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Dam for the day


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This is more a collection of events/funny occurrence's with views of caf's and strains mixed in than a serious report but I've always enjoyed reading peoples diaries of Dam for a laugh so here's mine for 7/9/11. e2a bit by bit or it will be a massive post and my mind is on the verge at the minute as I'm now smoking my 23rd joint since getting up yesterday at 2.20ish with no sleep between then and now :stoned: :stoned: :

2.00am - 5.00am

Alarm rings, a heavy blaze the night before had helped me to sleep by 9 so a very early one for me but I felt fresh and ready

Pick up mate, start the 100 mile drive, he spark some cheese :stoned: to get the day started which was promptly followed by a fatty of blues :wassnnme: The bar had already been set too high lol

Got another joint of blues down us and I expected my mate to have a second chedz but he questioned the sparking of the second blues spliff, I knew instantly he wan't going to be keeping up today lol

5.00am - 10.50am

Airport all went smooth, still in a happy place from blues I had to stop crying laughing at this bloke at one point. Before getting on board he had to show his hand bag fitted in the space allowed so was trying to squeeze his bag into the test bagstand, proper bashing it in and bending the handles for 3-4 minutes until it finally popped in and he shouted "YES, IT FIT'S" and through his arms up like a winner..... only to realsie he couldn't get the thing out and started wrenching at the thing :rofl: I was wet with tears!

The flight was a bit fucking intense as well, we'd already been delayed due to strong wind closing runways at schipol so we were aware there may be some turbelence. I swear to god it felt like the plane was bending! Buffeting from side to side like mad and almost twisting on it's path the plane was on a mad one, I thought we were going well too fast to land but we managed it just, I'll expect to see that on 'worlds most amazing video's 5'.

Trains ensued, guy at ticket office said platform 1 or 2, we got on platform 2 next thing you know I'm saying shall we get off here and just check it's the right train. We then got one another train going that way and went one stop further before deciding we were definitely going the wrong way and got the next train back to centrall, only for 5 minutes later this train to break down :evil: We were getting frustrated by now, mostly with ourselves lol and we just needed a spliff.

After a what I then thought was a long trip we went for a spliff

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The only mate who could come with me is a long time toker but is blissfully unaware of the tourist trap situations and general over hype over places/strains, so I thought I'd use some caf's he was wanting to see as an opportunity to hopefully show him the hype himself or prove my prejudgement of certain places wrong.

So we started at Barney's, thought let's get it done, it'll be mobbed, it was lol. The guy in front of me ordering had some blue cheese and I tell you this much, the pot of that weed was pathetic, dusty, stalky, non smelly bollocks. Poor guy

I wanted Utopia haze but was sold out, so I took nevilles A5 haze and my mate took Pineapple chunk. He passed me the grinder to smell his deal and I see a seed, then two more, and another two. He removed them and it still smelt of burning seed whe nhe smoked it, truly awful.

Nevilles A5 haze- looks and feels and smells like generic dam haze ready to export to blighty :nope: , wrecked me though, smile to my bloody ears leaving that place, at one ponit I had to Matrix it across some road and missed 3 speeding bikes by inches in the space of a few seconds which gave me the giggles quite intensely

Wont be going back to Barneys if I return though

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Wotcha WeedIsFree, the one thing you have to remember with the 'Dam is that around now the shops (which take it VERY seriously) are winding up for the CC in November, so they keep all their best for that and what starts to appear now is all the dross that they don't want the 'judges' :wassnnme: to try and the crap that they just want rid of beforehand :oldtoker:

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Wotcha WeedIsFree, the one thing you have to remember with the 'Dam is that around now the shops (which take it VERY seriously) are winding up for the CC in November, so they keep all their best for that and what starts to appear now is all the dross that they don't want the 'judges' :wassnnme: to try and the crap that they just want rid of beforehand :oldtoker:

It wan't all as bad as Barneys but I can see how that would be the case Bhang Buddie, annoys me in a way as if I had a coffee shop I could care less about the cup if I actually had the best weed all year round.


After Barneys I decided to stop in at Resin to see if on the off chance they still did HP-13 which they didn't sadly. I went for some Manali charas and got the cheapest weed to use as a filler for the joint. The weed was 'chrystal', some sort of skunk x columbian I think, it was nothing special but the hash was brilliant. The manali was a shiny black, softer than play dough when warmed, smelt lovely but I could't describe it. The smoke was a lovely smooth light hashy tasting one and the high was heavily relaxing but not mongy at all, almost like a sativa euphoric high but without the intensity or rush. The setting in Resin was great for this as the music was chilled and it is lit by soft green lighting and the walls are massive photos of trees so it's a bit like being in a stoner forest lol and there wasn't a million people trying to get in there lol

