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Best Vape for under 200 quid?


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I like many of you am about to stop smoking tobacco for good and am about to buy a vape wooohoo!

I like the look of the of the extreme the most so far but am slightly uneasy about the idea that the air passes the circuitry. I would like a system that is both bags and whips ideally and it would be for primarily for home use is there any other good options for this money.

Would love a volcano but cant quite justify the extra cash. I have tried a vocano and liked it and if the extreme is nearly as good I will be happy.

Cheers in advance for replys.

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The Magic Flight Launch box is £80, it is a wicked piece of kit and is total portable if you need to :wink:

I honestly wish i had one years ago :stoned:

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I recently picked up a volcano second hand off e bay £155, i watched lots of them for a few weeks, and vast majority of them second hand are under £200. The build quality is so good i don't think second hand is an issue. Ive used a few and the volcano is by far the best, ive just always shit myself at the 350 400 notes or whatever they were new.

Thats what id do anyway,, also get the solid valve one, that's the one that can be cleaned and you by the roll of bags and make em your own size,, the easy valves you have to buy them ready made and work out way dearer imo.

Theres no portability of course,, but iu reckon they would go on for 100 years if you didnt abuse it,, german build very very good.


zz :wink:

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another call for the herbal aire.

i've had mine since january and i wouldn't be without it. it's better through the bags than it is with the whip, but it's still all good.

in fact i'm getting it out now. err.... so to speak :nenenenene:

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Guest thousandyardstare

Arizer Extreme here, I regularly puts me on my arse...regardless of the make you get your weed consumption will plummet :nenenenene:

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You wont go far wrong with the Arizer 4.0 :rofl:

It was the best money I ever spent. Helped me give up baccy :nenenenene:

But if your after Bang for Buck It's got to be the wee Vapourstar I'm afraid.

Cost of any of them is irrelevant when you look at the money you'll be saving by giving up the baccy :B):

Best of luck which ever you pick.


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Thanks for all the replys!

I new someone would try and convince me to get a Volcano! lol

In all seriousness I am suprised they are going on ebay for under 200 when I have looked they have always been a little more., maybe I have just been unlucky.

Hmmm so back to the drawing board I suppose, there are so many new vapes on the market this is an overwelming decision.

So its down to the Herbal air 2 the extreme or a 2nd hand volcano.

The magic flight box looks tempting as its only 60 on ebay but can that really compare to the others?

I was dead set on the extreme before I started this thread now I am not to sure. :unsure:

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Another vote here for the Arizer Extreme :beer:

I find I use it more with the whip rather than the bag, but both work well.

The Magic Flight Launch Box is also a brilliant piece of kit and the portability and stealth of it is just awesome. If I had to choose just one, it might well be the Launch Box...

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I use a volcano and I love it but i doubt very much there would be much of a difference in the actual vape from any other unit that you can control the temp with.

Get what you can afford matey and a very warm welcome to the land of vape :beer:


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Ive been trying some ghetto vaping attempts recently, and have now decided to look into getting a real vape.

Personally i have a "problem" with the bag concept of the volcano, but having said that my experiments have indicated you do need temperature control, its far too hit and miss other wise. Which puts the volcano back on the list, well it did, until i found the herborizer site.

If youve allready got suitable glass ware, a bong/water pipe, check out the Classic System no temp control, but 159 euros (£132). Or for 259 euros (£215) the XL system has temperature control.

It appears that herborizer only has one UK based distributor, and they dont have the best of reputaitions at UK420, and are more expensive than going dirct to the manufactors, also they only carry the complete systems, why buy a bong if youve allready got one!!

Dont want to post a link, just google "herborizer . com" (remove the spaces first!)


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Well I have found an ebay seller who is selling the Extreme-Q 4.0 Vaporizer for £150 odd delivered from states which I think has sealed the deal ( got to love a weakening $)!

Thanks for all the help and I cant wait to join you in all in ditching the evil weed.


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Really Vince?

It says on the ebay page "We have not encountered any tax requirements from any customs in any country for any vaporizer shipment as yet, but please contact your local postal officials for legal information".

Will I definately have to pay duty?

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if they label it as a gift then no ..i was told mine would be a gift but customs still collared it and held it to ransom for £27.50 importation ..so have a word with the eseller and ask them to label it as a gift

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