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New type of pot discovered...


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Unfortunatly, last night, I discovered a new type of pot...

You may be wondering why this is so bad. - I've called it floor pot because that's where I found it.

I've heard so many times that C is not addictive - it it's not, how come I was crawling round on my knees lookin for misplaced rocks on my carpet?? Scraping my old tins for crows?? I was desperate for a bong..

I'm sure others have been in this situation before - or is it just my addictive personality? At least I have the sense not to try anything else, I know that I could be easily drawn in to a nice hit...(of anything, if its nice) but I don't need anything other than my bong..

I reckon it is addictive - but who cares? OK I was fairly desperate, I was picking fluff off old buds.. but i didn't feel the need to go and steal shit for my addiction like some skag head.. no way.

I can wait till I get paid and go score 2nite...

By the way, the bong was horrible, massive, and got me fuct!..

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I sometimes find myself craving a spliff but then I realise that I am craving the tobbaco in the spliff and not the weed.

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i don't think what you did was too bad. really really wanting to get caned is different from beign addicted, and as you said you didn't go out and steal or anything. it's just a case of being stoned is fantastic and sometimes you don't mind a bit of harshness to achieve that, so you scrabble about for any ganja you can find. as long as you dont break down crying when you dont find any or anything then i dont see you have a problem. :thumbs:

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didn't u have an oz in your pocket just the other day???

I was discussing this phenomenon last night over a stash-box reclaimed joint!

Is there anything in life that isn't better/easier when you are stoned?

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Yeah, I got that on friday... It was thus when I was dry...

I was soooo mashed up on Sat.. We all just muched a henry each for a laugh (oops) - THEN started the smoke.

That's why I could harly operate my fone!

p.s. My pocket's empty now too!

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I know where your coming from...

I've picked all kinds of crap off my carpet and smoked it...

The interesting thing is that "God damn I need a bong" feeling only appears when you are not mentally busy and only lasts a few days. So if you do get hooked (And I believe you do) the "Withdraw" is hardly noticable. Compare that to Drink and Cigs withdrawal.......Not even close!

AND....while I'm on this subject doesn't it bug the crap out of you when people say cannabis is a gateway drug....

In 10 years I have never wanted anything else...Utter pap!! :curse:

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Yeah I get from my parents (fair enough they are lookin after me)...

I've been smokin for a few years (i can't remember) and just don't want anything else...

When I get bored of this poo i'm smokin now (yes, soap. sorry grow-people) and move out - I'll grow for a few years and be happy all over again.

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I'm no stranger to picking up lumps of pot from my floor. It's the only thing that makes tidying this place bearable. The couple of bongs I get every time I do.

Lately though, I constructed a wooden tray for me to skin up on. It's helped. And brought the number of packets of king-skins I own with the front ripped off into focus (about 15 packs). Means I just have to scan around the tray before I tip whatever old rizlas, spilt tobacco and unused roach-fodder into the bin. The thing looks a little strange (carpentry when stoned... Not exactly my best laid plan...) But it does get rid of that slightly carpety flavor that comes with recycled pot.




Stoned utterance of the day - "Cool! A kettle! You could put a bowl there, get a couple of tubes inside it, toke through the spout and you've got a bong!" "Dude, doesn't that seem a really, really bad idea in any way?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

i also own a 'skinning up tray' and it is great! it is remarkable how much reefer you actually lose skinning up over your lap!

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Just had to add to this one.

We've all been there i'm sure jontz. Often the morning after a big session when you've somehow managed to cane it all, those little bits can be a real treat. A mate of mine came up with the idea to help in these situations. If you have a vaccuum with a pipe type attachment, you can put a sock over the end, hoover around the area, and any decent bits of bud and hash get stuck to the outside of the sock. Less strain on your back and eyes ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

TOP idea for your stash box/tin is to get a layer of fine mesh (200micron ish) and raise it just above base of box so you have a gap beneath it, the nice juicy crystals and other psychoactive debris fall through the mesh over time as you smoke and stash your buds and eventually you end up with a carpet of fine powder beneath the mesh which is _very_pleasant to smoke....

A good emergency measure when all you have is a bunch of stalks and `bits` left, but still seems to be smokeable material is get a sieve (like a flour sieve) and a bowl, whack the remnants of your stalky stash in, mash it around and in the bowl you end up with only the remaining finer softer smokeable material.

Oh and It IS addictive. We can argue about the definitions of addiction forever, but what do you spend most of _your time doing or thinking about?_ .... be honest with yourself. I've been smoking for 10 years now, and I do wonder how much else I could have achieved had I not been so cained all the time. I love smoking MJ. But then I loved being wasted on so many things. MJ is the only 'vice' I have now - and I love it. But I dont go a day without it. Without exception. I _WILL_ get cained. I get through a 20quid bag every couple of days.  So I've been on the carpet, in the ashtrays, bins etc..when I cant get sorted. When ones enjoyment of something pleasurable becoming consuming to the point that other things in life get neglected? and when that happens I'd say it was addiction.

Comments/flames    :)

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