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Mental Hamster Attack


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Not sure if this should be in the pets section...but they were'nt mine.... ???

Anyway.  Whilst at a house party in Kingshurst, myself and a group of mates were standing in the kitchen - and a few of 'em produced some very nice looking pre-rolled fat spliff's from cig packets.  As we all toked away - we became interested in a hamster cage sat on top of the fridge.  

One of the hamsters was going nuts on the wheel - while his/her mate was just lying there in a ball of straw.  I went over for a closer look (and honestly, this was an accident) as I went to say something to the lads I exhailed a load of think yellow smoke right into the cage...

What followed was horrific...after first trying despertaely to escape, the hamster that was on the wheel turned to his mate....and actually began to eat the poor fuckers head.  :0

We all stood silent for what seemed like ages - until the mental hamster stopped what it was doing, seemed to look at us all (sort of like a confused dog when tilting its head) - and then died.  WHAT THE FUCK?!  At this point a load of us burst out laughing - but I'm still haunted to this day.

We all sat and talked about this for ages after - and came to the conclusion that the poor little fucker just got the munchies sooooo bad - he couldn't resist a nibble on his mates head.  This is a true story!  So if any of you have hamsters - do not try blowing smoke or blow backs or any of that shit...they'll go fookin phscho man.

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yep, you got to watch them hamsters, little evil bastards. They act so cute then take your finger off if you poke it thru the bars. they aren't even big enough to make a sandwich with

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You sure it was a Hamster? Hamsters are solitary and don`t live in pairs. Must have been a Gerbil unless it was in there to mate. Sorry mate, don`t mean to pick.

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Def hamsters - I didn't know the people that actually owned the house, but as you can imagine it was a bit shocking and everyone had to come and have a look see.  "The hamsters are going mad!" is all that could be heard for a while.  

Don't even know if they were m/f dude...sorry.  You might be right though...maybe everyone just assumed they were hamsters?  Either way...should it turn 'em into cannibals like that?

My younger brother was there - I'll check with him when he gets in later...but I'm almost 100% they looked like hamsters.

Yep - they were.  2 females that used to have the odd knock at each other - but seemed to get on fine for the most part.  Cannibal Cannibis Hamsters.

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Sorry splan your signiture ("If we were all stoned, who'd be arsed to fight") seems to have been proved wrong, by these hamsters.

The party wasn't at Mike Tyson's house was it? coz that would explain a lot ;)

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Heh - maybe the steroids and extensive training regime they were put through had something to do with it  :)

Me bro reckons the hamster just got confused - thought what ever was wrong was down to its sleepy mate and decided to do something about it..the massivly increased effects of the smoke then probably numbed its entire body and it couldn;t feel what it was doing...weird...so it just carried on munching away.  Maybe the shock and realisation of what it'd just done killed it?   Bit depressing though ;)

My brothers well into biology though - and even reckons that the guys that allow thier cats to toke and stuff is a big no - no.  The differnace in effects to human and much smaller animal is massive apparently. ???

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don't forget the 'body weight to smoke' ratio, that must have been a hell of a lot of smoke for something so small,

how much bigger are human lungs than hamster lungs?

and how would you be affected if somthing that much bigger than you breathed a lungfull on you?

must have been a hell of a hit

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