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Post-op 1 Day After Heart Surgery


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I just got home a few mins. ago, had heart surgery last night.

I was prescribed Vicodin for pain, Xanax for misery, and Celebrex for swelling, and still they are nowhere near as effective as a single joint.

My doctor asked if i was going to go back on weed after the surgery, i said yes, once i had some money ( my plants are months away from being ready for even a quick clip and dry.

Figures that 3 meds wont even tough the effectiveness of one that is still mostly illegal here, though it makes sence. Why would the pharm. companies want to allow you to grow your own medicine that makes most of theyre synthetics obsolete? Thank Gods for prescription drug coverage. otherwise todays trip to the pharmacy would have run me over 6oo dollars for one months supply. how much weed at black market prices could that buy... Definatly more than one months worth especially at the moderate rate i smoke.

Soon people, so soon it will be legalized. i cant wait. How many seniors here in america would be able to afford pain relief as well as food. It's just sad that some people that haven't the ability to get medi-weed must make such a choice, i know, i have before i had state covered perscriptions due to disability.

Weed is truely One Med to Rule them all....

Just couldn't resist that blatent slogan rip-off :)

Perhaps it could be the new medi-weed legalization slogan.

Or not. just my 2 cents.

anyone able to tell i've been medicated heavily today :smoke:

Since i'm totally broke after this operation untill my disability check arrives, Smoke one and send some nice thoughts my way.

Oh, and if anyone who has seeds that they could donate my way, send me a PM, and i can Forward a scan of my Diagnosis of Emery Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy, as well as the Raw DNA profile results.

Goes something like this, Insertion A mutation found in Exon 6 interupting the phenylalanine codon 235, Followed by 14 frame shifted amino acids and a STOP codon. ( When a STOP codon is encountered, the gene cannot be properly transcribed and translated into the gene product, causing the clinical symptoms of Emery Dreifuss MD. This is an X-linked Sacpuloperoneal Myopathy, appogies for any spellign errors, i'm going one handed till i've got my left healed, Picture enclosed.


Edited by cnycompguy
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hey man,you sound like you've had it rough man,i#m tokin some "mazar at tho mo,and sending some good vibe's,i'll be in the usofa in july,hope there's some decent weed about?,take care buddie regards,twinkle :smoke:

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Wow, thanks to one and all, i never thought that i'd get so many or such a speedy responce.

True friends one and all.

Brings a tear to my eye, seriously.

it's time for more painkillers, so i'll check back in around an hour away.

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Just poped back in before i take a nap for a few hours, Just incase you were wondering, that yellowish stuff is some sort of nasty sticky iodine stuff, that is almost like iodine mixed with honey And superglue, that stuff just does'nt wash off, i've tried several times, though slowly when an edge peels up, you can take it off almost like sunburnt skin, kinda gross i know, but i suppose it suits it's purpose.

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get well soon dude ..

i can feel the pwr in uk420 and if we all stare at ur wounds at the same time it might speed the healing process.

but if not all the best anyway


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Guest nav182

Hi cnycompguy

Glad to hear you pulled through in one piece, not a big fan of operations myself as they scare me sensless. Your one brave bastard, hang in there and I'm certain your girls will bud extra big, have you tried planting in rotation that way you have a constant supply and no need for the weekly GlaxoSmithKline rackateering payment.

We're all rooting for you bud


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lol thanks for the well wishes guys, i can feel them helping already, i can type with 2 hads for about 5 min at a time today.

nav, you're absolutely right, i anticipated the extortion, and planted the plants i've got going stepped by about a week, so i'll have a decent supply flowing, but that won't be for a few months, mammy is still vegging nicely, but i'm going to let her fill out for another month before 12/12ing her, and the rest are on natural light untill i'm well enough to give them a proper growroom,

for 10 plants before sexing, do you think that i'll be giving enough light with 1blue enviro, 2 red enviro, and a 14" aquarium plant light (kinda purplish looking) in each corner to even it out? thats the plan once i get the money in the mail some time in the next month. i figure till then vegging for 24 straight wont hurt em. I've just clipped mammy's 3rd growing tip, pinched once and let it grow out and heal for a week, then on the 2nd node after that branching i pinched one a day before surgery, and the other side of the plant today, so that it'd have enough time to heal up and start growth again on the last one, so as not to cause any un-due stress on it's health. looking nice, and i'll post a picture later on.

sorry for the lack of formatting, i'm back to one hand... :huh:

later guys,

The Busted One

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most of you may have read that my mom has never had a problem with my weed consumption, but today her coolness has reached an all time high.

she has chronic pain from breaking her back years back at work.

she asked me the other day if i still had some stuff growing, and as allways, i answered her truthfully, letting her know that i did have some coming up, but she supprised me by asking if i would have enough to spare for her. you all know my answer, and she asked if there was anything she could do to help, since i'm laid up for a few weeks at least. after talking for a while, she figured out that the only thing i really needed at this point would be some more light, so guess what she did, she said that when she got paid next week, she's going to order me a few envirolights!!!

she got me a 100watt CF to help untill then for 10 bucks at the hardware store, and said she wished she could do more.

Guys, i never doubted that i had a cool mom, and that she'd allways do whatever she could to help me, but this brought tears to my eyes.

Mom bought me grow lights.

dammit i love her.

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Guest lazlo woodbine

hi cnycompguy

you have some mom there my son! - I seriously hope things improve for you..

lots of good folk here (I see Joolz has offered already)...

drop me a PM and I will happily let you have a few of my Kali crosses...

good luck with the crop..


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