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Cop car smash


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This is a story that happened to a couple of my mates a few years back, almost unbelievable but true. It all startted as the two spanners in question decided to go to some rave in or around essex, traveling from herts. Off they set with a gentle smoke to make the journey pass quickly, however the potency of their smoke must have hindered their ability to map read. They got very lost and after 3 hrs and several counties latter they arrived late and stonned to the bone. In order to pick them selves up for a night of mad dancing they obtainned some pills and coke. Not my thing but hey each to their own. The night went well aparently with everyone lovin everyone else, at around 6am they departed for the return journey home with a joint or two along the way. Now remember these boys are comming down from half of boots the chemists so they need a smoke. But as most people know smoking and driving aint the best combo. The idiot driving decided to nod off has he exited the M25 but luckly had also removed has foot from the gas so as they cruised to a gentle stop Lee the passenger thought nothing of it as he hadnt noticed Raz's state of slumber. The cop car in front stopped at the traffic lights was now rapidly becomming closer, at this point Lee shoutted Raz woke up the brakes were applied. But oh yes you guessed it too late, smack into the back of a motorway patrol Volvo. As the officers attempted to free themselves from a whole mess of airbags and glass, the boys startted to panick coke wrapers were eatten and weed thrown under the seat. The officers approached the car and the boys asked to step out, luckliy for them as the dash was covered in rizzla and backy. The story given was that as Raz applied the brakes he skidded out and couldnt stop, and guess what after looking up the slip road a large patch of oil was found and no skid marks. Confirming the lads story, the officers then kindly offered to tow the lads home and apon fixing the tow pole pulled their already flaying bumper off. The lads being cocky buggers by now accepted their offer but decided to get dropped off at a garage just down the road and walk home as they knew the house would be full of stonned students. Two or three weeks latter a bill was sent for the damage to the cop car, in the thousands, after a couple of phone calls this was then cancelled as the officers involved statted that it was the road conditions and not the driver at fault oil and rain and all. A week later a letter of appologie was sent to cover any distress the previous bill letter may have caused. The weed godess smiled on these boys and the story keep me laughing for months. This story is absolutly true i lived with these lads and some other boys and girls for four years and i was there when they came home and when the letters came thru. :)  :)  :P

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