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sibannac, you're certainly not living in chronic pain, and to be quite honest with you, what you have written is not only pathetic, but incredably ignorant.

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I'm not even going to go there, i do have pain, but i can get relief from prescription narcotics and MJ. I also know that some people can not or will not smoke MJ, even for relief. even those of us that do, know that the relief is not total, and for some people, is negligable.

I'm not saying anything negitive about sibb. nor avebury. but please try to keep the tone light, and just because something is funny to some people, doesnt mean it's funny to others, but that still doesnt mean that the first group can't laugh.

It's a Free world (mostly), Laugh when you can.

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I fail to see the funny side of this sibannac. So you get all the relief you can from weed. Cool. Many of us don't and are bloody grateful for the work of such pain clinics. My experience of them is that they are excellent, but underfunded, understaffed and over stretched. And in many of them the view on Cannabis is that if effective, use it.

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To everyone i seem to have upset i fully apologise but 1st let me explain,

1st i am a sufferer of constant pain.

2nd conventional medication has resulted in me having to attend hospital on a regular basis to have patchs attached to my stomach as the bloody thing has been rotted away by said medication.

3rd I have yet to receive any help from any pain clinic as my local one cannot prescribe MORE painkillers because of previous damage.

4th before you judge someone you should walk a mile in their shoes which to be honest i would gladly swap 10 yrs of my life to be able to do.

5 to assume is to make an ass out of U and ME.

I am glad that some are lucky enough to find help through the nhs i however have only ever found pain and addiction.

6 I am at this moment being persecuted by the government because i am HONEST enough to tell the truth regard my medication and treatment of my maladies by stating i use cannabis to treat my disability with my gp's full backing and cannot take painkillers they have stopped my dla. I can however have it re-enstated IF i re-establish my painkiller regime thus causing me no end of problems resulting in more pain and discomfort.

So if i sound bitter then i believe i have EVERY RIGHT to feel so.


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