My mate bought some sahara fudge hash which was also bloody bang on, so hash plus the setting meant Resin got the thumbs up from me and I'd defo return for a bit of hash and a chill :skin_up:

Edited by WeedIsFree
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Stopped in at Grey Area to pick up a little something to smoke somewhere else, there were two people in front of me when I got there, when I left there was 17 people queing up into the street lol

By far the most impressive place I visited weed wise, as soon as you walked in something smelt different. I didn't hear what they ordered but both deals the guys in front of me ordered smelt amazing. I went for 'kutchi' (og kush x uk cheese), this was the only bud I got all day that resembled some top quality home grown, it looked like weed that had not been crushed up and squashed for starters. Smell was a clear cheese pong with a little something else, maybe a sour tang, but definitely something more than cheese flavour. High was a clear up one, not that strong tbo which dissapointed but it was the best weed I paid for all day. My mate bought chocolope, I had this 3 years back here and was impressed and probably a sign of grey area's consistency that this bud was exactly the same today. Again it looked like weed someone had cropped, dried, and cured not an import bud. The smell was great, it is chocolatey but in a fruity way if that makes sense, nice smoke and I'd happily have that plant in my tent if got that sort of pheno.

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Decided to stop at Abraxas as I wanted to get some Hawaiian haze only to find it wasn't on the menu anymore :headpain:

Last time I came here a friend had some Amnesia haze that was amazing so I went for that and after a long deciding time got some 'Abraxas special' hash. Amnesia haze, dunno if it was amnesia haze but if so it's not the fantastic weed I remember and the strength and taste of the bud is gone, crap. Again the hash was quality, I got a slice of browny/amber sticky goodness. Clear resin heads visible but this was easy to work with when building a joint, the high was a super clear up high, almost to the point where you cant feel anything but not because your numb like with an indica it was like being perfectly still. Walking around Dam on this I genuinely felt like a was floating at a couple of points :stoned:

Mildy rude dealer by the way

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Mate wanted to stop at Greenhouse, well what can I say lol

He got some super lemon haze, again visually reminded me of my buying weed days as it looked like import. I'll give them this, it did smell very lemony ground up but it wasn't nice smoke

I decided to get some mexican sativa hash hoping for something a bit crazy but I didn't get it, it looked the part, in the bag it warmed in my pocket and slightly spread on the baggy and you could see it was almost reddish and you could see the resin heads so I was actually excited about smoking it but tbo it didn't do anything for me, no taste and a monotone, boring nothingness of a high.

Also never buy 'Green Crack' or 'Green Crap' or 'Green Kak' depending on your mood, I took far too much money with me for the purpose of trying something and not worrying if it was shit, this was it. The newest edition to the GH menu, a 50/50 sat/indy cross which is 'supposed' to be amazing, fuck off, fuck, fuck off

I'm glad I din't sit in there as it reminded me of the den in the movie 'lost boys' for some reason, could have been all the dirty looking 19/20 euro tramps dressed like billy idol and cuban revolionaries in there though

Edited by WeedIsFree
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Next was Hill street blues, been there before and liked it

Didn't end up buying any weed here but I thoroughly enjoyed the hour or two I spent there. I love the graffin everywhere and the music was awesome, I like drum and bass but that was the best hour of drum and bass I've ever heard, followed by dubstep which I normally dont like but with the spliff burning it was all good. Think they had a DJ, although it could have been prerecorded there was some really stoned english guy every now and then come on the mike and start rambling 'bun it, bun it, bun it' lol

Also stopped in at Picasso for a coffee as we walked past, I already had far too much to smoke in my pocket so again had to refain and smoke what I had, althoug hby now the hash was beginning to cascade in my system lol

Spent my last hour in Blues brothers smoking the last of my weed and most of my hash, nice lady in there and the shop seemed nice enough.

I visited Resin one last time and picked up another gram of the manali charas which I picked to bits and lobbed into my baccy along with the remaining abraxas special.

Edited by WeedIsFree
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Definitely glad I went back be it for 8 or so hours lol, had some great hash and tbo I reckon it's true that if you hop on the tram and scout about the skirts you might find some great weed as well. If you can arsed, if I go back it will be purely for hash and I'd stay a night so I could go a bit further afoot maybe.

Had an interesting journey home, landed and was out the airport at 9.35pm and should have been home by 11.30, car broke down....twice, recovery truck took us home and I got in around 4am, what a day! I'm glad I had a joint of Blues and bubblegum prerolled for the journey home, they softened the blow of breaking down and waiting, A LOT. I never want to hear hazard lights again in my life.

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I never want to hear hazard lights again in my life.

good stuff WeedisFree...^^^^^^you sure about that dude..? lol

thanks for the report.. :yep:

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