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Hi - I am new here - I joined a long time ago, but have been travelling and adjusting to new condition.

I have fibromyalgia and found accidentally that marijuana alleviates my pain and depression almost completely after smoking just a small amount. One joint would last me two to three days depending on the herb. Anyone else have some guidance for me with regard to this issue?


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Hiya there, what excacly is fibromyalgia. What are your simptoms? Never heard of it and was wondering what it is.


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what excacly is fibromyalgia

FMS (fibromyalgia syndrome) is a widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder for which the cause is still unknown. Fibromyalgia means pain in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons – the soft fibrous tissues in the body.

Most patients with FMS say that they ache all over. Their muscles may feel like they have been pulled or overworked. Sometimes the muscles twitch and at other times they burn. More women than men are afflicted with FMS, and it shows up in people of all ages.


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Thanks for the info Joolz, I really feel for those with Fms. I suffer from degenerative bone syndrom and know the pains. I have similiar problems to FMS and have been useing Mj for 10yrs for my syndrom.

helenofjoy, I would advise you to only use when you need it as your body will become use to the amounts and you will have to up the dose as time goes on.

The doctors tried to give me pain management but I refused when I found out they wanted to basically pump me full of drugs that make me not function. Oh and the fact that they wanted to stick needles to inject the drugs into my spine. With Mj I can fully function and work and so anyway enough about my problems hope I helped.


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Thanks for the supportive feedback. I realize if I abuse it, I will lose it (the benefit). It's easy to just light up whenever I feel like I need a boost though. I've experimenting with exactly the least amount needed for pain control and so far two tokes is about right (of what I've had to smoke).

My experiments with growing were not very encouraging. What I grew outdoors was not very good quality as far as potency and indoors I was not really equipped to grow successfully. Also was very afraid of being found out.

My symptoms began with exhaustion and pain in my "bones" that made me feel

like my bones were made of porcelain. If I accidentally tapped my finger

or arm against the desk, it would be incredibly painful as though I

bruised the bone. Also, extreme weakness - could not lift my arm above my

head, or lift a glass from the cupboard. Apparently there is no real

inflammation of the muscles, but a hightened sense of pain. Of

everything really. The strange thing is that although smoking pot hightens my

awareness in other ways, it actually alleviates FM pain. Other

symptoms of FM are irregular sleep with depriviation of deep sleep, irritable

bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, depression, terrible back pain - can

sometimes result in inability to even leave my bed.

I'm doing really well now though. I was first diagnosed about four

years ago. With gentle exercise - swimming, walking, yoga, I can keep

symptoms manageable. Smoking the good herb though takes pain almost

completely away and lifts depression so that what pain I do feel is not even

noticed. After two tokes, I can get in about three to four hours of

activity that I normally would not be able to do.

I'm now in Germany and was advised by a local physician to grow my own

(carefully of course). He said that would carry the least amount of

risk. I had planned to travel to Amsterdam to purchase it for home use.

I hope this helps. Sorry if I gave you more information than you

wanted to know, but I feel really alone with this issue.


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Hiya helenofjoy, Your not alone. I have similiar bits of pain. I have some loss of strenght and loss of alot of movement in my neck and arms. With the syndrom I have (Degenerative Bone Syndrom) My disk in my spine just go away and the bones fuse them selfs together. This effects the mucsle structure and limits the movement in my neck, thats where it has started. It has also caused athritis threw out my torso. I find life to be very painful and makes it hard for me to function at all without the MJ. So if you need to talk M8. Im here.


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Fuck yes thats what im talking about LEGALIZE IT so us med users can be pain FREE, WEll in your alls country, it is legal in California with doctors script, State aknoledges it but Feds dont because they are fucked in the haed and think its all about money :):med::yinyang:

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