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Cannabis Dependence?


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Hello all,

As a new member I'm glad to be here. To me, the most important thing is to see cannabis completely legalised for the guy in the street AND to provide safe medication for those who use it for chronic pain etc. Is this REALLY too much to ask? I don't think so! This is the reason I'm now studying cannabis for my dissertation and the effects it can have on dependence. I don't believe pure cannabis can cause dependence - only :smoke: in it can.

There are hundreds upon hundreds of research papers examining cannabis dependence. Some use lab tests using pure THC which find that dependence is not an issue (surprise surprise!) while others use people off the street and DO find problems (amazing!!!!). The effects of adulterants have hardly been tackled apart from Neil Montgomery's work and a few studies in Canada and Australia.

I want to see this amazing herb sold openly, to be freely available AND to be safe in the knowledge that it is free from all crap. Every little helps and I'm hoping the results of my study might in some small way nudge some influential and more experienced persons than I am in the psychological field to examine this issue properly; to see that the only way forward in eliminating 'canabis' related problems is the free the Herb.

So - please would you take a few minutes to fill in my questionnaire? It is strictly confidential, completely anonymous and will not identify you in any way. Here's the link if you would like to participate:


Questions most welcome

Thank you!!! Bel x

Edited by Bel
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Higha Bel,

Welcome! Brilliant!!! I've been arguing the adulterants case for years; off to fill in yer q right now.....

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Hey Bel,

Just gone to fill in your questionare and it's not available on line yet, well that's what it's telling me anyway :magic:

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High Bel, Do you have any papers on this or abstracts out there on the work you doing.


Sorry Flipp - I think I got the post in the wrong place - you might find it somewhere or other. I clicked report instead of quote....is 'quote' for post or reply? Not seen this before.

ANYway, yeah, I'll post as many interesting articles as I can - probably tomorrow cos I'm up to my ears in it.


Bel x

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Hello All,

It's me again.....the new and improved questionnaire is now up and running...it has a different link than the last one. It's now at


Also for those who asked, my supervisor got back to me on those iffy questions I wrote to him about and he said I'd 'slightly misinterpreted what he'd said' (yeah?) and says he was thinking about distinguishing between "ordinary strength cannabis and the much stronger skunk". He says users have trouble distinguishing between the ordinary and strong herbal cannabis. Anyway, I've just got herbal and resin tick boxes now - that's all I need anyway.


Bel x

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Higha Bel,

Welcome! Brilliant!!! I've been arguing the adulterants case for years; off to fill in yer q right now.....

THANK YOU! Hey, don't know if you've tried the old page or the new one. I've only had the new one up now for about half an hour cos there were a few iffy questions in there and it took me HOURS to sort. I've been arguing this case also for years and am SO glad ur2. This is the first chance I've had tho' to sort of give it to the 'big guys' and I'm so excited about that. There's hope eh? Anyway, the new and improved questionnaire is at



Bel x

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ive completed it, but im curious about q21, ive suffered from all those but not as in a withdrawl or anything probly more likely when ive been pissed.... lol

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Mine completed too lol

Q 11 could have taken a while though - good choice to limit the options there Bel lol

edit to add: Are we able to view the results as & when they come in Bel? The link to "veiw results" at the end of the Q's didn't load.

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well done bel lets hope your tutor doesnt categorise to the spin and hype of the disinformers


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Filled it out - I reckon the question about why you smoke (Q 19) should have a box marked something like "intellectual stimulation" & another "spiritual reasons" cos they're 2 of my reasons for toking. & the Q about how hard you would find giving up - it's the problem with pstchometric type tests, the question is too nebulous to give a specific answer. I put quite easy cos after quitting booze I would find it easy, but I reckon I would never quit unless I had to purely because I enjoy herb so much, & feel so naff without it that I wouldn't want to have to quit.Sorry don't mean to be picky just adding my twopenneth, it's just little distinctions like that kinda get lost & a single question worded in am ambiguous way can say the total opposite the the actual situation, since I could have equally put I'd find it very hard to quit purely because I know how unpleasant I feel without not because I'm hooked, but just cos I generally feel naff anyway, herb makes it far less unpleasant is all. With the 'official' research line constantly trying (and failing) to find proof that herb is addictive, we don't wanna go unwittingly providing them with the 'proof' through the wording of a question :guitar:

Sadly it's just the kind of distinction that the prohibition lobby cannot & will not understand, the difference between necessity for quality of life & dependence, so I think any questions regarding habituation should be worded double carefully to ensure absolutely no misunderstanding in the subjects intended response.

Good luck with it though, sorry for rambling.

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High Bel, Do you have any papers on this or abstracts out there on the work you doing.


Hi Flipp

Here's links as promised:

House of Lords report by Neil Montgomery on purity


This is soooo sad to treat him like a criminal – this will really put the kybosh on his studies dammit


Attention UK


More on soapbar


Good site


Good advice


The Philosophers stone by Neil Montgomery


GW pharmaceuticals – the only place to legally grow cannabis in the UK – doing research into medicinal benefits


NIDA – sole administrator of contract to grow cannabis in USA http://www.drugabuse.gov/about/organizatio...aStatement.html

This is quite good by Joy et al @ the Institute of Medicine




Dependency - A Myth?


Diagnostic criteria


Home Office drug seizures 2002


DOH therapeutic uses


User surveys results – you just might recognize some of the reasons for using cannabis at the bottom of the page!


A lot of good authentic links to genuine resources


prohibition & legalization around the globe


More stats from the CIA


Some good views….I think the French guy means pollen..


People seeking services


Those using for medicinal reasons will already know this - some good reading here


You also probably know about this one




Australian study


Yet more propaganda on it being a gateway drug on the premise that heroin users smoke pot. However most pot smokers have never used heroin. It’s like saying most shandy drinkers will go on to become alcoholics. http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v03/n1876/a04.html

More on dependence - again adulterants haven’t been taken into account


More debates


Well it must be genetic then (??!!**)


A bit of truth maybe


See the bit that says “For a long time it was considered that cannabis did not produce tolerance” ….and WHY is that?


Finally – the cannabis debate – this one’s good cos it gives you loads of cross references.


:guitar: Happy reading

Bel x

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Hi Bel,

Care for a counter-argument?

Wenger T. et al, 2003

Eliot L. Gardner, 2002

Rafael Maldonado, 2002

Tanda G. et al, 2000

pdf's of all the above readily available (pm me) and I know I've got a more recent (2004) review article which summarises the scientific arguments quite neatly, just not handy.

I know I'm in a minority around here, but I believe cannabis is addictive.

but 'tis hardly an unpleasant one ... I might be away for a bit while now.


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