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Lca Election Results


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LCA election results are at www.ccguide.org.uk/elect.html

Best score was Great Yarmouth where 18% of voters gave one vote to LCA candidate Michael Skipper

Lowest score was 1.88% in Eaton ward Norwich, where there was a 50% turn out and Lib Dems romped home.

In Birmingham, Halton and Great Yarmouth, LCA contested seats but so did BNP. In all 3 wards LCA were beaten by BNP - which I guess means that Nazis are more passionate about their causes than tokers.


Although the percentages were not disastrous, and most candidates were limted in their campaigning by LACK of enthusiastic fund-raising and donations from amongst UK tokers - these results are a blow to morale for many of us who work hard all the year round.

I personally feel very let down by tokers and feel the need to remind them that people in the UK are still denied cannabis medicine, still being locked up for cultivation of repeated possession, still unable to get the protection of the law.

LCA will fight on: we will contest elections next year on all levels. We will try to contest the forthcoming parliamentary by-election in Leicester South even if nobdy who lives there is interested enough to want to stand (shame on you), but I for one feel less inclined to help those who seem to need to wait until the law knocks on their door before getting in touch, and then seem content to accept our help and disappear back into thier "world of crime".

But one thing for sure - without constant support and growth the LCA will cease to be effective and legalisation may take a heck of alot longer.

But why should those who grow or use fine quality weed give a damn about other smokers or the future of the world anyway? I'm still trying to work out why we do!


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Guest nigfis

But why should those who grow or use fine quality weed give a damn about other smokers or the future of the world anyway? I'm still trying to work out why we do!


Don’t be too downhearted Alun. This round of elections was the first chance in a long while that people have been able to show their dissatisfaction in the government.

I suspect a fair portion of the country voted for the government’s strongest opponents as a protest against Blair.

Like it or not, the war in Iraq and the way Blair handles both the truth, and those seeking it, has had a massive affect on people’s attitudes.

Keep up the good fight, it can only get better from here on in.

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Guest FlyinHigh

Don't blame you for being angry Alun, Problem is there's so many people out there using cannabis but won't admit to it the :smoke: s

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i think the immigration crisis is probably to blame for the BNP getting so many votes.they did better than ever in my town too.

but dont get down hearted Alun,you lot r doing a fantastic job and the support for you is out there!Your time will come!! ;)

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But why should those who grow or use fine quality weed give a damn about other smokers or the future of the world anyway? I'm still trying to work out why we do!


You and me both mate you and me both. I for one am fed up with people that talk the talk and aint prepared to walk the walk. Sorry i couldn't vote for the pro lca member for northampton north as he turned out to be ignorant and ignored my contacting him to do pro-active work for him. I am doing other things for the cause like taking the government to case at the United Nations and through the European court of human rights, i am also trying to get the right to use cannabis within my religion/beliefs. I have also e-mailed the lca about standing myself (6 months ago still waiting for a reply). :guitar:

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In Birmingham, Halton and Great Yarmouth, LCA contested seats but so did BNP. In all 3 wards LCA were beaten by BNP - which I guess means that Nazis are more passionate about their causes than tokers.

Not a lot of surprise there. Your job isn't ever going to be easy. Tokers are tokers, politics is limited to the couch when you can't think of anything else to talk about. What's a Blunkett? Pass the bong. (yes I'm generalising, shock, horror)

It's only because I'm active that I know the LCA exists. So getting known has to be a major priority. How to get tokers off there arses and into a voting booth is a whole different matter and I can only wish you the best of luck. I vote LibDem so I can only hope the vote at the conference gets ratified by the party.

Anyway, good luck next time.

peace :wassnnme:

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It's only because I'm active that I know the LCA exists. So getting known has to be a major priority. How to get tokers off there arses and into a voting booth is a whole different matter and I can only wish you the best of luck. I vote LibDem so I can only hope the vote at the conference gets ratified by the party.

Anyway, good luck next time.

peace :unsure:

You should support postal voting. Tokers will more likely to tick a box and post a form in the letter box within a few days, than go to a polling boothe on a specific day. :stoned:

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Did you get a postal ballot in the Euros and Locals? I did. Rightly or wrongly I consider myself a reasonably intelligent toker but it damn near beat the shit out of me. (excuse the vernacular, I'm a Manc) You can vote for three people. Put A in B and B in despatch envelope. Ensure your vote is verified by an indepenent witness. F*ck me, I'd sooner walk to the polling station!

Add to this the information from the last election that in the North East area ballot, where a postal vote had been used before, turn out fell to the same levels as pre-postal voting, and you have a recipe for bums on seats.

I have not the vaguest notion of how to confront voter apathy. But like Madge said 'Strike a pose'. Get seen. Get loud. Get arrested!? Get in their faces and don't get out 'til you get what you came to get. (ooh soundbite, hand of history, *shudder*)

I'm a nobody with a big mouth. But I've been prosecuted before and I'll be prosecuted again.

Prison conspires to rob each man of his dignity, but that assured my survival because I would not part with my dignity at any price or under any pressure.

Nelson Mandela

peace lol

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Alun dont want to kick a man when he's down but i aint sure why you stand in elections. its a dog fight and small groups only get lampooned by the media. keep up the good work however you choose to do it lol

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Hi All

Mainly for the attention of 3rd floor felon, but obviously all can read!!

The reason why we stand in elections is because it is our democratic right to do so. We live in a democracy and therefore we, the LCA, have the same rights as any other political party to stand up in an election, whether it be local, general or bi, and say hey, listen to what i say.

The fact that ppl bother to go and vote for us is an added bonus.

Stay high all

Sarah :);):P:ninja:

Edited by Mrs Hash Cake
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And also because its the only thing that hadn't been tried before. People have tried all sorts of campaigning since the 60s - but only a very few indidviduals have tried the political angle.

The more different ways we fight the better the chance we find the one (or combination) that works.

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I quite simply couldn't bring myself to vote for anyone no matter what their policies are , I've agonised over this a bit recently , but I quite simply don't give a hoot about the law or politics . I just don't believe anyone has the right to tell me what I can and can't do so therefore I see the whole voiting politics thing as utterly irrelevant , I'll still do exactly as I please no matter what the law says .

If stoners in general gave a toss about the law and politics they wouldn't be smoking the herb with it being illegal and all . The 2 things don't really mix very well , if you don't obey the law then it's quite possible you don't gve a toss about it or any of the stuff that goes with it ....... in which case just like me , why would you care about voting ?

yes it would be nice to smoke and grow openly without fear of prosecution , but aslong I'm able to smoke and grow I don't really care all that much .

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there is another reason to vote, it shows the big partys that cannabis users are a factor in the elections and so should think carefully before deciding what there policys are going to be.

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good points kondor and shug. it can only raise the profile i guess. unlike lizard i would vote for a cause i beleave in -im not registered :smoke:

truth is voting is the domain of the established centre ground and it bores most of us to death. the streets are where its at these days, in my opinion


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  • 2 weeks later...

Without trying to undermine the LCA's efforts, for which they deserve a lot of praise, i think our best way to go is to have an LCA candidate joining the lib dems, where their current lib dem candidate is weak.

They may not be very vocal about legalising cannabis, but they clearly are the party which has the most sensible policy and are calling for a Royal Commission to back up their support for decriminalisation. Don't get me wrong, we want legalisation, but i don't think the country is ready for it. Decriminalisation in the sense people could grow a few plants without being arrested, but if they do, it'll be more civil action, ie. a fine, which is better than whats at present.

The lib dems also pushing for a sensible debate, which will help us demystify the myths which have kept the king herb prohibited.

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