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any need to flush if you plan to vape it?


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Hi fellas and gurls.

So I bin wondering: I'm gonna be vaping my harvest ... so do I need to bother flushing?

I mean I'm guessing that any buildup of chemical salts would be within the veg matter - not the trichs and as that wont be getting used, is there any need to bother with flushing?

Anyone's 2 cents welcome

Peace out


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If you are going to vape then you NEED to flush.

Vaping brings the flavour out. You can not taste the weed properly when smoked. Timing the flush is hard to judge so best get experementing. I did a 14 day flush on my last grow. Should have been 10 days but better to err on the side of taste.


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see the thing is I'm using Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice which it says is 100% organic - so I dont know if I need to flush ...?

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see the thing is I'm using Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice which it says is 100% organic - so I dont know if I need to flush ...?

you shouldnt need to flush then if its 100% organic

however i usually do my final watering before chop with just plain tap water anyway

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  • 4 weeks later...

I also use Advanced Nutrients and ALWAYS flush. Whether organic or chemical, they are the same element and therefor require flushing prior to harvest to remove as many of the elements stored within the plant as possible. EG; Phosphorus is Phosphorus (An element), it doesn't 'break down into anything else' just look at the Periodic Table. Hope this helps m8.

edited for a non existent spelling mistake.. oops. I think I shouldn't have done that erbo pipe so early

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I also use Advanced Nutrients and ALWAYS flush. Whether organic or chemical, they are the same element and therefor require flushing prior to harvest to remove as much of the trace elements stored within the plant. EG; Phosphorus is Phosphorus (An element), it doesn't 'break down into anything else' just look at the Periodic Table. Hope this helps

By what process does flushing work in this context then? Osmosis?

AFAIK you can flush salts out of the medium with some degree of effectiveness, but you can't remove nutrients from within the plant; you just have to wait for it to metabolise them. So the answer is to avoid getting build-ups by tailoring the nutes to the stage of growth (in particular going easy on the P towards the end of flower).

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lol.. osmosis! I stop nutrients approximately 2 weeks before harvest, yes flushing removes nutrients from soil then allows the plant to metabolise what's left in it's system. Logic? Yes

I'll just add that my mates first grow used exactly the same nutes as me which he didn't flush and his buds burnt like a bonfire night sparkler and gave you a sore throat. He always flushes now.

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lol.. osmosis! I stop nutrients approximately 2 weeks before harvest, yes flushing removes nutrients from soil then allows the plant to metabolise what's left in it's system. Logic? Yes

If you stop nutes and flush two weeks before chop you're starving the plants for the last two weeks of their lives. I don't see the point.

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I find there are enough nutrients built up in the soil for the plant to get what it needs.. plain water for the first week, then AN final phase for the second. I've never had a bad word said about my buds so I'll stick to my method. I'm currently setting up DWC which will be totally different.. only 1 week flush. Thanks 4 input though 'nobody'.

PS: I don't water excessively like you would with nute burn or heavy flush, just water with the usual amount of ph'd H2o but without the nutrients, allowing the plant to use up what's left in the medium.

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I don't see the point in dosing your plants with relatively expensive nutrients only to have then pour down the drain when you do a heavy flush. Maybe it's just me but I like to try to be fairly economical. Each to their own and all that. lol

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I don't see the point in dosing your plants with relatively expensive nutrients only to have then pour down the drain when you do a heavy flush. Maybe it's just me but I like to try to be fairly economical. Each to their own and all that. lol

I agree. I used to flush when I grew NFT, but since switching to organic compost I've been advised that it's unnecessary as long as you don't overfeed. Nature doesn't flush, and my buds smoke clean so I'm happy :yes:

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