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Who is God?


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How will we ever work out what's going on when the answers are in another dimension ? Is there any difference between these dimensions and where we go when we die ? Personally I think we have to start asking questions all over again yet there seem to be only the vaguest of answers.

Great post Sasquatch :yep:

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Erm... No, no sorry, it's gone.

lol well where were you when you last had it?

I thought I had it, but then I realised I was chasing a red herring.

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"Who is God?"

So, you've already decided God is a Person as in a "who" rather than a "what"?

I think God must surely transcend person-hood, which after all is a human concept and when used thus, is no more than anthropomorphism and not really all that useful. In fact it can get you entangled in such curiosities as the Dogma of "The Trinity", a meaningless and contradictory doctrine which Christendom has set up as the touchstone of Orthodoxy.

God is a myth, designed by humans to help them get a handle on the vastness of the universe in which they find themselves. An anchor to keep them from drowning in the Tsunami of the Mysterium Tremens et Fascinans.

The world of art can also be construed as an attempt to do something similar, as a way of handling the Sublime.

Is that why Religion and Art pretend to clash, but always hang on to each other?

I don't know.

Its certainly an intriguing idea; I think I shall ponder that one in a hot tub later on today :woot:

Anyone wanting a good read on this might find Karen Armstrong's book of interest, its called "A History of God" and deals with this very question in an erudite yet accessible manner.

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"Who is God?"

So, you've already decided God is a Person as in a "who" rather than a "what"?

I think God must surely transcend person-hood

Who is God is a simple question posed, thats all. Just three words dude.

Your mind has made the assertion that the poser of question has decided that God (a word) is a person. Thats two assertions really; one, that the questioner has decided, not reasoned, speculated or considered, but made a firm decision, and two, that God is exclusively a person.

It was quite clearly acknowledged early in the post that God means as many different things to as many different people and as such is obvious grounds for contention at the level of the mind.

It was also made transparent that words are the realm of the mind and therefore the ego, and many different words are used in as many different ways and are therefore understood in unique contexts according to the various minds/egos employing or entertaining them.

For your kind information no decisions have been reached, because that would be just more mind and more words. More speculation based on information received by way of more words. The post transparently said that the energetic understandings spoken of, were all observable and obvious in all currently arising phenomena, including people, minds, rocks, universes and nature.

If any decision has been made, you have decided that a decision was made, and the deciding has been made purely at the level of your mind, not the questioners.

The potency, presence, intelligence and sheer wonder of all phenomena are all arising in all things here and now, always. This was illustrated as an energetic knowledge. A rational understanding based on direct and current physical experience. This is apparent, observable and obvious. So If people, minds, things and nature are appearing in this presence, is it not possible that the question was open to every possibility, and therefore the questioner was open to it too?

Would the questioner be able to make such observations if he were stuck in a mindset of God as a person exclusively? Were any indications of exclusivity of God mentioned at all other than in the question? If God were exclusive surely he/she, and for the satisfaction of your mind, It, would not be worthy of being called God at all.

God is just a word pointing to the mystery of creation, and the question was merely attempting to pave the way for any interested minds to go beyond themselves and into presence, and see That to which the word God points.

You think God must surely transcend person-hood. Why? Is a person not the most intelligent of all species on this earth and as far as our present knowledge permits, the universe too? Is person-hood not the pinnacle of sentient creation thus far? By your own minds admission, you have surely excluded God from people and ultimately yourself by making such exclusions. This only serves to prove the point made early in the original post, that the nature of the mind/ego is to separate and make divisions, to put labels and create categories, and finally blind us to the immediate truth which graciously accepts, unites and includes us all in every single here and now.

Blinded by your own thoughts of your own personal concepts derived from the word God, the miracle of creation that has such obvious beauty, wonder and unfathomable potential has been excommunicated from your very experience of personhood. Why? Are you not worthy?

From such ideas as the big-bang, evolution, darwinism, history and the whole history of creation, the total culmination of all that ever was, Is, and will ever be has ended up in the room where you Are, in front of your computer, reading these words, here and now. The mind will tell you this is mundane. But your very being, at the very centre of your universe is a fucking very miracle dude. Word.

Here and now, sitting reading these words, smoking a fatty or drinking tea is all there is. God as an idea, some non-personal being ‘out-there’ working in its mysterious ways is only a projection of your mind, and therefore cannot be said to be real. It is gobbledygook. He/She/It as a separate entity, somewhere away from the currently arising creation that He/She/It created is mere mental speculation, imagination and egoistic trickery.

What is real for you? What can you bear personal testimony to? The reality of here and now is all you can say without visiting your thought. This sub-atomic energetic field which is presently vibrating and illuminating in a zillion inconceivably intelligent patterns of light, registering as sensation, form, texture and quality of infinite variety right in the centre of your brain here and now is all there IS. Your mind divides this field of texture, colour and form into words of description and name, but the field remains a whole. The all inclusive sub-stratum of creation remains totally inclusive in its qualities both manifest and unmanifest, regardless of the machinations of your thought of exclusion and difference.

Its so simple that the mind cannot handle it and will always reject it until it is finally simply seen As It Is, here and now, all inclusive and all wonderful. Only when the mind is seen as a mind, a single thought arising and falling, a utilitarian gift of creation, will it relinquish its reign over us, and only then will the simple purity and joy of this gift of presence be recognised as the miracle and peace of non-exclusive acceptance we have all been searching for all along.

Want to know who God is? Stay right here right now, don’t move your mind, and see from your own PERSONAL direct energetic experience, that the total culmination of all this wondrous creation is not apparent in person-hood too.

Love and peace my friend

Boom Shankar.

Ps. Another question. Does God enjoys a hot tub?

Edited by buddy_love
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Sasquatch posted:

The existence of God is dependent on the standard model of the universe being correct. However it seems possible that neutrinos have just travelled faster than light, molecular decay rates have been shown to vary and most significantly the LHC has failed to find the Higgs Boson, the standard model's last gasp. It is incorrect and therefore God doesn't exist. God's existence has always been debatable but now it really does seem that it is finally empirically demonstrably conclusively provably game over for the big beardy Charlton Heston lookalike in a big white dress sat on a cloud.

We now have to start building spiritual notions on a framework of multi-dimensional quantum theories,

:rofl: What a load of bollocks

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Sasquatch posted:

The existence of God is dependent on the standard model of the universe being correct. However it seems possible that neutrinos have just travelled faster than light, molecular decay rates have been shown to vary and most significantly the LHC has failed to find the Higgs Boson, the standard model's last gasp. It is incorrect and therefore God doesn't exist. God's existence has always been debatable but now it really does seem that it is finally empirically demonstrably conclusively provably game over for the big beardy Charlton Heston lookalike in a big white dress sat on a cloud.

We now have to start building spiritual notions on a framework of multi-dimensional quantum theories,

:rofl: What a load of bollocks

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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What a load of bollocks

What's bollocks about it exactly? Perhaps you think the standard model is still unquestionably valid ? If so, why ?

How can you be so sure?

Well where else is it going to be ?

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