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can you put hash in a vape?


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:smokin: where i live the only weed can ever get is shitty soapbar,hence the reason i have started to grow my own,but was wondering can u put hash in a vapourizor? i have never used one and am not sure how they work,i want to buy one but there not cheap,is it worth getting one for bud? :unsure:
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Guest 2hi2try

Not sure if it'd work in my launch box but I don't see why not in an eagle bill, wich are also dirt cheap, don't forget you'll need a turbo/windproof type ligher. I can't see vaping soap would be any good for you at least in a spliff some of the nasty shit that goes in would be burnt off first.


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Worth getting for bud yes.

As for vaping hash then if its home made bubble hash yeah I would imagine but you may need the liquid pads, for soap you never know whats in it so, you dont know at what temps the contaminates vaporise

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my herbal air can handle hash and the higher temps needed to vape it ..a lot of the lower end market vapes such as the iolite may not get hot enough to vape solid hash but bubble should be no problem

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With an Eagle Bill you can just put the hash on top of the big screen - :bad: preferably :unsure: not with soap :soap: though - that's what I do when I'm in the 'Dam or until my grow comes together. lol

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You aren't supposed to put hash in a LB.

The issue is that if the gauze gets gummed up its almost impossible to clean.

The makers of the LB also do a Launch Tube which is recommended for hash.

Edited by Stuey
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The makers of the LB also do a Launch Tube which is recommended for hash.

They look awesome :unsure: like old school laboratory equipment, i want one :rofl:

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They do look cool!

The reason they are better suited for hash is that the gauze is easier to clean.

I was talking to Magic Flight on another forum (guy who makes the LB) and he said they had tried all sorts of ways of getting hash to vape in the LB (things like boats you could insert into the trough) but it was too difficult to get a decent fit .. if it dosent make perfect contact with the gauze it just dosent vape properly.

The Launch Tube was the precursor to the LB and although the LB is much better.. when it comes to hash MF just say get the Launch Tube

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You can definitely vape hash, you just need to use a liquid pad type guaze to prevent spillage (one direction or the other!) Loved hash in the volcano, now that I'm on a Silver Surfer (back in the states, wanted a wand vape, and the silver surfer is pretty) I'm lacking in hash, but from how hot it seems to get on max it would definately do the job if one could put a liquid style filter in it lol

(edit: for real hash, ato anyone debating vaping soapbar, don't. Throw it away and start a garden if you must, but don't put that shite in your body!)

Edited by SaintSinner
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