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Buying Sativex

Pot Luck

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Hi peeps.

Is it possible to buy Sativex privately? As in directly from GW or some other outlet? Or can you only get it through a GP/consultant (if ya names barfman :lucky: )?



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Hi peeps.

Is it possible to buy Sativex privately? As in directly from GW or some other outlet? Or can you only get it through a GP/consultant (if ya names barfman :spliff: )?

You need a prescription

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You need a prescription

Cheers Danzig

I was hoping I could bypass beaurocracy and go straight to the source :( I shall speak to my GP.


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¿Hasn't that just changed - can't GPs prescribe it now? :smug:

(Whether they will or not though is another matter :rofl:).


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It's just a crude cannabis extract made into a tincture with ethanol (drinking alcohol) AFAIK. :ninja:


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It's just a crude cannabis extract made into a tincture with ethanol (drinking alcohol) AFAIK. ;)


But didn't they painstakingly breed and patent a strain that gives roughly equal proportions of THC and CBD to better treat pain/spasticity (so that if you made an extract of just any old strain it might not be as an effective drug)?

Or did they just do that for legal or marketing reasons so that they can say their extract is 'special' in some way and more effective than 'street' cannabis?

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It's just a crude cannabis extract made into a tincture with ethanol (drinking alcohol) AFAIK. ;)


But didn't they painstakingly breed and patent a strain that gives roughly equal proportions of THC and CBD to better treat pain/spasticity (so that if you made an extract of just any old strain it might not be as an effective drug)?

Or did they just do that for legal or marketing reasons so that they can say their extract is 'special' in some way and more effective than 'street' cannabis?

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I think the only thing that GW have a patent for is the extraction method.

From what little I know, I think the active compounds are alcohol extractred (as stated above) and then fractionally distilled.

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Hi peeps.

Is it possible to buy Sativex privately? As in directly from GW or some other outlet? Or can you only get it through a GP/consultant (if ya names barfman :yep: )?



not 100% sure im on 8 sprays a day at the moment and been on it for the past 2 years it dont get rid of the pain but does help with tremours and the shakes and toothache thats about it but im sure you cant just buy it and you do get a head on very couchy i find more sprays the better... buy the way the ethonal in it would = having a teaspoon of wine fom a full bottle taken at once

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just been lookin all over the net. you can buy drugs 3 times stronger than morphine. but you cant seem to buy sativex anywhere. just lots of dead ends.

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