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Visionary Art


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Now that is something else!!!

You do not know how helpful that link will be, im currently researching for my next art exam and those are some superb images!

I cant get over that one above, check the ordience watching, i only recognise Albert on the bottom row, and is that jesus next to the god like head?

Got a real psychedelia feel to it.

Some good stuff indeed,

Cheers! :wassnnme:

Edited by Jammin
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so, jammin, u r studying art ha??.....nice one ... i am studying psychology but art is a field i am particularly interested in.... just from curiosity, are u right or left handed???? also, are u only studying art or u are an artist as well?

keep up

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Alright bud? Im just studying art, but i believe you have to be committed to turn out anything worth grades. I really enjoy it through i would not call myself an artist if you know what i mean. Maybe arty! :wassnnme:

I wish id done psychology. I choose biology instead and im finding it a real slog. I want to do horticulture so its relevent, but only very small bits! Im really interested in the human brain, :wassnnme: i think theres so much we dont know about the power of our own minds.

Im currently reading a book on lucid dreams and its really giving me inspiration for the art project. Although no sign of the a dream yet! :stoned: Better stop smoking so much pot! :wassnnme:

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nice one bro, really nice one.... just think that psychology would not be where it is today if it wasn't for u, biologists.... and really nice to know that i was helpful (even not by knowing it) hey, check particularly one of grays paintings, the "theologue", in a video interview he claimed to have come up with the idea while on acid...

as for stop smoking too much pot, don't do it bro... :wassnnme: maybe this is the inspiration you were looking for all your life...

love and light

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i'm doin Biology, Computing and Psychology, so its kinda relevant to all stuff on here really! as for art, i'm more of a graffiti artist than nefink else, but i do appreciate other stuff.


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oi! i am no freak! just clever! hehe, and a good liar :);) naah, as soon as i done my A-levels and the summer is over i'm gonna be training to be a plumber. bit random, but shit happens. would love to paint commisions for a living, but it aint gonna happen!

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hohoho, well done punky , you managed to fool a lad while he was high :guitar: shame on you :stoned:

hehehe nice one though...

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naaah, i do actually do biology, psychology and computer science A-levels. i was just lying about the 'clever' part, haha.

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no, i actually do those subjects at college! i'm 2nd yr, just coming to the end of full A-levels. i don't smoke in daytimes, just at night after i done all my work. i'm a good boy :)

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ok then punky, lets just say that i believe you.... keep up with your studies, and good luck with your plumbing a-levels.... hehehe, my turn now.... ok, aright, i believe ya... smoke some in the daytime as well, it will make your day and night! :)

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naaah, i can't smoke in the daytime! computing lessons are pretty funny mashed cos my teacher rips it outta me and plays me damn good hippy tunes, but biology and psychology are crap when stoned cos its a bit boring plus my tutors for them toke too, but bollock me for it, the fuckin hypocrites!

plumbing is next year mate, after the summer etc..


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