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Giving Up Work


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Hi all

I need advise from anyone who has had to give up work because of their illness. I will be going to the CAB, but it would be of benefit to me if I had some prior knowledge of the problems I am likely to encounter.

Thanks in advance

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be careful about relying on benefits , I've been classed as sick and unable to work for about 2 yrs , been getting notes from me GP and everything . Then out of the blue I get this letter saying I need to be assesed , I had this bloke who came round calling himself a doctor with no previous knowledge of my case , and within the space of a 10 minute interview it was decided I wasn't ill enough to be entitled to benefits , now I have no income at all . To be honest I dunno what I'm gonna do , I'm appealing against the descision for all the good it'll do , but I don't hold out a lot of hope , the bastards .

Just when you think you're making progress something shit like this happens and knocks you all the way back to square one .

sorry for the rant .

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be careful about relying on benefits , I've been classed as sick and unable to work for about 2 yrs , been getting notes from me GP and everything . Then out of the blue I get this letter saying I need to be assesed , I had this bloke who came round calling himself a doctor with no previous knowledge of my case , and within the space of a 10 minute interview it was decided I wasn't ill enough to be entitled to benefits , now I have no income at all . To be honest I dunno what I'm gonna do , I'm appealing against the descision for all the good it'll do , but I don't hold out a lot of hope , the bastards .

I'm so sorry to hear that Lizard m8 :smoke: I know exactly what you mean, I haven't worked since 2000 due to illness amongst other things, but because I didn't have enough national insurance contributions then I couldn't claim incapacity benefit, but now all of a sudden they have decided that I'm eligible for some sort of extra income and have decided to give me the incapacity.

They can be right fookers if they want :yinyang:

Luckily for me tho I've not had a medical examination, when I first made me claim I was told that someone will be in touch to make an appointment for me to have one, I guess they saw the size of me medical records and thought "sod going through this" :blub:

I wish you the best of luck with the appeal, but be warned it could take some time, my step fathers case took a little over 2 years before it was sorted, he's deaf and obviously has a disability, was born that way. He went for some sort of benefit but they refused him even tho he couldn't speak an f-ing word, he finally won in court, got a shit load back dated and all legal fees paid :bush:

So the moral to the story Avebury man is to be sure that you've your GP's backing and to do as much research into it as pos :ouch:

Best of luck matey and sorry for the waffle

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Hi all, thanks for your input.

This has been a long term problem, 4 years and counting, and I've been through Neurology, Clinical Psychology, Pain Clinic, and about to go Rhuematlogy. I have had MRI's on my complete spine, neck and brain, nerve tests and was finally labled with all over chronic pain consistant with Fibromyalgia. I have had loads of time off work sick, and now have been signed off again for 3 months. I have been through the whole course of prescriptive drugs, and followed every bit of advise offered including accupunture, stress management, meditation and relaxation exercises to mention a few.

I've spoken to my Dr and I have his full support. My work will not be able to keep my position open for ever, and I will soon be on SSP anyway. Obviously, I will let work make the decision as to when I finish.

Greenman, thanks for the link, that is exactly what I need.

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Hey there,

Sorry to hear about that. I went through almost the exact same thing a few years ago. It was rough and setting up benefits was a mission. The more stuff you can write, the better they can see your illness. They want to know about how your illness has affected your life and those around you. It can be a very trying time to admit to your self your limitations.

A good fact to know is most people with fybromyalgia get worse when they stop work. Most fybromyalgic people need to keep active to keep well. Getting back is much harder. Have you considered part time work? Or work from home? Or going to back to training in something else? These for me are better options. As I did get much worse.

I went through an examination last year, but i could barely walk then and the amount i was able to tell how it affected everybodies life around me..... she just said "don't worry i can see you are very ill, i will take care of everything."

But they did change the rules last year for carers. i had a friend helping me around the house and they then said he didn't qualify any more because I wasn't recieving the middle level for caring of disabled living allowance. You have to be a danger to your self or those around you to qualify for that.

Im going back to university next year for something to do. I don't care about loans :) I just hope Im well enough by then :)

Im getting better but I usually over do things and get ill again and have to start over. Some day I will learn.... :) I just don't accept it most of the time. I've had it all my life. If it is fyrbromyalgia theres no way to be certain. That is just a very general term, as you probably know translated means "fibrous-muscle-pain". For me I have a huge range of herbs and traditional chinese accupuncture with herbs and diet control are the best i have found to keep well. :)

Well take care and good luck :) if you have any questions about anything feel free to ask :) peace and life :)

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hi avebury sorry to hear your news mate :yep:

sadly i have just been thru the whole benefit grinder, and there are a couple of tips i would like to share with you :stoned:

first thing to remember, its not personal !! the whole benefit system has been abused for that long it now seems to treat everyone in the first instances as 'trying it on'

second and really the most important, when your filling in your benefit forms you are telling them about your worst possible day !! that is very improtant, (beleive me i have fallen foul of this in the past and been refused benefit) you are not trying to 'fiddle' the system by doing this.

