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Just back from the Dam...


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There are good places in NL with good coffee shops and reasonable prices but just dont go to DAM!


Breda, Zwolle are my recommendations on another thread... and someone else mentioned Apeldoorn. Try medium sized towns with a more than a couple of shops.

In fact the prices aren't that different, but the quality is vastly superior outside "the Dam".

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When I go to clog now, I leave the 'Dam and go to anywhere but the 'Dam, it used to be good about 10-15 years ago but got lost in up it's own arse and if you're willing to hop a bus or trein, then there are some really good CS's outside the 'Dam. Haarlems good with 'Birdy' or the Wortal empire sorry, shops. What about the Hook and 'de Storm', quickie on a boat and you're there....try this hxxp://www.coffeeshop.freeuk.com/Directory.html .... just change the x's :oldtoker:

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Yeah man. Im feeling you.

Was there last year and found the green to be rather poor. I did smoke some lovely hash tho.

So that made up for it.

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yes the dam is for tourists BUT there are some decent shops there, do the research and you will find.

Don't go to barneys or the grasshopper as they are super tourist traps but then again a lot of people rate them and I doubt all coffeshops are 100% consistent.

Did you go to katsu, 420 cafe/de kuil , the main kandinsky, stix(name has changed now though,same stuff) to name but a few....they all have great hash and buds.

They usually let you smell and see what your gettng beforehand.


Edited by toki
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