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Vaping Temps


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Temperature oC Temperature oF General Effect

140 284 2AI

150 302

160 320 E,2AN,3AI,AE,AX,AS,BD

170 338 AX,2AN,AS,2AI

180 356 AE,AD,2AI,AX

185 365 SE

190 374 2SE,AD,AX

200 392

210 410

220 428 AI,AN,E,SE

225 437 SE

230 446 SE

AI=anti inflammatory



AE=antiemetic (anti nausea)






found this very interesting and have been vaping at 190 during day for a high and revaping material at 230 at night for the couchlock

Edited by smokinweedgi
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why are these volcanos so dear they cant be that much to produce,i mean compared them to the new xbox360 with 250 gig hdd & kinect sensor for less than what 1 of them cost.

i suppose its like any company or business that sells things to the public if they sell it you telling its good for you & your health & what a benefit it will be they charge way over the top because they know you think your buying into something thats good for you.

why dont the chineese copy & mass produce them we'd pick them up for about £50 if they did.

i'm giving up smoking at the moment 10 days now,except for pure joints 2 little sized rizlar a night and would love a vapourizer/volcano but i dont think there is a cat in hells chance i'm gonna pay £300 for a volcano plus the mrs would go spare if i did.

there has to be something that does the same job for a lot cheaper ffs.

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Temperature control is an expensive thing to do accuratly. You can buy a hot plate from a white goods retailer for £20; but if you want accuracy, you'll need lab hot plates and they are hundreds if not thousands of pounds. They are also made in Germany, very nicely engineered. If China copied it, they wouldn't be anywhere near the same. You don't get something for nothing, unfortunatly. The chinese would make a soldering iron in a tin pot cone with cheap mouldings. They are worth the money.

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Temperature control is an expensive thing to do accuratly. You can buy a hot plate from a white goods retailer for £20; but if you want accuracy, you'll need lab hot plates and they are hundreds if not thousands of pounds. They are also made in Germany, very nicely engineered. If China copied it, they wouldn't be anywhere near the same. You don't get something for nothing, unfortunatly. The chinese would make a soldering iron in a tin pot cone with cheap mouldings. They are worth the money.

Nah, I don't reckon that is totally true. The component prices to make a Volcano or other high end Vape will not be that much. Perhaps the R&D is amortised through the product life cycle so that cost is built in.

Chinese manufactures could easily copy the Volcano or Herbal Aire if they thought the market was big enough, its just a matter of time. I cannot imagine the market size is massive right now so the volume price breaks will not be met on components. Its likely that Volcano will make 10,000 or so units at a time and send them out to distribution whilst keeping a few thousand in stock somewhere ready to fulfil the distribution requirements as and when. If they make them in batches of 10,000 then its quite costly for chips, housing, circuit boards etc. The manufacturers mark up on a Volcano would be at least 150% and probably much more, and the retailer must be making at least 33% mark up, then you got shipping, import duties, VAT etc. I reckon, at a guess, the manufacturer can produce a Volcano at less than £35.

E2A People are prepared to pay a premium for a trusted brand, a cheap Chinese copy may not sell to certain people, even if the quality is similar.

Edited by Lake Palmer
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i done a lot of research recentally on vaporizers

ended up going for the extreme q made by arizer

delivereed to door for 144 quid have used volcano before, much prefer the extreme q can make bags ,use whip ,even bubble vap thru the roor all for half the p-rice of a 1 use volcano

was tripping kinda, of the vape last night, using temps of 175 and a lot of quality weed, so high and could really tune into xbox games, real nice buzz

revaped most of the abv at 230 before i went to bed, asleep in seconds

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