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funny i read this and first thoughts were im sure this person dissed me in some trivial way ages ago but undeterred i read everyones' posts, i may be back with comment if i read the gaming thread. on second thoughts don't know a thing about gaming, so no comment

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The ego is the mediator between the id and the super-ego, trying to ensure that the needs of both the id and the super-ego are satisfied. It is said to operate on a reality principle, meaning it deals with the id and the super-ego; allowing them to express their desires, drives and morals in realistic and socially appropriate ways. It is said that the ego stands for reason and caution, developing with age. Sigmund Freud had used an analogy which likened the ego to a rider and a horse; the ego being the rider while the id being the horse. The horse provides the energy and the means of obtaining the energy and information needed, while the rider ultimately controls the direction it wants to go. However, due to unfavorable conditions, sometimes the horse makes its own decisions over the rocky terrain.

When the ego is personified, it is like a slave to three harsh masters: the id, the super-ego and the external world. It has to do its best to suit all three, thus is constantly feeling hemmed by the danger of causing discontent on two other sides. It is said, however, that the ego seems to be more loyal to the id, preferring to gloss over the finer details of reality to minimise conflicts while pretending to have a regard for reality. But the super-ego is constantly watching every one of the ego's moves and punishes it with feelings of guilt, anxiety, and inferiority. To overcome this the ego employs defense mechanisms.The defense mechanisms are not done so directly or consciously. They lessen the tension by covering up our impulses that are threatening.

Its your ID and Super Ego you want to be careful off... :smug:

I once had a friend who told me he didnt have an ego... :unsure:

Edited by Archangel
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Cheer up Randal, we all do stupid things, it's just part of the "learning to laugh at yourself as you realise you're only human after all" thing. We all are and as such we each have the capacity for love and forgiveness too. :nea:

e2a: now wind yer neck in. :afro::rofl:

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Guest grandad

my dad came back from war a zombie, mum was maybe smart when she was born but she lost it, i brought myself up, taught myself everything i know, i have no acievements, i'm a total cock up, but i'm the most peaceful and loving a person you are ever likely to meet, but alas i am only human.

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my dad came back from war a zombie, mum was maybe smart when she was born but she lost it, i brought myself up, taught myself everything i know, i have no acievements, i'm a total cock up, but i'm the most peaceful and loving a person you are ever likely to meet, but alas i am only human.

Perhaps that is the greatest achievement of all Grandad? :)

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On the one hand we are all seperate so the ego has to exist... As long as we balance it with loving the outside as well then its all good!

Edited by pinhead1337
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Dude....Seriously....Don't worry about it! There are far worse people on here by a long long way! I've been on a bit for the last couple of months but not far a while before that so I don't read all your posts. Plus I dont do gaming online etc so don't know about any of that stuff. But you've always seamed a sound bloke to me! :D

Kind regards, Maxi ;-)

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I agree with Maxi,thinking competetively like you have lately because of that bloody game will fuck you up,i noticed this behaviour started when Evony came to 420, I know you mentioned some family stuff too i think but lay off the game and come back Rand. :D

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Does that make this site ego driven then? And is that a bad thing?

no rand, it makes this thread ego driven, as it exists to serve your ego, by skirting around and/or trying to justify the real issue. its not a bad thing, its a start.

online, youre a textbook DSM IV case of histrionic/narcissistic personality disorder. as evidenced most recently in the gaming thread.

im sure in real life, youre lovely.

i suggest therapy.

ooo, ooh! Do me next!

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Guest bobmerlay

that book, a new earth, is a very good book to read to help you understand the ego in you, and the power of now by the same author is also a must read book its really enlightening i got more spiritual awakening from reading the power of now in 4 days than 4 months alone in india (indluding a teaching with the dalai lama at his temple in mcleod ganj)

heres a video of eckhart the author of those books from youtube

some days i dream of leaving everything here and building myselfe a house near the sea where i could grow my own food and have a big outdoor grow every year and live the life of a spiritualized hermit lol

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Withnailed as I just realised alcohol stimulates the troll in me. lol

Trollishisms aside, I think we're forgetting the key issue here. As we all know, a lot of things have been said, but not as much has been done, so it's up to you to change that. I've done all I can, what more do you want, blood? I've none left, sorry. As it stands, there's one seat left. Not much grass though, more apologies, but bring your own next time and make sure there's enough to go round. Round and round the garden walked the teddy bear, till they shot it for trespassing. Private property - what is it? Why is the law more in favour of it than human life? What does it matter, when you can't take it with you? Fleeting fancies and nothing more. Do you want an army of slaves driven to build a giant shrine to your cruelty, or have at least one person mourn your loss to the world? People don't own the land, the land owns them. They don't own things, the things own them. Forsake the materialist world for one of immaterialism, it doesn't matter. Forgo the human race, the one to see who's best, it matters not what you can do, just what you do do. This dodo has been brought to you today by the letters d, o and j and the number 6. lol

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Guest BioBuzz

I thought the dodo was extent? :wink:

Only messing, I can see what your saying, as I read on someone's signature "a person is no longer judged on their character but on their wealth and possessions"

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Just wanted to apologise to everyone, particularly Randal as it's his thread, my mind was in turmoil the other night when I posted, something deeply personal had me very upset, but if I annoyed anyone, I'm really sorry. :yep:

edited to add: on a brighter note - I've stopped drinking. :v:

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