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Temporal Lobe Epilepsy


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Does anyone use cannabis to help relieve the depression & symptoms relating to the condition of TLE? Suffering from it myself I would be interested to hear if anyone else finds MJ beneficial.



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A friend of mine is epileptic, dont know what kind it is though, and he's completely banned from cannabis because he's already on sedatives to stop it and they havent tested their effects when combined with cannabis.

If it helps then great, its another thing this plant is useful for


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Thanks Lizard, will go to site. I am on anti-convulcents and have smoked on occasion huge amounts just to see if matters would get worse, and they haven't. Will go and check out this site and see what the Important People have got for us.

Ta muchly,



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do a search on google for " temporal lobe epilepsy cannabis" , there is tons of research into the subject , as usual where the medicinal effect of cannabis are concerned there is some controversy , but many people seem to find the drug extremely beneficial as it can act as an anti convulsant .

The impression I got was that the results seemed to vary from individual to individual and also that it depended a lot on what strain was being smoked , it generally seemed that varieties with a high CBD count had more of a beneficial effect .

Glad I could help and good luck . :yinyang:

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hey lizzie,

i don't have TLE, but a little over a year ago, i ate bad oysters (cooked, mind!) and came down with paralytic shellfish poisoning. so i had nasty seizures every day for about 3+ months. i was in the US at the time, and the anti-convulescents they gave me at the hospital didn't even phase the seizures, but smoking MJ stopped them every time (given a little time to "kick-in", maybe about 15 min?). it also seemed to work prophalactically (sp?) but when it wore off, the seizures came back. hope that helps! ;)

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ta Dr Fuzzyhead

I don't have fits as such, wot happens is that I enter a kind of dreamy state for about 6 weeks or so during which all sense of time disappear. This usually contains considerable fear and an element of paranoia. Then a calm period follows with what can only be described as euphoria which lasts a couple of weeks. Then I spend the rest of the year getting my medication back to normal in time for the next wave to hit. Smoking MJ does not interfere with this cycle by making it worse although I probably smoke less during the worst of an episode.

The medics don't understand which is why I self-medicate along with prescribed drugs - anti-convulscents - which dampen the electrical activity in the brain. I believe that MJ further dampens this even helping to prevent a worsening of symptoms at times. Certainly it is not making matters worse. Hope that you are seizure free these days & thanks again.



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wow Liz,

my heart goes out to you. that does sound like temporal lobe disfx, tho', with all the changes in perception that you describe. have you tracked the time-line of your symptoms? i.e., is there some kind of ultradian (e.g., seasonal) rhythm to it? if so, that might help you dissect out other changes which you might be able to dampen thru' homeopic means.

i'm fit-free now, unless i experience some strong stressor. however i have noticed that if my weight drops too low i'm more prone to having minor fits.

best wishes to you, m8


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Guest FlyinHigh

I understand how you feel lizzie ive suffered with TLE for approx 8 years now, all i can say in my experience is, it all depends on how controlled your siezures are, if there out of control then cannabis may make you worse, but if your meds are keeping siezures under control quite well and it's mainly the depression and things like social anxiety your concerned about. Then it definatly helped me for those reasons. lollol

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