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medical cannabis


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i thought it a good idea to have a place were we could post links to medical cannabis web sites so i started this tread...the first one i have is for the american alliance for medical cannabis,and you can find them at.

www.letfreedomgrow.com.the next one is even better than that one and get's 10/10.www.geocities.com/onlinepot.on this site are instructions for building a medical vapouriser.

spliffdadddy :mad:  ;)

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Medical Cannabis

Users and abusers......

I was sat in the waiting room at the local institutuin read hospital..... as a medical and ltent social user and supported well by many medical professionals....good for me if i get caught. I over heard the following

"tell em youve hurt yer back.......no one can proove this isnt true , tell em the pain killers dont work, but dont take em, we will see what they are worth , maybe df's (dihydrocodiene) they get a pound a time. if we keep doing this in a couple of months they,ll support us using canabis no more hassle ......get signed off, get paid, and get an earner

Well firstly I wanted to put em outta their misery!!!

secondly grass em up to my consultant , which I did.  he  is well cool .

where they scroats? no.........

where they young? no..........

they where suited thirty somethings...very professional looking.....

damn scary  I say

mary jane

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suit's or trailertrash,grass em up...these people are killing folk,well done mary j.

another site i found with a plethora of links is.......


it has a good selection of medical mj links though it does tend to be american orientated.

good surfin'

spliffdaddy :mad:  :oldtoker:

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Came out of Tesco last week, found my car in the Orange Badge bay next to a car containing two real nice wrinklies, both in their seventies at least, calmly sat there both with a spliff on the go - smelt damn fine too! They noticed my slack-jawed amazement, smiled and waved before quietly and sweetly driving off!

Now I bet they never go to the doctor!

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well them sweet ol ladies are cool

I forgot my bag of spliffs once when i went to hospital for treatment......one of these wrinklies save me, she shared her joint, rang her son on the mobile to fetch some weed in till i got mine brought up

cool lady.......wrinklies maybe , but some are those that partied hard in thier prime before we were born....and some still are bless em.

I aint that old but its cool when sat in the crippleclub bays having a toot and a younger generation comment on how kool I am .....makes me buzz.

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Yep, know that feeling too. At 49 most youngsters seem to assume one is past it. Yeah, right! Nice to think I may still be the same in another thirty years..... I think?

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At 47 I,m only just getting the juice flowing

can't wait till our generation is in a care home or shed somewhere and the younger ones coming up have to keep us locked up.....what a scream we will have.

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judging by the amount of soapbar and bad weed about you cant say that the young an's have never had it so good.at a young 50.......

spliffdaddy :mad:  :oldtoker:

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:D, MaryJ - with you on that one!! Yep, when us lot hit that stage they'll just have to leave us all in a home with vast grow-rooms and a huge Cannabis canteen! I can just see it, whipping the legs out from youngsters with our sticks as they pass by, and wheeling off in a cloud of smoke and giggles!

Pity the nurses!!

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So right Arnold,

Can you imagine being tried by the gung ho at 70 plus

!"affray with stoned pensioners" !!!!!!I for one will be in the headlines .....in my wheelchair ankle snapping joe public lmao


got to ask arn  is the name from al pink floyd ?

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Hey forgot to add......i already do this in hossy

crash my leccy wheelchair allover the darn place , some of the nurses are cool they'll skin up for me when I can't , now thats a carer

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Yep, that's the one MJ, "Moonshine, washing line... "

Sounds like you have some sound nurses there! That's well cool!


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HaHa MJ I agree,on the whole I have found most healthcare staff seem to be tolerant of tokers.I have been caught out many a time having a J when hospitalised and so long as you take others into consideration most dont blink an eyelid.one Ward Nurse who found me loitering around at 3am trying to fit in a calming joint between the 4 hourly doses of mophine that were making me very nauseated commented "lots of people who work here smoke that stuff,you should go to the staff room,those doctors & surgeons,they are the worst of the lot!!" I suppose they could argue "medicinal" use too,stress etc :D

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my pain mangement consultant was the one who put me back on the stuff ........four years i went without a spliff

i had smoked the stuff on and off from being 15.....

this obviously reduced the pain ....

well when my consultant rhum stopped me (due the amount of pain relief prescribed ......which only served to stop me breathing on 7 occassions ) some years ago. oh boy did my pain levels soar.......enter pain mangement.

go to the dam and buy he advises

dont need to to that rand a friend , who kindly met me there  half a j and stonned like a novice , first timed i had giggled for years as well.........mirth is a great healer lol

i go to a specialist hossy......cant say to much but they are all so laid back, as i cannot tolerate anesthetics i have steroid injections under meditation ....the sister there always makes sure the wards empty after or a nurse can get me somewhere for a spliff .......i laugh still at her screaming out of the ward window ......wheres ***** on the waccy baccy.

the local hossy still has some prejudice ........last year the stuffed me so full of morhine i landed in i.c.u ........then a nurse saw i was a medical mj user , one nurse (read ignorant bitch), when through all my personal belongings to see if she could fine evidence at the same time informing me the police will be called ........12 hours after a total joint replacement .......still have nasty thoughts about her i can say .

so be careful out there


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