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Land AMS friday am


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Thanks Driptray.

How are things?

sure was a mad and cold 5 days man!!

quality time though, now to start booking for April 2011



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Landed Friday am,

Checked into hotel and straight off to Green Place coffeeshop.

I do like their selection on the menu and decide to go for Lemon o.g.


Nice small buds with a very citrus smell with almost a hint of NYCdeisel. Plenty of trichomes and good dried bud.

Smoke: smooth with that kush cough hitting the back of the lungs followed by the a coughing spat with the rest of the coffes shop joining in ..:hippy:

Still get the citrus taste and then the kush tatse nice high with a small stone that slowly gets you.


Green Place again and Next on the menu is Strawberry Cheese.

Strawberry Cheese

Buds covered in crystals and very smelly as you would expect from a Cheese plant.

Open the bag and the smell of pungent cheese and a subtle overtone of strawberries practically leaps out of the bag.

Very nice and easy to grind buds not too dry.

smoke report is smooth taste,not much of a cough, and a uplifting high. Really tasty stuff.


Hunters for the Pineapple Express,Nevilles Haze, 100% sativa, chocloupe, and kushdelic and NYCd

Nevilles Haze is one of may favs I like the flavour and the high.

A nice couple of spliffs later and I am well high almost dizzy. Great stuff again the buds in here are dried well and have plenty of crystals. No Pineapple Express though and not likely to be any more :nea:

100% Sativa

strange looking stuff as it does not form real buds as such and the plant structure is a little different, in that very thin stems.

A gram was purchased and you get alot for a gram. very dry and not that much smell to it.

Smoke report: my face went numb.

Nice smoke. The high is clear and very high, intense at times: at this point I decided I needed to go and do unspeakable things with lose women.


Then Kushadelic.

Strong kush taste with a nice stone and the high is equal to the stone for me good and strong on both counts.

Good compact bud again with plenty of crystals.

Then Chocoloupe

small buds smooth flavour tasty weed, nice stone light not to much.

Then NYCd

buds are great the flavour and smell of the NYCd really hits the tatse buds with that watercress smell.

Good strong stone loads of flavour coming through the smoke.



Hash plant haze

Wow! not had this before, nice covered buds good strong hash smell to the buds, covered in crystals and the buds were very dry.

Smoke report,

Strong taste of the hash plant with the nice heavy stone and the haze high kicks in and almost flatened me. Good job I was sitting down after the spliff as I was struggling to erm well do anything really! :bong:

Green Place

Sour Kush

Love the flavour again of this Kush with the sour hint that took the edge off just the right amount.

Good sized buds plenty of crystals on them all.

Smoke report.

Nice kick of the kush followed straight away with the sour taste.

good high and a nice stone follows.

LA Cheese.

This not surprisingly is a cross with Cheese and LA kush plant from Big budha seeds.

Nice size buds dry plenty of crystal and loads of flavour.

Good body stone with a nice hash tatse which battles with the Cheese for the number one spot.

Maybe a good medicinal strain as body stone is good and strong but not a knock you out type of weed.

Spent Monday to Wednesday smoking a mix of all of the above plus some manali sweet cream from hunters cs.

Manali SweetCream

Very smooth black soft hash with a great high and a good strong stone sweet, sweet taste.

I did want and go to Voyagers CS and Hotel as they have a good selection of some tasty buds and their butter is amazing ( and I do not mean the stuff you put on the toast in the morning). However, I was far to stoned to travel far around the city in minus 6 temps with the snow falling.

Hope you enjoyed the read.


Wednesday, Put my last spliff out at 14.20 and left Amsterdam for the Airport.

Roll on April for 4/20 should be a good one.

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Nice little Smoke report there StonedSkunk fairplay :unsure:

Love the 100% Sativa from Hunters .. Lots of Bud For the Bucks ... (looks alot more than a gram) & the Sour Diesel aswell ...

Cant wait to try the LA Cheese .. as im growing this myself at the moment ..]

So ... Your off again in April ??

Should be good ...

Drip :wink:

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at this point I decided I needed to go and do unspeakable things with lose women.


well how were the loose woman and do we get a loose women report

................. :unsure:

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Nice one SS

Did you encounter any leb hash on the menu's there at all? Never tried myself and would really like to.

Think I will be trying the 100% sativa when i head there in January. Will be on a 2 week break from the weed before my trip so I'm sure that will kick me up the arse proper. Probally go on autopilot and walk for a couple of hours, just have to watch out for the trams :spliff:

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Nice one SS

Did you encounter any leb hash on the menu's there at all? Never tried myself and would really like to.

Think I will be trying the 100% sativa when i head there in January. Will be on a 2 week break from the weed before my trip so I'm sure that will kick me up the arse proper. Probally go on autopilot and walk for a couple of hours, just have to watch out for the trams :ranting:

Their nevills haze is excellent but that sativa is somethin else ! might pop over b4 christmas now

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Yes a good time was had.

May go over again in April for the 4/20 thing also the weather is better then too, and I did not make it this year due to Icelandic eruptions so might be good to go next year in April and again in November.

Robbo, I did not look for any leb hash as I am not a big hash fan, best thing to do is to have a look on the coffeeshop menu website it may take a time to go through all the menus though :rofl:

That Sativa is great stuff, never smoked anything like it. Looking for forward to reading your trip after smoking some after a 2 week break, phew! :unsure:.

XXXloose women reportXXX

If easily offended stop reading now,

Business in the RLD has certainly declined over the last few years with alot of the kamers having closed. What is left is as vibrant as ever, perhaps trying to make up the loss of the other kamers.

Plenty of tourists about, some still left over from the Cannabis cup and some of the women looking like they were left over from the night before.

I dare say at some point you can find pretty much anything that tickles your fancy, melts your butter, or budder, what ever you want to call it.

There are all shapes and sizes and the general charge seems to be 40- 50 euros for the whole works done and off you go in 15 mins. If you want longer then negotiations begin just past the door step, once agreed on what you want and what the lady will do, your 15 mins begin.

There are some real babes out there and after a little walk around or two I settle on a tall slim girl from Russia, very nice fit body but with silicon boobs. Tuperware tits really do not do it for me. However, a deal was struck.

It was worth it.......

Many of the kamers are still empty and for hire, the ones in business have a pretty woman in the front room wearing something akin to a swin suit thong type thing. Normally this lady works as an escort but times are bad so she rents a kamer and makes money pretty much the same way, as she would being an escort, her words not mine.

number 2)

From Lithuania, 24, brunette, this time no tupperware tits, very nice indeed.

As it is getting late, I decide to roll a spliff before I head out of the kamer so I politely asked the girl if she would mind she stated go ahead, so a nice fat strawberry cheese spliff was rolled and smoked between us before I limped off into the very cold night and back to the hotel.


Along the route it starts to snow, Damstrasse is still busy with very stoned tourists slip sliding their way into one another and trying to remember where they are without looking at the map. Some concede and begin fumbling in pockets and bags, while others slope off in the same direction they just came from uttering words of "I am sure its down here???".

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