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pot cops


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my brother was a straberry fair (festival) once in a cambridge and he and his freinds were on the grass smoking some bud.

Then a young police man came over in full uniform, he said "man i just finished my shift and im dieng for a sliff any chance of a toke on yours" One of my brotehrs friends proceeded to hand the fully uniformed copper the jiont, the copper then had a few tokes, thanks my bro and his m8's and walked off.

At first they thought they had real stong weed and they dint see what they just saw but they did. crazy stuff

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I love strawberry fair!  Who is going this year?

four of us have been sucking on a giant bong as a pair of coppers walked past!  They barely even flinched walking through the giant exhale cloud!

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Ive been once or twice... always good for a laugh

does anyone know what date it is on this year ?

see ya

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hope theres a huge drum and base area type thing this year, last year that was nice.

man i love toking at strawberry fair, unforchanly i wont have any of me homegrown ready in time 4 strawberry fair :dj:

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  • 2 months later...

Walking home from the pub with a friend we passed a house with loud dance music blaring out. Being drunk & opportunist we knocked on the door and when it opened we took a chance and said "Andy invited us..." on the basis that there was bound to be someone called Andy inside. Sure enough we were shown into a room full of people smoking spliffs, dancing and drinking, so I helped myself to the punch and started dancing with some obviously stoned but happy women. After a while my mate came over to me with a scared look on his face. "Do you know where we are?" he hissed. "Sure - at a cool party!" I said, looking around me just to make sure. "No! Ask anyone what their job is." he said - looking around expectantly. I leaned over to one of the women I'd been dancing with and said to her "What's your day job?"  She looked puzzled, then said "I work for CID. Which branch do you work for? Drugs squad?" The huge wadge of ganja in her hand belied her claim to be in the police. Surely she was jesting! Then the doorway to the room was filled with a giant gorilla of a man, with muscles on his muscles and a shiny shaved head. "On your Bike!" He said to me. "Get out NOW!" So grabbing another drink we legged it laughing. We'd been in a police party, where everyone was either in the force or a partner of a pig, and I'd not seen so many people smoking dope in one place before. We considered calling the police to that address, complaining of a noisy drugs party, but we realised that once we'd done that our lives would never be safe again, so we just chalked it up to experience and left it at that!

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And a very wise choice of action, too, DoctorDangerous!

Wonder were the CID got there weed from....

Well, I do recall a lorry load pf Pakistani Hash that was busted in the North in about 1972, only to re-appear on the London market in 1973. The particular smuggling technique made it undeniably the same gear. The London price was a tad cheaper than the pre-bust price. If I recall aright {hey, its my birthday and I am wrecked as a wreckep up thing has any right to be wreecked} and what am I on about.....

Ah yes, the price from London was around the £200 per Lb.

Barstewards indeed!

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Hey - glad you found it as funny as I do these days!

Here's another. This didn't happen to me - but to a friend of mine, lets call him Charlie. Charlie was driving from A-B with a large amount of weed in his glovebox. Now Charlie has a pet rat called Cyril. Cyril was running around the car as usual, sitting on Charlies shoulder, nibbling his ear - that kind of thing. A policeman saw Charlie (He's known to them) and pulled him over, so Charlie picks up Cyril and throws him into the Glovebox. The policeman searches Charlie, looks around his car but finds nothing and is about to go when he says "The Glovebox!" and reaches over as Charlie shouts "NO!" The pig grins, and triumphantly opens the box. Cyril leaps out and runs up the policemans arm who screams and shakes him off - jumping back from the car as he does so. He's so embarrassed and scared by what happens that he lets Charlie go without looking any further. Cyril got a carrot!

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