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Why Am I Not Well?


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Your doing good

only thing is with so much juice you will have the squits .....if so

tone it down till ya shit is normal then keep to that level, if constipation starts increase the juice

what an inprovement .....and grit determination uke

keep going onwards and upwards

bright blessings


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Pleased to hear you're feeling a bit better today.... ;)

(sheesh - takes longer to find the right smilie than it does to type the stuff!!!)... lol

All sounds like jolly good stuff you've got... healthy

Integrated approach to your own health - body and mind and spirit... good stuff.

If you fancy giving yoga a try - go for it, try a book or a video to start with, unless you feel you'd derive greater help/motivation/different social life activation from a class?

Well done for another day..... :thumsup: (need a gold star smilie)



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On the yoga front i took a few pilates classes before christmas, its similar to yoga working on your internal muscles in a controlled and slow way.

i found it too intense and ached like hell for a few days after, i have stuck to the gym 2 times a week and swimming once since but its a great feeling when you have exercised and really lifts your spirits. i may start pilates again next month.

there was an interesting post here the other day comparing running to the high of smoking the herb.


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Hi UkExpat:

sorry to hear of your troubles.....glad you are a bit better today tho :smoke:

I reckon making the decision to quit was probably the hardest one to make, so your more than half way there I reckon.

there was an interesting post here the other day comparing running to the high of smoking the herb.

I can definately agree with this point. There is lots of evidence which has proven that exercise releases endorphins into your brain which produce similar sensations to those you get from smoking weed, and should make you feel a little better at least!....(you've heard about people getting addicted to jogging etc, well that is why.....gives you a nice natural high).

My own GP is very forward thinking and gave me this very advice (rather than writing me a prescription ) when I was suffering from a reactive depression a coupla of years ago! It really did help me!! Only I never fancied jogging so I used to put on some loud dance music and dance round my living room for 20 mins......it's really uplifting.

Any way good luck with it and stay strong ...you know you will benefit from it in the long term.

kindest regards


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Hey Dude, stick it out!! It sounds like withdrawl symptoms. Drink loads of fresh water and look forward to a better life. I'm just off the alcohol after 10 yrs and I feel great. Another thing, try and moderate your toking.

Anyway less preaching from a F***cked old twat!!

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Who you calln' a F***cked old twat Rudders?! lol just kidding. :spliff:

Uke, this is a good book, the author says something like 'practically everyone who meditates started out smoking ganja' :ninja: I think he is an ex-Kiwi.

'Teach Yourself to Meditate: Over 20 Exercises for Peace, Health and Clarity of Mind'

Eric Harrison

AmazonUK link

I forgot I read you got busted, sorry for that.

EMDR is not for everyone but is worth considering:

EMDR link

this is the skeptics report:

skeptics of EMDR link

I have this cd called 'Healing the Heart' by The Gyuto Monks - works for me.

ABC shop

Glad to read you're feeling a bit better.

What a great bunch of ppl eh?! I miss the soggy isles. (I'd put a "blub" there but i've runout of emoticon credits.

cheers, BN

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hello everyone :)

its still going well, my resolve has not weakened one bit, and with the support ive got from you guys in this thread, it bloody well wont now, id feel like i was letting everyone down, including me...

thanks mj and rudders for the helpful words and support...

and thanks L0tus for the tips re pilates, i dont know much about it tbh, but im going to join a gym/health club of some sort when i get back to england so i'll check it out if its available.. cheers mate :)

a yoga video is a good idea - cheers puck - i wonder if kylie does one :spliff:

hi EO... i used to do a bit of running amongst other sports when i was younger, but ive had an operation for shin splints on both legs some 7 or so years ago and i still cant do any kind of high impact sport, and running, especially on concrete is totally out of the question, but i do want to do some form of excercise...

Thanks BridesNightie (cool username :)) for the information on EMDR... when i fell seriously ill a few years ago with depression/anxiety i had CBT, but i was so bad at the time (agoraphobic and severe panic attacks), the CBT was too intense, too much pressure and i couldnt handle it. it was too pushy, trying to force me into situations which were just to painful, so i gave it up... i got a bit better some months later, enough to allow me to look for work and ended up here in switzerland. then i relapsed and ive been seeing a shrink for all of last year doing PsychoTherapy, and that has been much better for me...

i''ll check out that EMDR site more closely when ive woken up more.. sounds interesting, thanks for the information...

thanks guys and girls :woot:


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Just caught this thread; nothing to add in terms of advice - but all the best M8, I know you can get through it....

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  • 1 month later...

Dear Mentally Unstable (if that's your real name.........!), really hope that this finds you well. Have only just read your thread and hope from my heart that life is getting better for. I have suffered from mental illness for 12 years and it has altered the pathway of my life considerably. I do not drink these days but I do use MJ to relieve severe depression and alleviate the nasty side-effects of medication which I cannot live without. During times when MJ has run short and it has been unavailable I have experienced flu-like symptoms which are not pleasant for quite a while. The body does adjust but a symptom seem to be the sweats and generally feeling ill. Drinking plenty of fluid, even just water, as has been suggested did help and certainly replaced the fluid which my body seemed to be losing. Your last suggestion of thinking about yoga & meditation I thoroughly recommend as they address both the body and the mind simultaneously. Through the years of my recovery (which is still ongoing........) I have found that both of these have helped me through difficult times by making my head clearer and promoting a feeling of wellness.

Be gentle on yourself and keep in touch with how it's going for you. There are plenty of people on these boards who will help if the need arises.

Keep cool!


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