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I-olite Vapes?


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Done a shed load of reading about these things the last few days for a close friend.

I love em, but I hate how bloody gullible the cannabis community is, especially when they have not got anything to compare it to in their house already.

If you pay anything like £150 for one then your not looking hard enough, no where near hard enough, or maybe limiting yourself to looking at the wrong market. Cannabis users will pay a fortune for a great vape, there is no doubt about it. The iolite competes with some pretty high priced products in the vaporiser market place. Folks are willing to pay this partly because of the value per gram of what they are putting into it. If there is any truth to the legend that vaps make your bud go further then a good one will actually pay for itself, no matter what the cost. Sellers know this, and sell at a price of what it is worth to the cannabis user, and that's quite a lot.

However, they are also sold as alternatives to smoking tobacco, in that market they have to compete with "E-Cigarettes". These are like small electronic cigs, and that market place is far more competitive on price. The iolite is thought of in a similar way by the e-cig community to how we think of the volcano. The iolite is the one they all desire because of its ability to vape solids and liquids yet t still smokes a bit like a cig. They even do a few mods, like adding screens and shoving a bit of cotton wool in the bowl to slow down the evaporation rate when using liquids. Hell they even shove molasses in it and smoke that, we call that plant food :ninja: , they also claim they work out cheaper than e-cigs eventually as the iolite only really requires gas as its on going cost, and they do not have to keep buying spare parts to keep it in good order.

But they still have to price it right or it just will not sell. So you can, if you try, get them from respected online e-cig type sellers for £120. The price in this market is really based on the fact it has to compete with extremely cheap e-cigs that can do the job almost as good for their needs.

Therefore, the mark up on these things must be huge, though from things I have read a lot of it seems to be based on how many the seller orders. Most of the manufacturing cost must be in tooling up for production. So design and research cost, that must be paid for by now. The company makes gas powered soldering irons normally.

A GasCat 120 soldering iron (dunno who it is made by but it is a 120w butane powered soldering iron that use a catalytic converter just like the iolite, which is 120w butane powered vaporiser that uses a catalytic converter), retails for under £40. Actually, the £40 soldering iron is more high tech, it has a variable thermostat rather than a fixed one. You have to just work out roughly what the cost of having this casing instead of that one. I wouldn't think it would be a lot, keeping in mind that the soldering iron is going to use the same sort of plastic for its housing to stop it burning your hand in use, and your basically left with an aluminium pot, a piece of tube they themselves sell for about £2.50 , and a bit of gauze.

I am not slagging it off, nor am I saying it is just a £40 gas powered soldering iron, I am just trying to give some folks an idea of the profit margin on the iolite. And I am not surprised they designed and built it, because they probably had requests of info from people planning on building vapes using their irons. A few years ago there were a lot of people turning soldering irons into vapes, the advantage of a gas one of course is it is portable. So they must have had a few requests for info I am sure, or maybe they like smoking :wink:

There is no way they could have forecast how popular it was going to be when they launched it 14 or so months ago. And the price hasn't moved much at all, in fact, i have seen a site where they were selling them for £130 last year and now the same site sells em for £145 this year.

The prices of them are literally all over the place.

Iolite will sell you one themselves on the web for £160 ish, the online cannabis community seem happy to pay around £150. Some real brick and mortar head shops sell em for £130 in their online shops, and if you do not mind going through an online auction site, well, you can get em for £95 and that is from a seller that actually is a brick and mortar head shop in Torquay with free delivery and his only bad feedback seems to come from non-english speakers on the European continent. And the online E-cig community are paying £120 all day long it seems. You can basically name your price it seems.

The after service seems really great, and on some forums I have read of one person who lost his proof of purchase and was told by the company not to worry as the things had not been on the market for 2 years, so it was covered anyway. You may wish to check with them personally if that is important to you though.

My freind? He went the ebay £95 route, he only ordered it the other day and I will let you know how it turns out for him if you like.

EDIT, one thing I would add. I love the fact that the company seem to be making little tweaks to improve it, like the rounder bowl and the metal threads that are now used. It shows that they are not just "happy" with what they have produced, and are intent on perfecting it. Looking after their customers and making spare parts available cheaply is another great attribute.

They certainly wipe the floor with the other "portable" units, wipe the floor with almost all the "wand" units, and even wipe the floor with a few of the "bag" units.

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AS the owner of both a volcano and an iolite I can 100% say that the volcano kicks its arse in all departments.


The iolite is an effective portable vape and is so good for out and about stealthy toking!

Still vaping is not for everyone and it does take a while to get used to it.


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Last week I bought a Magic-Flight 'Launch Box', which is a portable battery-powered vape.

I like it because it heats up in about 5 seconds, but it is quite crude really and requires organisation with batteries. I reckon 4 AAs would last me on a day out.

They are about half the price of i-inhale.

e2a. I can only compare with a Vapir one, and it is better than that crappy old thing.

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Careful with fleabay. £100 sounds dodgy. Copies will use inferior plastics.

My friend received his £95 one no problem, went round there today. Also the tube has a steel thread so it is one of the latest models it seems. Had a go on it, jeez I like it a lot :ouch:

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Nice Price! I had to get a replacement chamber coz my mouthpiece fused with it. I also got the steel threaded bit. Really good to see and hear that they continue to tweek the product based on feedback.

I think they are also looking at designing a lockable chamber. Had my i-Inhale for a year now and it's still going strong. The white plastic has yellowed a little.

Don't leave home without it!

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Last week I bought a Magic-Flight 'Launch Box', which is a portable battery-powered vape.

I like it because it heats up in about 5 seconds, but it is quite crude really and requires organisation with batteries. I reckon 4 AAs would last me on a day out.

They are about half the price of i-inhale.

e2a. I can only compare with a Vapir one, and it is better than that crappy old thing.

I'm tempted by these. Smaller and more discrete than the iolite, and half the price. But yes, cruder, and the whole battery thing would be a pain at a festival or on holiday.

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Still vaping is not for everyone and it does take a while to get used to it.

No kidding... I tried a vape at a friend's house (admittedly not a volcano, but a nice, non cheap one) and it was like sucking on air.

Rubbish! imho. Give me a pure spliff with a raw paper wrapped round it or my roor bong any fucking day :yinyang:

Volcanos would have to be much, much better for me to consider buying one.

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Last week I bought a Magic-Flight 'Launch Box', which is a portable battery-powered vape.

I like it because it heats up in about 5 seconds, but it is quite crude really and requires organisation with batteries. I reckon 4 AAs would last me on a day out.

They are about half the price of i-inhale.

e2a. I can only compare with a Vapir one, and it is better than that crappy old thing.

I'm tempted by these. Smaller and more discrete than the iolite, and half the price. But yes, cruder, and the whole battery thing would be a pain at a festival or on holiday.

But if you want to use the iolite all day you'll need to carry a can of butane about your person which is also a pain. At least AA batteries are more compact.

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waste of time pathetically built and over priced......

Hey jonnyboy,

I have to ask you to go into a little bit more detail please mate, was there a specific reason you didn't like it

My biggest fear is that the hit will not be satisfying enough, os this the reason that you were not happy with it?




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Thinking of getting one of these for my christmas. Need to cut out the baccy. Earlier this year was going strong then went back to the darkside.

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