about.

I was born of ignorance, never read a book till I was like 12 and then forced.

Is it those that fight what they are and so what they could become; they the true victims?

Bright colours today, peoples faces full of detail. Be making an effort to sleep well tonite and stay balanced :)

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Appreciate your point and it's great. Mind if I copy it? Think and expand on it? Cause can relate to the headspace you talk about.

Go for it mate, just look after yourself :wink:

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Ta, bringing this brief high to end, gradually reduction by redistribution of energy resources from head to body. Walked 5miles, weight lifted for 1.5hrs and now hot bath and early night, save the power, balance, I could easily press the hyperspace button atm by letting it all go to my head. :russian:

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