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Eagle Bill Vapourising Pipes.


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Hii all....

As the title says I've just got one of these for my birthday... And it seems to work ok!

I'm unsure of the best technique to use though. Like what amount of time do you heat the bud for?

How close do you hold the lighter? How hard do you pull on it? An how much do you grind up for a decent hit?

Thanks in advance... Happy Vaping! :notworthy:

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Ahhh my fave rave, an Eagle Bill :guitar:

I usually take a 'pinch', or a small bud, of green between thumb, index and middle finger then just put that in a grinder, a quick couple of turns and that does it for me. Put it in the bowl and put the gauze back in, then hold the lighter with about an inch or so of flame, so that the flame spreads around the bowl - you'd be about an inch away - then heat gently.

Just as you see smoke start to rise from the grass give a gentle shake so that it mixes up, which is why it's also called a 'shake n vape', flame on again and then allow as much smoke to fill the bowl as you wish, once it's full, put your lips around the pipe stem and gently draw the smoke into the lungs. While you're holding that start the process all over again so that as you let the smoke out you're just getting a build up of more smoke in the bowl.

Don't worry, the gauze somehow prevents any smoke from escaping - well, maybe just a wisp will waft gently out :stoned: but nothing to panic about.

Word to the wise - DON'T HOLD THE BOWL !! many's the time I've been stoned and picked it up by the bowl :spliff::rofl:

Another thing you can do if you ever get good hasj, is to put it on the gauze and play a lighter over it and suck. That's what I like about it, versatility :blushing:

Hope that helps Stonehenge and happy toking. :)

Edited by Bhang Buddie
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Ta very much BB! Cool post.

I'm going to have to try it again now!

Will report back soon!

Think I'll leave the bubble till this evening though... :unsure::spliff:

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