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Hehehe Magic Flight On The Way....


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Very happy,

Launch Box ordered!

Will be fine for the pub garden, garden, allotment, fishing, weekends away, work....allll good..

The hardest times for missing baccy so far have been when I've been away from me vapouriser, from Tuesday this won't be a problem...

The chap on the bay is selling me two extra heavy duty batteries for an additional fiver, Good deal i think.....:yinyang:


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This is killing me Mono......Im trying so hard not to buy new vapes & you are not helping!!!

Must buy new vape......NOOOOOOO resist.....but Mono has a new one so one more wouldnt brake the bank.....NOOOOOOO.....must resist....


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Good work Mono,

I am in the market for a portable vape and so far am undecided so please come back with a report on tuesday lol


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Heh there monk,think you will love your MFLB,tis great for the outdoors and not bad indoors either :( can get a decent hit on these little lovelies if you hold the battery in for 5 seconds plus,had me coughing a few times and gives you a lovely high that creeps on to you,a real pleasure to use and leaves your mouth,tongue,throat and lung coated in a delicious herbal taste :ninja: Worked in engineering and manufacturing for 14 or so years and i'll tell you this is a decent little devise,well made,so simple its genius :ouch: works so well and my only other vape experience was the volcano...!Good move getting the extra batteries mucker,wish i had :ninja: but the batteries i got with it(not the free ones)are very satisfactory :ninja: Very stealth aswell,i could get away with smoking this in a library,on a plane or in a cop station :ninja: By the way monk,is your name monk or mono im confused :ouch:

Edited by dirtdog
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hahaha yes, of course, that bloke who sells them is reliable as his word...

Mate came round yesterday and tested it out. :)

i came off crutches on Monday :stoned: so trying to get out and about a lot more now and get me strength back, perfect timing for the landing of the launch Box....

It's nice and small, seems well made etc, i'm very happy with it, mainly the freedom it's given me...

Takes a few puffs to get the draw right, but once you got your eye in it'seasy enough innit?

I don't like the flavours anywhere near as much as me ExtremeQ, seems a lot hotter, but again, maybe down to me getting the draw speed right, but did start to combust the bottom of the trench yesterday....

I LOVE the startup speed, you just put in the battery, and go, no fannying round like the ExtremeQ.

IMO, PERFECT for stealth outdoor toking, we decided yesterday you'd probably even get away with it INSIDE the pub, not just in pub garden/smoking area.....

ExtremeQ is safe for indoor toking, was worried it might just sit gathering dust after arrival of the Box, but no chance....

tpbacco is a distant memory now, fa sure....

How you feeling about the baccy now dd? I think, just think, I might even be starting to feel a little bit healthier for the giving up smoke, not sure exactly how, but feel "something"....

Well, it's sunny agina here today so I might take me Launch Box and a couple of cans down the allotment :doh:


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Glad you like it monk,tis a stealthy little thing,easy get away with it inside the pub :stoned: good to here your back on your feet,be pounding them pavements in no time :doh: Been a wierd experience giving up the ciggies for me,last few months have been a little surreal and alot stoney :) Dont miss the cigs but does feel like theres something missing when having a cuppa or boozing and smoking pure joints all day is just to much for me :D Still trying to find a happy medium.Will be buying a volc/extreme for home use soon,not sure which yet but do prefer the price of the extreme :wink:

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