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Lost In Arizona


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My honey has been diagnosed with rsd/crps a chronic pain syndrome...

Anyone here with that disorder using Medical Marijuana?

How can someone who lives in the united states of backward right wing punishment find medical marijuana seeds and obtain them ?

Thank you all for any and all replies

We are eager to help move her away from the Morphine, oxcodone ,hydrocodone and tramadal.

:angel :angel

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Sorry to here about your honey, I myself suffer from a similiar disorder. I know that when I live in Portland Oregon, My DR. gave me a note and I applied for a medi licence then you can grow up to like 6 plants and the police cant touch you. But as you know you need to live where they have it legal for medi use.

As for seeds I only know of the online stores, might want to give them a try like the UK420 store. There are plenty of good seeds there and at a good price. I have bought some myself from here. Hope it helps and again sorry to here about your honey.


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Well M8, sorry to hear about your situation; The Shop here sells a wide variety of seeds, so that's a place to start. As for Growing and useage advice, well browse around M8, there's loads and plenty of peeps about to try and answer any specifics.

All the best

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i have to ask has any one considered her medication ...taking oxcodone with tramadol ...

the codiene medication is all heroin based (morphine)

tramadol is a synthetic .and contraindicates with many pain relievers

just a thought , you need to ask your prescriber ....

for example the contr-indication of tramadol and tylex exacerbates the pain level without relief

good luck with the herb ..


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Hi howarddean

Checkout The Medseed Project,a USA-based community for Medical Marijuana Users,who send out seeds for medi-use within the USA.

Here is a link The Medseed Project

Hopes this helps,Best Rgds Twosheds

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