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Edwin J

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hi guys, wanted to ask about this for a while but was a bit nervous:

My rolling is below par - very much so. the reason being i usually smoke with someone, and they tend to roll, so i never need to.

I have rolled a few times but each time th thing is far too loose. i have no probs with mix or physical shape, but as soon as i put the paper over it just turn into a loose toy periscope thing from hell.

does anyone have some tips?

Please dont laugh at me.....................

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Try this, hold a credit card in yer right hand, left if yer a lefty after loading yer rizla up put yer roach at one end and use the credit card in yer right hand to manouver the paper about. If yer still on line pm me and ill guide you thru it.    lol

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While the credit card method is good, you don't always have one handy and the only other way is practice. Everyone rolls loose joints when they first start, you just gotta keep on rolling even and especially when you are well caned (autopilot kicks in) it takes quite a while but in the end the effort is worth it.


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I think asking someone to teach you would be your best bet. Personally, I practiced my rolling while toking solo, and, while my joints are probably the nicest-smoking roll most people I know have ever tasted  :) , to be honest, they tend to look like shit. Usually end up with the 'pregnant' (bulge about halfway down), the 'banana' (definite curve), the 'palm-tree' (end of the baccy not pushed down and twisted), the 'nicorette inhalator' (a stage I went through a while ago of fat joints with thin roaches. Looked like those plastic things you inhale off of instead of a cigarette).

Looking back on some of my stranger looking rolls, I kinda wish I'd sat down and asked for advice. :)  Occasionally I can get the smooth cone and when I do, I really feel proud.

Or try a rolling mat and see if that suits your taste. I'd also suggest a rolling machine but don't really know how they work out. The one that I tried rolled very thin, tight things that toking on felt like drinking a McDonalds milkshake. Sure, tight joints are good but I don't like feeling like my face is imploding whenever I take a hit, y'know?  :)

Aaanyway. Just my thoughts. But if what you're looking for is smokeability, practice away until it becomes something you could do in your sleep. I gotta admit... a few months back, during a dry time, I was sat waiting for a dealer who never showed and needed a cigarette. I opened my tin, let my mind wander, then I looked down at the rolled, coned, roached king-skin I was holding. I still can't figure that out. I had normal skins. hell, there were actual cigs in that tin! Sorry, my smoking is making me anecdotal. I think I'll stop writing now.  :confused:



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you could do what  did and just get a rolling machine, i've smoked on and off for about 20 years and i still can't roll very well by hand, in fact i have to hold my spliffs horizontal all the time incase everything drops out

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Usually end up with the 'pregnant' (bulge about halfway down),

Thats my problem when I get too stoned!  When I couldn't roll I got my mate who is THE master (in our group at least) to teach me - bought a henry and smoked it between us during the 'lessons'.  Lots of fun and now only around 1 in 50 needs re-doing.

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the 'pregnant' (bulge about halfway down), the 'banana' (definite curve), the 'palm-tree' (end of the baccy not pushed down and twisted), the 'nicorette inhalator'

Had a mate once who used to make a "witch's finger"...

Permissoin granted to refuse skin-up duties.....


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Just keep trying and don't give up! There is nothing more useful than being able to roll well by hand... (well, there is.. but..)

I'd recommend starting small and maybe with rolling tobacco. Single small sheets are only 20p for 50 attempts! - Just keep rolling until you get a feeling for shaping the baccy inside the paper and getting the consistency the same all the way along. The more time you put into the preparation, the easier it will be to roll. After a while, you pick-up how much to put in for the desired size and shape.

After small sheets, move on to king-size Rizla, then Swan king-size (a little longer). I used king-size for about a year after I started because the next step was too difficult. - You will know when you have the 'feel'.. It just comes sooooo naturally, like you could skin up in a dark, windy, hailstorm in a cave underground.

The weight of your papers can seriously effect your abilities when beginning, so try and go for a medium weight paper like rizla green or red. They may not be the best papers but lightweight are hard to roll on any day...

I would suggest a rolling machine (when used correctly, they do a VERY nice job) or mat BUT... What do you do when you are without it? Learn to roll by hand as well.

After king size come naturally, learn sticking papers together and how to create massive pieces of joint architecture! There are loads of guides around on the net just search for 'joint rolling' on google and I'm sure you'll get sorted out with some help from the guys round here...

Good luck, and most of all have fun doing it. Don't get stressed about it... It makes it harder (I know from experience...)


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My two peneth.... :mad:

Take your time over the baccy...

Not to much and not to little and make sure you spread it out even and remove all the damn bit's of wood and crap....

I found that usually leads to a nice smoke...

On the subject of rolling....

I think you need a lot of hand dexterity....I have a mate with none what so ever!!! He can only use heavier weight papers. If he uses lightwieght we end up with a Tampax with an XR3i Exhaust pipe for a roach....

Keep trying different papers....Some are "Easier" to skin up with than others.....

Personally I roll the contents into shape and then (Imagine looking at an open joint) I make sure the front flap of paper is couple of millimeters lower than the back one and sort of pinch and fold the two flaps toward you....A quick twist in the hand and lick the thing.


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reading this has brought me think that i probably have the strangest method of rolling there is but i never fail to get one together. Whe i have stuck the papers and got the filling in i turn the joint around so instead of trying to fold the paper in with my thumbs (two small thumb tips)i have the length of two fingers to get that tricky edge over. i have rolled like this for about 15 years now and have turned the biggest hasbeans into master makers this way.

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:D...I forgot all about rolling Js backwards...i started that way too..

The pinch method is what i use now. Once the filling is rolled into shape, use your index fingers to pinch and fold a small amout of the paper back on itself and push up with your thumbs...then lick!

other tips:

lick you fingers slightly before attempting the roll..like your would to turn the pages of a book.

when rolling the filling into shape, position your fingers just above the filling to hold the 2 ends on the skin together.

It's much easier with rolling backy..most cigs are dry and full of twigs.

Sounds easy when you know how :o


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