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stevie steez

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im needin serious help. i been smokin weed for so long now ive forgotten how to roll, how to make a mix, and whether not you can smoke weed without usin tabaco.

and ive forgotten all the different types of weed  ???

well they is all true apart from the smokin weed for long part.  yes im a amateur, although ive smoked weed alot of times, i aint smoked since last year, and when i did my older brother rolled the joints, made the gauses, bucket set, and made the mix, so any info or full lengh guides on doing all this would be appreciated.

also  weed quality i dont understand, so info on how to tell if the weed is shit (before i buy it) cuz ive never scored personally before, although i been with my brother when hes scored.


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oh yea im smoking 20 ciggies aday aswell, one of the main reasons i want to smoke weed, so i can kick the nicotine habit, so guides on smokin weed without usin tabacco would also be appreciated, when i say 'weed' i dont mean the actual plant, i mean block and all that crap.


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Hey Dude...

Personal experience this but I always find the best way to spot good weed is the smell.....

Good weed always smells good!!! Ummmmm....

The look is quite important too...The more dark green it is the more harsh it will be as a rule. Having said that I had my first purple haze the other week and until I felt the hit I would have sworn it was not pot!!!!!!!!!

As for resin/block the best way is space cake/cooking with it. I personally don't like the resin though.

As for pure weed joints just whack the bugger in there....

I sometimes like to use a bit of tobacco just before the roach to avoid any accitental inhilation of burning embers! Tobacco paper/blunts are good for pure weed joints.

As for the rolling it is just somthing you will pick up with practice but if I was you I would invest in a nice bong to enjoy your produce with.....

Hope that helps a bit.... :rock:

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I think Cedarwood was pretty much bang on the money with that advice.

All I can really add is...

If you're on a low budget, a pipe or homemade bong is a good alternative to a bought one.

Personally, I find making new weed stuff half the fun of it. Most of last autum and winter was spent at a house that three pot-head friends were renting, smoking many, many joints and contstructing some really strange bongs. Just get some containers, bowls, gauzes, some kind of piping or tubing and let your imagination run wild. (good tip on bong making - sockets from a socket set make incredibly good bowls, especially the ones that narrow about halfway down)

And there's always lungs/bottle-bags and buckets.

I find pipes are somewhat harsher than bongs, but it's a trade-off in terms of portability.

As for cooking, it goes well in cakes and brownies. And also incredibly well in yoghurt.

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Dude - get on a train to Stoke at the weekend - I'll meet ya at the station and we can go on a crazy stoner mission!  Just bring about £30 for stuff and munch and things!  PM me if ya interested.

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Good advice....

I work for a pneumatics company and so have access to all kinds of wonderful gear...

Making your own bongs is such fun...

I have a nice little number now...I call it twisted sister because it has pipes twisting everywhere!!

Only 3 chambers but I have a 4 way attachment on the end so 4 of you can toke it up at once...

Combined with my extra large bowl bought in Amsterdam it certainly does the business...

By the way....a company called Pneumax in the south (Gosport I think), sell the Nylon tube I use..All sorts of sizes too, but I'm sure you can find it else where...

Any help I can be?? Let me know...


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