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Please Help A Crap Artist


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sibannac and myself have split from the THC Ministry and formed a new group called the Cannabis Assembly. I've come up with a nice simple logo that we both quite like but it's a bit tatty as I've no experience with graphics progs. If someone could tidy it up for us into a clean high res image we'd be uber greatful.


Need to keep the clear background please. Once we've got it all sorted there'll be free downloadable documents on the site to help with a religious defense.

Thanks for any help.

Hvy :D

Edited by HvyFuel
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Alright mate,

I've had a go at beefing it up a bit.

If it's not what you were looking for no worries. :headpain:

Good luck bud.


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Like what you've done with the yinyang that was exactly the look I was after. Still need the clear background and would like the leaf darker and yinyang slightly smaller. Did you do that yinyang yourself? I'm ok at flat shapes but no idea when it comes to adding depth.

Ta very much, I'll get sibs to have look.

Hvy :wassnnme:

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You're a very nice man. May the sunshine fairy smile at your buds, or words to that effect.


Hvy :)

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Absobloominlutely brilliant. That's perfect Stealth67, I wouldn't know a png from a pong. You've taken my thoughts and made them flesh, or at least pixels. Thank you, that's better than I thought it could be.

Almost makes it looks like we know what we're doing :)

Lot's of good Karma coming your way so I hope you bought a lotto ticket. I'll go replace the old one immediately.

Thanks again,


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Stealth 67 :ninja:lol:) A MASSIVE THANK YOU pm on its way. cheers again .

THC ministry are a pro cannabis religious site but we left for several reasons that i wont go into as thats not really fair myself and hvyfuel are putting a set of documents together including plant tags specifying the law and our belief that cannabis is sacramental theres nothing of religion in the paperwork. As there are to many religions to put in apart from that the human rights law states you have the right to your OWN beliefs. ( we are using the name cannabis assembly)The documents we are working on are free to anyone that wishes to download them we'll post when everything is in place then help yourself.


Edited by sibannac
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Cheers manc, all kind offers are greatfully noted. The co.uk address is pointed at a simple page on my homesite atm but sibs has a young man designing one for us on Tuesday. It's always nice to know there's someone to ask if we get stuck.



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