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if cannabis is legalised

Guest smokeweedeveryday!?

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Guest smokeweedeveryday!?

if the shops sell cannabis how do you think they should sell and why?:

in packs of 20 joints (20 L&B joints)

loose (like a couple of grams)

or other ways how do you think they should sell it?

i think they should do both sell it in packs of 10 - 20 joints and loose!  :)

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hi Mate

Good first post,and welcome to the UK420 green World

Me i only smoke Bongs, So losse for me, mate  :)



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I'd go with Loose - tried and tested system, and part of the pleasure in smoking is crafting a beautiful spliff!

Welcome to UK420!

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Guest 123456

if cannabis is legalised, how should it be sold?

- cheaply!!!!

More choice the better, I perfer to roll my own - but each to their own!

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if the shops sell cannabis how do you think they should sell and why?:


And only sourced from local organic growers :)

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In my opinion if cannabis is legalised then it should be sold in seed form so people can grow their own at a fraction of the cost of buying it. But if people don't wanna do that then i reckon loose, as splan says its part of the session to make bigger and better spliffs.

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I reckon all three.

Seeds for the growers,

Loose for the tokers,

Pre-Rolled for the people that wanna try it (available in different strengths) but haven't skinned-up before...

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Definatley loose....

As said...Part of the pleasure is in the skinning up.

But I think the pre-rolled joints are good for those who don't wanna/don't like skinning up.

And then again....seeds for the growers...

Ooo I'm all confused

Ahhh I dunno....How about they sell it in any kinda way so you don't have to go to some shite dealer who will rip you off!!

That'd make me happy!


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I personally would rekon on it being sold loose only. Selling prerolled joints takes the fun out of making your own and is also going to get people hooked to tobacco (smoking a bong is a lot healthier). And of course you can probably forget it being cheap cos the guv is going to throw loads of tax on top. That's why I'm keeping my fingers crossed for freedom to the homegrower, where it'd be legal to grow your own as long as you are not selling it on (since any retail outlet is going to need a lisence). Its the same with tobacco, anyone can grow it but only lisenced shops can sell it.

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how should it be sold and why?.......

the question implies that i would accept goverment controle on cannabis...i wont...

i dont want any law attached to my beloved sacred herb.

i want all restrictions removing,back to the way it was before the patriarch politico's impossed there cruel and corrupt prohibition.

FREE THE WEED....nothing less will do....


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hi ya smokeweedeveryday!? welcome !!

I agree that it should be sold mainly loose,  and supplied by Local (Brit) suppliers, (apart from the Temple Ball ;) ), There will be a need for pre-rolled for those that can't, and ive met a frighting amount of tokers who cant roll ! :0  and seeds for the growers and suppliers... as for price ? cheap enough to be affordable for tokers and expensive enough to make a living for the growers and sellers.

Taxation making it mega expensive ?

I personally doubt it. Take tobacco how many grams in packet of 20 fags, its about 10 grams !! for £4 .. a quarter and an eighth for £4 ... yes please if its bud !! and tobacco is the most taxed product we have and is a vastly harder plant to grow than MJ, so i reckon it will be cheaper than now maybe a lot cheaper if its Brit home grown that supplys the market.  

Controls and for the distibution and selling of MJ will be neccessary if we are to keep the hands of underworld/black market off the Herb. plus checking the quality ( i want that job). No government/people will accept a change in the law  without the checks and ressurances that all medicines/drugs need to be legal !!

The only way we will get what spliffdaddy wants is if we get growing and growing only legalised, that would be nice but i doubt it will happen.

:bored:  :peace:  :guitar:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'mthinking loose, unless your at a ball game, concert, etc.  or wait,  they could have little bars like they have cigar and liquor bars now. Loose all day long!!!!  That's the way to go.  <another big fat bong rip> :rock:

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Well I suppose I go along with everything here....

.... but, well, actually hang on there..... I have thought coming.....

no it has eluded me!

Ah there it is...; ahem, yes! Right, I think I am unhappy about shops selling it at all! I say it should be sold by the grower. If we allow the retail trade into the weed chain, we will end up like the poor farmers - impoverished slaves to huge and powerful corporations. They, the farmers, are now learning to break this evil chain, and establish "farmers markets", dealing directly with the punter. The punter gets a better deal, and so does the farmer. Who loses? The suits! Well what a pity!

So screw the shops. This grower intends to deal face to face, mano a mano with the public. A sign will be erected at the main gate "Arnold Layne's Organic Weed-ery, Est & growing since 1971", and the punter can drive in and enjoy a tour around the grow, inspect the Soil Association Accreditation, pick their own and buy whatever they want in whatever form they want. Coffee and comfy cairs provided, of course. The price will naturally reflect the fact that between me and the end-smoker there is no chain of fat greedy bastards ramping up the profit at every possible juncture.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i find the dutch system works quite well....except the fact you are paying too much, but then the shop needs to make money to pay the rent and whatnot. But anyway, licensed shops...be it coffeeshops or not i say..... imagine the hash counter in tesco's????   :mad:     yeah maybe not!

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seems you can compromise here - a growers collectve with a co-op shop - you agree the prices for different strains and the mark up, everyone gets paid individually, then everyone shares in the profits ?

I personally don't want to deal with the public anymore than I have to

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