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Ice Hash For Free.....


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Fantastic method :applause: This is my first grow and i am loving the new stuff i keep finding out.

Can't wait to try it out. :thumsup:

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great thread man... but one thing... trim doesnt need to be dried to make ice hash... all the folk i know who make ice hash say that its better to use fresh frozen than it is to use dry trim,..

definitely a great method if u dont care to seperate the different sized trichomes...

but if u want the best possible ice hash then u gotta go for the 7 bubble bag kit...

Edited by DanKBudZ
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but if u want the best possible ice hash then u gotta go for the 7 bubble bag kit...

or even the new 8 bag kit :headpain:

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If you're using an electric hand mixer, definitely put a loose blanket of clingfilm over your bowl / bucket and mix under that because otherwise ice cubes come richocheting out of the bowl carrying herbal matter with them and make it look like you've been letting off spinach grenades in your kitchen.

15 denier tights let quite a lot of vegetable matter through as well as the trichs, so next time I do this I'll go much higher.

It's certainly worth doing, and you don't need as much as you might think to get something worth smoking.

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Quick tip, if using a hand mixer cut the trimmings up well and don't leave too much stork in it. I blew my hand mixer up this morning :ninja: luckily I had a spare.

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Smoking my own hash and it gets Tutu`s seal of approval and I hate hash.

Just how do I get the stuff off the coffee filters.

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Hi man :stoned:

Good job on the hash B)

I found it easiest to dry thr coffee filters in tissue then use a tea spoon to scrape the hash onto a plate :yinyang:

dead easy :yinyang:

This is what you end up with B)

Great thread btw , my hash was madeu sing this technique ;)



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Hi man :rofl:

Good job on the hash B)

I found it easiest to dry thr coffee filters in tissue then use a tea spoon to scrape the hash onto a plate :)

dead easy :yahoo:

This is what you end up with B)

Great thread btw , my hash was madeu sing this technique :smoke:

Thanks I'll try that I still have 3 bowls of watery hash to deal with and 7 dustbin liners full of trim (Yummy) to get on with although I think I might try a bit of an iso extraction next.

I'm still baked from that first joint.

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Still baked 9 hours later, homemade hash rules, although I've learnt a valuable lesson this morning involving smoking and work.

Really glad to be home for the day.

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Instead of using coffee filter's I syphoned off most of the water. Syringed as much as I could out using a bit of tights over the syringe as a filter. Then put the rest on a plate in the oven (Managed to get 95% of the hash out of the bowl with a bit of swirling the rest I'll scrape off when dry.) and set it to 50C the lowest setting. Chucked an oven thermometer in there to check the temps. After 40 mintues I've got a sludge. Squash the sludge into a lump and leave to dry naturally, (Or bang in back in the oven and every 5 mintues squash in your fingers to get moisture out, hey I was desperate still great hash.)


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