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WOOHOO! i recently give up that brown cancer causing shat that we call tobacco!!me n the misses r doing together!(tbh, i surprised we havent killed each other yet!)anyway cut a long story short ,i orders two vapes ,one for on the go and one fer home!got a cheap blue meanie thing and a flight box!nothing fantastic about that statement/story so why the post??...my misses last smoked marijuana about 25 years ago and has never touched it since!said it made her paranoid etc etc..ok..so theres me getting my new toys out(ooh err!) and she starts asking questions!!..cut a long story short..shes nicely stoned now telling me that the killer skunk is better tasting than the bb cheese and she didnt much like the grapefruit/diesel for taste!!!ive released a monster!!..kgb vaped n happy!

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WOOHOO! i recently give up that brown cancer causing shat that we call tobacco!!me n the misses r doing together!(tbh, i surprised we havent killed each other yet!)anyway cut a long story short ,i orders two vapes ,one for on the go and one fer home!got a cheap blue meanie thing and a flight box!nothing fantastic about that statement/story so why the post??...my misses last smoked marijuana about 25 years ago and has never touched it since!said it made her paranoid etc etc..ok..so theres me getting my new toys out(ooh err!) and she starts asking questions!!..cut a long story short..shes nicely stoned now telling me that the killer skunk is better tasting than the bb cheese and she didnt much like the grapefruit/diesel for taste!!!ive released a monster!!..kgb vaped n happy!

Excellent news, I can just see your face when missus was asking and telling what she did and did not like :)


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Jeez!!,i must admit its amazing how strong that is considering the tiny amount of vapour that comes out of it!!lol bit of a learning curve methinks!!!,i havent smoked anything for the last two weeks and that vapourising put me and the misses away last night!!!!....going to try the noname through it tonight as i know its a giggley one!!,ill show her! ..getting all connerserial(it that a word?) on me last night!!! :rolleyes:

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WOOHOO! i recently give up that brown cancer causing shat that we call tobacco!!me n the misses r doing together!(tbh, i surprised we havent killed each other yet!)anyway cut a long story short ,i orders two vapes ,one for on the go and one fer home!got a cheap blue meanie thing and a flight box!nothing fantastic about that statement/story so why the post??...my misses last smoked marijuana about 25 years ago and has never touched it since!said it made her paranoid etc etc..ok..so theres me getting my new toys out(ooh err!) and she starts asking questions!!..cut a long story short..shes nicely stoned now telling me that the killer skunk is better tasting than the bb cheese and she didnt much like the grapefruit/diesel for taste!!!ive released a monster!!..kgb vaped n happy!

Was just about to start a thread so I thought I'd just hijack yours instead. I've just done the exact same thing. 8 Days no tobacco after 30 a day for about 10 years so decided to treat myself to a herbal aire and a magic flight box. Can't wait. Congrats to you and your missus for quiting KGB, I thought it was going to be hard, been pretty good so far.

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Nice one Thommy!!your right actually given up the cancer sticks was easier than i thought!!its the giving up the green i didnt really wanna do!id heard about vapourisers but really didnt give em much thought until now!I think for this new health conscious world that we now live in its the way to go!!keep it up fella!!!!

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Nice one Thommy!!your right actually given up the cancer sticks was easier than i thought!!its the giving up the green i didnt really wanna do!id heard about vapourisers but really didnt give em much thought until now!I think for this new health conscious world that we now live in its the way to go!!keep it up fella!!!!

Yeah, I've given up drinking too and lost two Stone in three months, so thought it was time to go on a proper health kick. I'm even building a veg patch and buying a Green house so I can start growing myown food. This site has inspired an overhaul of my whole life and habits. Good luck with your quiting too dude and nice one for getting her back on the Green medicine.

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Hope your enjoying you Little box kgb.


excellent resource regarding use and other questions you may have about the box. It is rather large however now. More of a thesis lol

Whats your comparisons between the blue meanie and the MFLB?

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Hope your enjoying you Little box kgb.


excellent resource regarding use and other questions you may have about the box. It is rather large however now. More of a thesis lol

Whats your comparisons between the blue meanie and the MFLB?

hello Rob,being a newbie at this vaping lark!,its hard to tell!.Im getting a sore throat the morning after but both my kids have sore throats atm and im at the stage (3 weeks without baccy)that your lungs start ejecting all the crap theyve had in em all these years!but tbh i think i must be overdoing it!,its hard to gauge as im so used to the amount of smoke /taste /feeling of a spliff.If im totally honest now that ive used /seen /played about with and understand the vaping process then i cant help thinking that MFLB is extortionally priced!!and the batteries seem to last about 2 bloody mins!it sort of takes away the "portable" idea for me if you got to carry around about 8 batteries for the night!!the blue meanie however was the cheaper of the two (fleabay)and although not brilliant it does the job...but i cant help thinking that the homemade lightbulb jobby is probably a better idea and design as both of the above dont seem to evenley vape it! ,whereas a round bottomed light bulb would be perfect for moving it around over the heat !like i say its just my first obsevation...going to make meself a lightbulb version later today!!

Edited by kgb
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Give it a while to get used to kgb.

I've got me an MFLB and I found that it took me a month or so to get used to it myself. Now I can adjust the hit by how you draw on it. Get yourself some decent batteries (nearest to 2800 mAh is best) and you'll soon feel the love.

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nice one Tasty,ill stick with it!;just a quicky ;why does it hurt my throat so much,especially the morning after? is this normal?then again like i say i could actually have a sore throat anyway!! :headpain:

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KGB the supplied batteries I do not use and have not used after my first few days of owning the MFLB. I think they are pretty crap compared with the new ones i got.

Sanyo eneloop XX or the powerx MAHA 2700 probally the two best batteries you could buy but they are a bit expensive. I use some cheap 2900mah batteries i got off amazon, under a 5er and fully charged can do 2-3 trenches with them as compared to 1 from the standard batteries. With more powerful batteries the heat up time is decreased to about 3 seconds and I feel the hits are bigger and better. New batteries are a must really and a new charger really (depending on what charger shipped with your MFLB)

Not sure about the throat iratation your suffering from. MFLB certainly not as smooth as other more expensive vapes but you shouldn't be waking up with a sore throat.

Ive heard on another forum about a "breaking in" period with the box where it runs hot for a while and will eventually become tamer. When I first got mine after a day I managed to combust my material - This has not happened since.

My favourite technique is micro-hitting . taking small 2-3 second sips. Do maybe about 4-5 of these per hit. Get very good results. Been using it for 8 months atleast now so I feel i have developed a good understanding off how to use my box best. Some people I have heard like to draw in through their nose instead of mouth.

Don't give up on it too soon :yinyang:

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cheers Robbo,Thanks for your answers i do appreciate the help matey!you are right !and im not given up yet though!, it just that patience is not one of my strong points!!thats the good thing about this place you get answers from peeps who have actually tried it rather than trying to sell you it!..tbh i think the sore throat is something thats doing thre rounds in this household !just it corresponds with me first trying the vape!..coincedance? i hope so!(good job the heammoroids started last month!,that would of really confused me!! :rofl:),like i say im on the 3 weeks without stage so apperently this is when all the tar/shit starts getting pushed out your body! :bong:

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No looking back KGB fella now you have your vape.it's quite strange when you first use one as you never get the flavours smoking other ways.I find I smoke less bud aswell with my vape I think my highest high was from my vape.enjoy it fella.

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its the giving up the green i didnt really wanna do!id heard about vapourisers but really didnt give em much thought until now!I think for this new health conscious world that we now live in its the way to go!!

Second that :yep:

I just ordered a vaporiser myself and it should arrive next week.


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