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Lies, Lies, And Damn Lies!


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:unsure::soap:lol How obvious do that want to make it that they've made those quotes up ? Teenagers just don't talk (or write) like that, there is a specific rhythm, metre and vocabulary to teen communication, even eloquent, well-educated teens, and it's not even remotely similar to those quotes (if they have any basis in reality they have, at best, been paraphrased by 'Frank'). And the first one is total bollocks, toking pure may hurt your chest, but it does not aggravate asthma, in fact THC is very good for relaxing the lungs and dilating the bronchioles - I haven't had an asthma attack since I stopped smoking :ninja: bar. Edited by Boojum
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Have a look at the ukcia page now http://www.ukcia.org/activism/Frank_cann_sept_04.htm

We've added some comments - feel free to give us your thoughts.

To be honest, it's an odd co-incidence that these teenages have said just the points Frank is tryintg to get across, isn't it?

The leaflet actually isn't too bad in places, as we say on the page, but the need to uphold the law compronmises the information it gives.

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First off I liked this thing, then I thought about it again after reading these comments, so, off I went, and re read it.

well rather than just slag it off without giving any alternative answers I thought id try to come up with something better without actually encouraging kids to rush out and smoke cannabis, after all, anyone who encourages kids to smoke cannabis is a complete prick right?

A1, If it was my kid i would say the same.

A2, was stating that although cannabis possesion is no longer an automatically arrestable offence, it is still automatically arrestable if you are a child. And quite right too.

A3,Now look at this answer, it says "IF" at the start of the sentance, this is the answer to an 18 yr old. It is telling them that they shouldnt take it "IF" they feel paranoid ect. Again, an answer id give to my kids, or anyone else for that matter.

A4, Drunk driving and Drug driving is bad. I dare say someones going to still try it though.

A5, another 18 yr old, getting told that "IF" or "WHEN" they use cannabis they should set there own boundries. Whats wrong with that?

A6, Crap Answer, Im not sure heavey users are fatter (ehem!) and some of us find it alot cheaper than going to the pub.

A7, I had to read the first line of this question a few times. Hey its a goverment leaflet right? with the phrase "Sometimes cannabis is amazing" on it, whooa! but seriously the answer is again one i would tell my kids.

A8, The question actually states that it it was easy to give up, the answer once again uses the phrase "IF" if you dont like it, dont use it. How the hell can anyone argue with it?

So appart from making out that cannabis makes you a fat and poor saddo, the rest of it, I quite like.

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