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my first smoke


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thought i,de tell you about my first time smoking ,went our with a few mates for a pizza in the car,hadent seen these guys in a while(dident even know they smoked or what it would do and the beers )anyhow a joint was around in the car and had belly full so had some big puffes on this giant roll up.dident feel much anyway got dropped of near where i live and left with what was left of this joint so puf puf iwent and then it hit ,i was walking down a weired street and it freaked me i honestley thouht i was going to die,i ran down the road and run in to the pub puffing and panting like i was having a heart attack everyone looked at me as i went to the bog and drunk as much water as i could, managed to get home and slept woke up next day and thought at least im alive ,never touch that again ,so here i am right now that dident last long  ,if that gives 1 person a giggle it was worth it :D makes me smile everytime :P

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I can relate to that blooper. The first time I tried it was with a friend that had pulled some leaves off his dad's plant. Tasted like what I assume burnt dirt would taste like. :D

I lay in a field for two hours hoping the Earth wouldnt fling me out into space. I thought I was going to be high the rest of my life. Thought I would never come down. Shame I did though. :P

J-bo :mad:

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My own first smoke... Was a combination of a bottle of wine, anti-depressants that I was on at the time and the weed itself. I walked through Wakefield giggling at streetlights.

Strange thing about anti-depressants. I used to suffer from depression in a big way. Now I don't. Only thing in my life that's changed is the addition of just under an ounce a week. I wonder if there could be any connection... :oldtoker:

But yes. Something I witnessed at one time though... A friend of our smoking group had decided to come to a smoke (during the period in which we were getting hold of some good quality green and some excellent quality brown, and had a house to smoke in every day).

She said she'd smoked before, even brought along her own pipe (not used. We probably should have picked up on this, with afterthought...)

So we proceeded to pass her joints (she was sat to the left of either me or the other guy who was rolling... We'd just skin one up, he'd pass it one way round the circle, I'd pass it the other and they'd cross over somewhere about halfway) so got a fair bit. Then we started on pipes. We loaded up her pipe for her, watched her hit it and gave her advice on how to take it (she didn't take much back at first. This again we should have picked up on.)

Then we moved onto the homemade bong selection (about 5 or 6 of the things), then on to buckets, with joints being a feature throughout.

She eventually got up and went upstairs to the bathroom. 20 minutes later, she still hadn't come down. (again, probably shoulda thought more about this). 10 minutes after, she comes down, white as a sheet, has been throwing up, staggers into the middle of the room and says "Feel like my brain is exploding in my head..." then crashed into a corner.

Poor girl. Turned out that by 'smoked before', she'd had a couple of tokes when a joint was being passed around in 'dope corner' (the place where people go to smoke on a friday night. For anyone familiar with Wakefield, it's about half way between what used to be Players snooker club and McDermotts, by the most direct route). She said she'd smoked because she wanted to fit in better and figured that it wouldn't affect her all that much.

The moral of this story is:

Don't pretend you smoke more than you really do. It's really annoying to see people bragging about how many bongs they did.



Stoned Utterance of the day - "Heheh. Monkey."

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One of my mates spent 3 hours talking to birds (The feathered kind) out of his bedroom window when I gave him his first spliff.....

His girlfriend was ready to kill me!! :mad:

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Hi all

I'm sure we've all seen 'MIGHTY' smokers knocked off their perches at one time or another, and your story frighty reminds me of one.

I remember when i was at university back in 92 and I'd harvested my first batch on NL5 x haze. It still ranks up there with the strongest weed I've ever smoked, but I'm sure thats just a nostalgic look back to the past.

Anyway, i knew it was strong, a totally different hit to skunk which was the only other strong bud around in Plymouth at that time. I went round to a mates student halls and one bowl of my hubbly got maybe 5 or 6 people absolutely fucked. I had put 'American Prayer' on by Jim Morrison, and we all tripped to it. It was a bit mad and we all kind of came to as the tape ended.

But the point of the story is that this girls boyfriend came in and started bragging about how many spliffs he could smoke etc, blah, blah. So i offered him a hit of my hubbly. I told him it was strong but he didnt listen. I gave him a fresh full bowl expecting him to pass it on. After the first toke he went back for a second, i was going to tell him to pass it on but i thought, 'what the fuck, its his own fault if he cant handle it'. He continued to finish the whole bowl. Everything carried on as normal for 5 - 10 mins and then he got up and left the room. On my way out i found him, slumped on his girlfriends bed, bribbling, drooling and unable to string a sentence together.  :D  Poetic justice!!

The moral, if someone says its strong, take a little hit first, even if you think you can handle it.


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heh heh...

