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General Amsterdam Pointers


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Hey guys,

I'm off to Amsterdam for the weekend with a (totally sober :unsure: ) mate on Friday and was hoping to get a few pointers. (Sorry if this is in the wrong sub-forum.)

1. I'll be staying in a hotel near the central station and wonder if there's a decent coffee shop(s) nearby where I won't get ripped off? I've been looking through the other threads in this part of the forum and whilst some names are mentioned repeatedly I don't know where they are. Closer the better. Also, what off the menu do you recommend? Any ideas on the prices these days?

2. What time do the coffee shops close? I seem to recall it being quite early in the evening.

3. Where is it okay to smoke there without getting into trouble with the police or frowned upon by the locals? I'd read once that it's only in coffee shops and in your own home. Is this true? Since my mate doesn't drink or smoke, it would be nice to find somewhere he'll enjoy being as well while I spark up.

4. Is it possible to get rolling papers and something to make a roach out of in Amsterdam or should I take some Rizzla with me? In fact, is there a way to make a roach that doesn't involve tearing a little bit of Rizzla packet off like I've often done in the past and which won't make me look like a knob in public. :P

5. I always used to roll my joints with tobacco. Is this frowned upon in coffee shops and do they all sell separately that non-tobacco alternative that they roll their joints with?

6. I've not smoked weed in a couple of years and, although it's never happened on the many occasions in the past, are there any pointers on how to avoid pulling a whitey other than avoid too much booze? :rofl: Wouldn't be fair on my mate and would put a downer on my enjoyment...

7. Finding live music in the evening would be really great. Anyone know some good bars (again, preferably near the station) that will have stuff on?

8. Is it legal to bring back seeds or will the customs officer have a go at me if they find them? Being searched on arrival is probably inevitable - they always seem to take a liking to me for some reason. Likewise, is there any benefit to doing so when you can buy them online in the UK?

9. Finally, sticking some in the post - worth it or not (when you've not got any home-grown)?


SH :smoke:

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Hi SinfulHedgehog, to answer some of your questions.

1. A good coffee shop not too far from centraal station is Rokerij on Singel, google ACD and check the forums(amsterdam coffeeshop directory) great source of Dam smokers info + maps.

2. Quite a few are open until 2.00 am or certainly used to be.

3. The only places you can smoke are in the coffeeshops or in a few smoker friendly bars - again ACD.

4. All coffeeshops have a supply of papers and roach material - normally at the (juice) bar.

5. Most coffeeshops turn a blind eye to tobacco, but it's best to ask the budtender first. They will also normally have a supply of the tobacco substitute for free, but i can't recommend it - tastes like shite.

6. If you feel one coming get a very sugary drink down you sharpish, but don't worry coffeeshop staff know how to deal with it and will have you sorted quite quickly if it does hit you.

8. I have brought them back no probs - seeds are not illegal only cultivation.

9. People do do it, and quite a lot gets through. Some do get a letter from HM Customs though saying it been confiscated. Never tried it myself though - again ACD

Hope that's of some help to you (I have nothing to do with ACD, it's just a great source)

Edited by Owderb
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seconded. cafe 420 is my favorite coffeeshop in the 'dam (thier super silver haze is amazing)

check out ACD as mentioned above for a good map.

just find a coffeeshop buy a drink and take a look at their menu. take it slow to start with if you havent smoked in a while.

just relax and enjoy it.

cant wait to go back to amsterdam


P.s. id love to know where to find some live music in a'dam central. anyone out there know a good place?

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When I went last summer, we stayed in the Greenhouse Effect. They had some nice hashes there, I don't remember coming home thanks to their Mountain Top lol

Don't know about live music, but they had a DJ in the coffee shop who played a great trancy/progressive/breaks set for about 4 hours.

I made a special trip up to Barneys - they have a very nice smoking mix there, if I could find it over here I'd never use tobacco. Enjoyed their Red Cherry Berry.

Got some 'Isaac Hayes' from De Dampkring just cos of the name lol. After all the great things I'd heard about De Dampkring, I was a bit disappointed with the quality of their weed, but by god it was trippy!

I found most places would let you smoke inside, but not tobacco - mix or bongs only. De Dampkring was strangest at the time, they could sell you it, but you couldn't smoke it inside or outside the shop, hope that changed.

e2a: I went with a group of smokers and non-smokers - there were plenty of bars that let you smoke outside as long as you buy a drink... we found the non-smokers naturally migrate to where the most windows can be found lol

Edited by Church
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We do read threads you know, if you're trying to hide a link, making it hxxp makes it stand out all the more :oldtoker:

hxxp isn't necessary when linking to a site - unless it's a government site or one we wouldn't like to show up on the webstats for.

I'd not have deleted your link - as far as I can see, there's no commercial ads on there - it's just a guide to coffee shops.

e2a It's a pretty good guide too, I've been having a look through it.

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ur best bet is wing it.. do wot ever you feel is best.. then come unstuck and learn from ur mistakes... or go with someone to hold ur hand either way your gonna have fun


Edited by CATSARSE
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Thanks for your help people. Those guides are useful and it looks like I've got some nice coffee-shops right next to the hotel I'm staying at. :B): I shall just have to take it easy for my sober friend so that I'm still compusmentus enough to sightsee and so on. :stoned:

I'll ask around about the music. I remember last time finding a bar that had some enjoyable live jazz music, but don't remember where it was. If I find out and can remember, I'll report back.

Cheers very much!

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I always find this pretty handy to take with, or print out from an internet cafe when you get there :ninja:

Have fun.


Dont know how to insert pics from my gallery into posts... :unsure:

EDIT: Your last question, I always make a point of sending some back to myself. Just make sure you wrap it in something, e.g, I sent myself a lovely tea pot filled with as much as i could afford to possibly lose. Tea pot arrived smashed to shit but with the contents still inside :blub:

Post office was one of the hardest things to find though, when asking anyone local where the post offie was they didnt have a clue?! We found it near Rockland (I think it was called).

Edited by Goodtimes247
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Nice one. I've printed off a copy of the map and will visit a few of these. :D

Hmm... yes, might try sending a special parcel if I can find a suitable piece of pottery in a nice box. Did you make up a return address on the spot? I just considered that you could put a return address to a made up place somewhere in Europe but then thought that a non-Dutch address might draw attention...

Finding a post office: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&rl...ved=0CDUQtgMwAA lol

Edited by Owderb
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ur best bet is wing it.. do wot ever you feel is best.. then come unstuck and learn from ur mistakes... or go with someone to hold ur hand either way your gonna have fun



My first trip was quite a dissapointment having read loadsa reports n shit went expecting everything to knock me out n taste of mana !! unfortunately it aint theres good weed there you just got to find it. but you'll be very close to the grasshopper head towards there n theres an abundance of cs's Sheeba is 1 i would recomend nice chilled the weed is what they say it is n generally very good quality. Rookerjj too but their prices have gone up slightly but the sour d at 9e was stella last trip.

gona do another trip report soon probs tom av read went to fair few cs's n looked @ loadsa weed :unsure:

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