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Catholic And Church Of England Hymns

Comrade Stoker

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If your interested MiL:

The protestant churches were generally anti- anything but the Psalms when it comes to singing etc. Hymns and other non-Biblical material was regarded as 'fleshly", and "not of God". The same attitude remains in hot Protestant churches.

In the eighteenth century and maybe a few years earlier there was a renewed emphasis on individuals experiencing God for themselves, as in the preaching of Wesley, Whitefield, Newton and others. There was, in that century, a massive religious revival with huge numbers starting to attend Church with a lively and enthusiastic "faith". However, this new movement was not exactly Calvinistic, with its emphasis on free-will and "choice". Being individulaistic in temperament, the new faith not surprisingly gave rise to things like spontaneous singing etc. It has remained a part of Church life ever since, as true Calvinism is more or less dead, and contemporray Christianity being more Arminian in tone.

The rise of Pentacostalism through the last century gave rise to a renewed love of hymns and other songs of faith. Spreading into other denominations as the "Charismatic Movement" is has led to almost any and every Church singing at a much more regular level than used to be the norm. The hymn sandwich of twenty or more yaers ago has been replaced by long sessions of organised singing with multiple choirs, music groups, and the use of visual additions, videos etc etc.

Which is why I no longer attend any Church. Plus I'm way to radical in the theological department to want to be in any Church building.

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here's the words of one that were good at school/chapel

dance, dance wherever you may be, i am the lord of the dance said he

and ill lead you all, wherever you may be

and ill lead you all in the dance said he

dont know the name of it but it was a very catchy tune, its in my head now and thats saying something cause i havent heard it since then really. haha fun/young/naive times when we all thought we'd get to heaven and god was pure magic eh?

oh nearly forgot what i was going to say (pure bud j,s lol) mil you mustve had crap priests ours had a guitar and got us right into the singing, reckon he was more of a musician than a priest though cos he left years later for a woman.

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I never even knew there was a difference!... lol I suppose this is the blessing of having had parents who told me to find my own way, when I asked why I never went to Sunday School....

Makes interesting readin though...


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Cheers folks, learning loads here

My brother used to have to sing this hymn, I dont know the exact words and cant find the hymn on Google, its something out of the bible they used to put music to, what a cruel song for a 10 year old to have to sing

Ask and you will receive seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for the love of the Lord has no end.

Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a bread, will give him a poisonous snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion instead?

FFS - Scorpions, Snakes? lol

Edited by MartininLondon
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You know , thinking about it....do people still sing hymns?... Silly question I know, but in all the times I've been in a church, when it came to singin the hymns all that occurred was a slight blurry waffle of mumbled voices :headpain: Almost an embarrassed fumble on the words... with peeps hoping it will end soon! But then how can you sing happy to the sound of some of the organs they have in churches..instantly depressive (which reminds me of religion immediately.) :yep:

I have only seen happy loud church singing and dancing on the TV and I believe that was American churches?


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Powerband - go visit a Pentecostal asembly, they'll have you rockin' an' swayin'!!

FFS - Scorpions, Snakes? :headpain:

Matthew 7:7ff MiL

The song was written by one of the founder members of the (in evangelical circles) once famous "Fisherfolk", an American music group of "Charismatic" Christian ex-hippies who were a great influence in getting the whole "Charismatic Movement" off the ground here in the UK. Them, and a chap called Michael Harper, plus others.

:yep: Haven't heard or heard of that song in decades. Brings back some mad memories. It dates back to the mid seventies I think, or a bit earlier across the pond.

Edited by Arnold Layne
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Modern CoE hymnology has been dumbed down to almost trivia by the Charismatic happy-clappy silliness. Instead of Amazing Grace and the like, they now jump up and down clapping their hands to "Jesus loves me..." and other infantile drivel. That's when they're not "singing in tongues". Ghastly rubbish, give me the old Book of Common Prayer and some decent hymns by Wesley, Newton etc anyday.

Amen to that Arnold!

I watched a prog about the Alpha course recently..... was totally amazed that on the weekend "away" each participant was "expected" to "talk in tongues"...... absolute lunacy, but its happening, which frightens me...... as does friends who are "born-again" and who appear to want to "convert" me and my family.

Its all getting silly: banning Yoga from Church Halls all over is another daftness....

I became a Quaker about twenty years ago: no probs with hymns, as Quakers dont have any - its sitting in silence and waiting for God to move you, sort of thing.....

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Catholic Hymns were ever bit as evocative and powerful as the old C of E stalwarts. Faith of Our Fathers, I'll Sing a Hymm to Mary, Oh Salutare (sung in latin), etc usually accompanied by thick clouds of incense. For some reason, which I've never undersood, about forty years age they changed to the anodyne rubbish, and that's all children and adults now know.

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Its all getting silly: banning Yoga from Church Halls all over is another daftness....

I became a Quaker about twenty years ago: no probs with hymns, as Quakers dont have any - its sitting in silence and waiting for God to move you, sort of thing.....

You are not wrong DrJ, silly is the word!

Alas we have no Quaker Meeting Hall round here, otherwise I'd be attending I think. Quakers tend to be good folks, and being a pacifst I should fit right in.

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