I know what you're saying chip - that reminds me of another story - about some opiated kif black from Spain. These irish lads all squatted in a big group near Wood Green - around mid-eighties. One was a big dealer and had been to pick up a large consignment in andalucia - the guy there gave him some opiated kif black as a bit of 'persy' - I bought a half ounce off him - thinking it was just regular hash - it's bright green with flecked black inside...

We had a bong session - first time I'd ever seen any of them turn down a bong (that's enough for me!) - I had two quick bongs and was on my way back to Hackney.

15 minutes later - I was sitting on a bench watching the traffic in a rush of unexplainable proportions. Couldn't get a bus or tube - couldn't remmber the procedure - how to do it. Wandered on - and wandered and came to my senses in St James's Park around 8 o'clock that evening - wood green to westminster by foot takes some time - trust me.

Snap! just like that , came round - caught a 6 bus and got home about an hour later.

Some mates were in - so I related the story and skinned up - 10 minutes later one of the guys went to the bathroom - then there was a loud crash - we went next door and he was unconscious and bleeding from the head (hit on the bath) - brought him around and he was okay - he just passed out - from the rush! The other guy slunk off to bed - freaked - and I was on my own again.

This pattern repeated itself over the next week - as I visited manchester (gfriend) - everytime someone joined us for a smoke - they were all invariably putting out the professional smoking credentials (serious expression on exhale - is this Afghani?) - but all were gone within 5 minutes... by that I mean physically gone... somewhere else where me and the hash weren't...

On the Sunday I was at the Moss Side Festival - in the reggae tent - I skinned one up and passed it down the 'toasting' line. Every last one of them cracked up - asking - what the fuck is this? But they carried on toking it and toasting like pros for hours...

So - another tip - don't take on the rasta brederin - when it comes to smoking - they know no limits.


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I had some opiated hash back in about 92.  It made my g/f (now wife) feel "like a god", she wouldn't let anyone walk next to or in front of her, we all had to follow a respectful distance behind as her entourage, it was hilarious but if anyone laughed about it she threw a total benny which just made it even more hysterical ;)

It was a damn good smoke though

My first toke was when I was 15 (1985), went round to our next door neighbours and they were all toking up and passing a couple of bongs.  We (my brother and I) legged it back home horrified "mum! mum! they're doing drugs!".

"Oh that's OK boys, it's just a bit of pot"

<we do a double take>

<we give each other a sly look>

"So is it OK if we, like, try some then?"

"I suppose so, as long as you're sensible, here, read this book"

<mum hands over a copy of "Drugs" in Penguin paperback>

"Cool, thanks mum"

Next day we're back on the doorstep saying "can we try some dope" to our mad American neighbour who's like a Freak Bros. character.   "ssssshhhhhh, keep it down you guys, you wanna tell the world?  come in come in"

When we got inside he proceeded to lay on us the fact that he'd been waiting for this moment ever since he moved in next door 3 years earlier and he is now going to lay down the lore.  I got an indoctrination over the next few months that set me up for life :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

i'd smoked crappy soap bar before, but didn't get very high, so when i was in 1st year at uni i thought "fuck it, i'm going to get cained". so me and a mate bought about 1/2 oz from a a mate - still crappy hash, but not the worst soap i've ever smoked. I decided to smoke it out of a pipe - anyway, i got completely baked, ate two bowls of soup and half a loaf of bread. We were giggling like little school girls.  it was a good laugh

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  • 1 month later...

My first time was in Morrisons car park at night time about a month after my 16th birthday. I only had one drag though because I'd never smoked a thing before, and all the way through school we'd been force-fed horsesh*t propaganda like smoking Cannabis makes you think you can jump off buildings!?

After that it was a while before I had enough drags to actually get stoned, I was basically experiencing tobbacco rushes up until then. The first time I think I was officially stoned was during lunch break at college just before I.T. and when I went back in with my red eyes giggling my tits off it wasn't long until everyone was saying "I think Oli's stoned!"

The first time I got proper mashed was on a pipe with a decent sized £10 block and it was one of the nicest feelings I've ever had. I felt embraced like a glowing yellow aurora was comforting me and the surface of my skin felt like it was so sweet and sugary. 'Twas a great day!

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High guys

Your stories really cracked me up and sent me down memory lane.

I was a late starter - I had my first proper smoke when i was about 22.  I was really pissed on Caffreys and we all went to a guys flat.

That night was one of the most educational experinces of my life! :D

At 2am i could be seen to be trying to break into the local bakery cos of a mad and incurable craving for jam doughnuts!!!!

*sigh*  those were the days ;)

Happy toking all


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