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vaporising, massive health benefits...


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wassup vapour heads,

very :notworthy: soz about spelling an generally not making sense :yep:

i was thinking about just vaporising again and quitting smoking again... its healthier and i need to get fit again... ive got a decent little £90 vaporiser already that just needs a clean and i am one day when i have quit smoking for months going to upgrade to a volcano as these seem to be thought of as the best around...?

then i thought about all the people i told before when i just started vaporising and quit smoking for the first time... before i quit i was sparking up regularly and so ppl asked why i wasnt smoking anymore and ppl asked why i wasnt sharing joints etc so i ended up telling a lot of people i wasnt smoking anymore and was switching to vaping, and at the same time i told everyone about the benefits of using a vaporiser instead of smoking. very few people who dont smoke knew anything about vaporising, and suprisingly only a few smokers had heard of or considered vaporising... id say 90% of the people i spoke to didnt know about vaporising,

i think its wrong, there is always a massive show and dance about not smoking and quitting smoking etc, but theres no adverts unless you look for them about vaporising and no one seems to have heard of vaporising as a healthier alternative to something that people will never stop doing, enjoying and smoking drugs and not enough people know the health benefits but everyone knows a smoker... i mean it should be put on every fag box that vaporising is a much healthier alternative...like they show you a picture of a deformed person, tell you this is how you will be if you carry on smoking. but theres no mention of the much safer alternative of vaporising

the people begging theyre familys and friends to quit smoking should be asking them to start vaporising, but these helpful nonsmokers arent educated about the fact that you can still enjoy your tobacco and green but much more healthily with a vaporiser

there should be children going home from school having learnt about the benefits of using a vaporiser at the same time as what they already learn, they learn about the bad effects of smoking, so then they should know theres an alternative... and also then maybe they can badger theyre parents about the health benefits, scare the kids a bit with pics from cigarette boxes and then explain that if they convince theyre parents to varpoise they wont die of a horrible cancerous death. maybe a bit harsh scaring the kids but you know what i mean, and children begging theyre parents to stop smoking has to be a big motivator to quit

everyone should vaporise it would save millions in medical costs


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Snake dude 19,

I think the straughts have a blind spot when it comes to vaporizing. They can only think of us as the spliff toting rastafarians. Poor things, do not overheat thier brains by telling them that all they have been told is a lie.


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Personally, I do not believe the health gains are sure. All that fills a bag or bottle, is not vapour.

In short, I believe a lot of folks are busy smoking, but believe themselves to be vaping.

And even if vaping, heated elements, heated metals etc etc..... safe?

I'm not convinced.

Just my 2P. I know I am against the flow on this. Just the way it is.

Pass the skins lol

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Personally, I do not believe the health gains are sure. All that fills a bag or bottle, is not vapour.

In short, I believe a lot of folks are busy smoking, but believe themselves to be vaping.

And even if vaping, heated elements, heated metals etc etc..... safe?

I'm not convinced.

Just my 2P. I know I am against the flow on this. Just the way it is.

Pass the skins :oldtoker:

I did an experiment where a mate had a spliff and i with my vape both blew through tissue, guess what mine was slightly discoloured but my mates was filthy so that convinced me.

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I've never been a tobacco smoker and try not to smoke weed either ,I find that the high with a vape is more intense than with a bong or a pipe. (I don't like things too intense therefor I don't have to use much weed).

Whether its healthier, who knows, its the quality of the effect that I prefer.

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I believe that it is normally healthier than smoking, but it depends on the equipment used & the operator.

But if weed doesnt go anything more that a shade darker/browner, there is surely less carbon monoxide to breathe in.

Just that is enough for me to prefer it, the hit is a bonus :yep: .

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Thanks for that link bazzad9. Interesting, but I'm still not convinced, not by a long long way. As has been said its down to kit and operator being precise. Stoners - Precise?? Hmmmm, think that's a bit unlikely myself ....

And then, what about cheaper vapes? From what I've seen, they are little more than expensive electronic pipes, fully burning (not vapourising) the cannabis.

And I still want all those chemicals (from combustion) in my system. I do not believe THC is the whole picture.

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Guest bazzad9

couldnt agree more on the cheaper vapes arnold .

its all pretty irrelevant to me as i smoke fags like a trooper anyway (loser)

i just prefer the high from vaping ,although for the first week it didnt seem to get me stoned at all ,someone suggested cutting out all joints and use the vape ive never looked back ,that was 4/5 years ago.

me personaly i would only go for a volcano mine works as good as the day i bought it (its pretty battered)

but as with most things in life its horses for courses ,as long as you enjoy it go for it .

cannabis smoke is poles appart from tobacco smoke anyway .

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cannabis smoke is poles appart from tobacco smoke anyway .

Nail, Head, Hit :D Couldn't agree more, mate!

I've been smoking one or two neat king size spliffs a day for nigh on a decade now (pre that I smoke tobacco). I don't wheeze, or have any smoking style secondary effects like coughing or hacking a lung up every morning. My lungs are in fact clear (been checked). I don't have a tongue tasting like a parrots cage-bottom or any such like thing either.

And since all my weed has travelled a total of all of a half dozen feet from plant to stash jar, after being grown (at said distance) in good compost using fully organic nutrients alone, I guess I can call it sort of Organic. No chems, that's for sure.

So I don't feel I'm suffering any great health deficit from my pattern of ingestion, really. Therefore I see no advantage in using a vape, it must all boil down to taste and personal desire or social mores.

So as you say, Horses for courses, and all that jolly jazz!

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I developed asthma a few years ago so quit tobacco and started vaping. I do have odd pure spliff or bong but my breathing suffers the next day and with vapes I never have a problem unless I vape loads and loads.

This and the studies i have seen proves to me that vapes are much healthier.

Oh Anaconda I own a volcano and although it is the easiest vape to use and is great I never use it anymore (wife does still) as I bought a silver surfer. Also check out da buddha vapes which are the same thing but not so pretty and can be picked up for £140! All glass fittings so no worry about contaminated vapor. They provide a much heavier vape than the volcano although it takes it bit of practice so you dont singe the weed. I have smoked/vaped for over 20 years and this thing got me higher than I have ever been!!!!

Arnold I wish I could get you to have a real good try on my silver surfer, Im sure I could change your mind with this machine. One of my mates who didnt feel the volcano was strong enough and hated vaping bought one after testing mine.


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