Now for the good news <_< when you are finished by your current employer on medical grounds and have been claiming inc benefit you should be able to start something called 'Permitted work' it basically means you can still claim your benefit and work upto 16hrs a week or earn a max of £67 a week (i think this £ has just gone up) if you pop along to your local job centre and ask for an appt with the DEA (disability employment advisor) they will help you get all the paperwork sorted and even help find a suitable job for you, you specify your limitations and they find work within them.

last thing NOLI ILLEGITIMI CARBORUNDUM - dont let the bastards grind you down :stoned:

if i can be of any other help or you just want a chat please pm ok !

keep safe bud


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keep yer chin up, hope ya can sort the red tape out bud

I could only add while most people have felt that financial concerns they will pale in comparison to what is ahead in your emotional, psychological, social worlds. The changes may well already have began sometime ago with the need to not do your work due to your illlness. Go through the Tape and if your claim is beyond doubt. Get] prepared (Documented) significant events (events can be Date recorded in diary; date visited doctor ; physiotherepist; psychologist & specialist) and put all information together you think you will need . An expander file from cheap grocery/retail outlet will help get you sarted and then the advice to go to is avainiable online and it was provided by the earlier link

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I've been working from home for some 18 months now, due to the recomendations made by an Occupational Health Officer after my work sent me for an evaluation.

My trouble is that I have absolutly no quality of life. It all started with a car crash where I was pretty lucky. I used to play a lot of sport, now I can hardly walk without causing severe pain. I have this intense burning in my feet and ankles, and it feels like I am walking on rocks. Also, just the pressure of socks on my feet starts it all off, so shoes are a real problem. Then there is almost every other muscle in the body, I can't even allow my two little kids to climb on me, even using a mouse now leaves my shoulder racked in pain. What I have found myself doing is making sure everyone else is looked after, work family etc, and ignoring my own health, and it has just been getting worse and worse to the point that the only thing I can concentrate on now is the pain, day and night and it seems that the minimal amount of stress sends me spiraling down hill. I'm exhausted, I have to sleep in shifts, and I have to do a massive amount of relaxation exercises just to have a bit of restbite.

Native beats; I went back to uni after the car crash at 33 and did a degree.

When I have been to the pain clinic, they keep saying to me whetever you think you can do, half it. This has been very hard to do. It took me a good three years to realise that there was no miricle cure, and accept my situation, and that is what I feel I have to do for myslef now. I have to accept that my life has changed and I have to reorganise myself for my own mental and physical well being.

Thanks for your support paradox and Hemlock.

Hemlock, I'll be in touch.

Nitramkram; good advise, I'll do that.

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When you getup in the morning say to yourself (to ward of those negative & intrusive thoughts say out loud /to yourself

Every Day in Every Way,

I'm getting Better & Better. . . . . .

Every Day in Every Way,

It is getting Better & Better. . . . . .


Laughing can be hard but is is the 'Best Medicine'


Nitramkram (Mark)

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Nitramkram, I'm not depressed about it, and I am not unhappy about it, its just a fact of life that I have been trying to delay for far too long. Now I can concentrate on myself and my own well being. Use my mind for my own benefit for once. I have the full support of my GP and my family, and the fact that I have now made the decision, has brought a certain calmness to my mind.

I'm not worried, I still have my sense of humour, and importantly for me, my conscience is clear.

I've been studying Buddhism for the last year so the break will give me time to delve a bit deeper.

Thanks for your support.


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Top work avebury :) Thats what it takes :) We've almost mirrored each others trials exactly :)

I've been studying budhism for about 8 years but i've only just started practising it. Im practising nichiren daishonin now, a 12th century japanese lotus sutre doctrine. Quite a bit of chanting :) Good for the soothing the soul :)

My avatar is called the dream flag. A very long time ago a budha dreamt about and said where ever it is flown, peace and prosperity will flourish :) Tibetan budhism i think.

Good luck and congratulations :) i hope your quality of life improves and you are able to play with your children again :) feel free to contact me if you want to talk to someone whos been through the same thing :) peace and life :)

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This has been very hard to do. It took me a good three years to realise that there was no miricle cure, and accept my situation, and that is what I feel I have to do for myslef now. I have to accept that my life has changed and I have to reorganise myself for my own mental and physical well being.

that's a bugger to get used to avebury,you sound like your well on the way mate.... :!:

do you have trouble sleeping ???? because cookies are good for "rest full" sleep...

if it wasn't for the cookies i'd be fooked,i'm not as bad as you,but without cookies,

any slight movement whilst asleep hurts and wakes me up,then i get up acheing/hurting and stinging and the day just gets worse..... :blub:

but have a cookie or 2,and i wake up feeling refreshed,and as long as i take things easy,ie dont put any pressure on my back, i can stand the discomfort,and slowly but surely my recovery time is getting quicker...

i too am thinking of going back to school...... i couldn't have done that a couple of years ago...... :)

good luck bud...... :smoke:


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