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New Year Uk420


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Am real Stoned here so here goes.

What are you up to tonight? for Hogmanay

Am going to a party for hippies and ravers hehehehehehe ;)

I will be takeing to the decks as i do once a year for 3 hours.

Smoke the finest Cannabis around ` Skunk #1` C99` Double Dutch Haze`....

I will takeing my Lap top with me as well as control my Decks and music it will

ticking over for Cannabis News :smoke:

Have a good one and be safe and happy new year to you all. :unsure:



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Bad weather mars New Year parties


Revellers are invited to events in cities across the UK

Wednesday, 31 December, 2003

Bad weather including gales, heavy rain and snow is threatening to ruin New Year parties around the UK.

In Liverpool, a major fireworks display and other events were postponed because of weather forecasts.

And in Edinburgh, the 100,000 revellers at the city's famous Hogmanay celebrations were warned of a washout.

But elsewhere in the UK, final preparations continued for one of the biggest nights out of the year, with large crowds expected in London.

Tens of thousands are expected in the capital for the traditional celebrations in Trafalgar Square, and fireworks at the London Eye to welcome in 2004.

Major events are also planned in other towns and cities including Cardiff, Leeds and Birmingham.

But revellers are warned they can expect driving winds accompanied by snow in Scotland and the north of England and rain elsewhere.

Plans postponed

BBC weather forecaster Byron Chalcroft said the "very unpleasant conditions" would make it a good night to stay in with a drink.

In Liverpool, a £24,000 firework display was postponed and a plan to light up various landmarks shelved because of the forecast gales and heavy rain.

A spokesman for Liverpool City Council said: "Public safety is a prime objective and must be taken seriously. We could not risk a stray firework hitting a member of the public or damaging property."

In central London 3,000 officers will be on duty to counter fears of a terror attack, although Scotland Yard said there was no specific threat.

Up to 60,000 people are expected at the London Eye for the Mayor of London's firework display, which is due to start at midnight.

In Trafalgar Square large crowds are predicted, but the fountains will be turned off and no alcohol allowed into the area.

Police have also said they would prefer it if people stayed away from the centre of the capital.

Assistant Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe said: "Traditionally many people gather in central London to see in the New Year, despite there being no attractions and no shelter from the harsh weather conditions.

"I would advise anyone who is planning to come into central London on 31 December to think carefully beforehand."

Mass singing

In Edinburgh, 31 December provides the climax to its four day Hogmanay celebrations.

The New Year will be welcomed in with music, dancing and a mass singing of Auld Lang Syne.

The Scottish capital also has a midnight firework display planned, with entertainment elsewhere in the city from musicians including Erasure and a ceilidh on the Waverley Bridge.

A further 100,000 people are expected to join the festivities in central Glasgow, where the Proclaimers headline the entertainment.

A predicted 30,000 Welsh revellers will be in Cardiff for the annual Calennig celebrations, which will include a fireworks display in Bute Park and an Elvis tribute act from California.

In Leeds, Millennium Square will be the focus of events, with a firework display and New York-style ticker tape parade planned for midnight.

At Birmingham's Millennium Point a free event includes Abba tribute band Bjorn Again and Irish boy band D-Side.


Edited by bongme
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goerge square in glasgow is madness like a slaughter ground bottles flying everywhere :unsure: never goin there agian edinbrugh is wicked tho had a most engoyable night there with the lads :smoke:

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Off to a house party in an empty house in Bristol tonight. Should be interesting, to say the least :unsure:

Will be good to catch up with some old mates as well.

Have a good one everyone.

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decided against georges sq, not cos the bottles but the weather :smoke:

gonna sit in with the wife till my m8s pile home from wherever they end up, then maybe i`ll participate in some festivitys at a party or 3.

not holding my breath for anythin outstanding happenin tho, just glad i got another year under my belt :unsure:

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snowed hard in leeds. bout 2-3". had to push sum1s car up a hill at about 2am pissed outa my face. shortly after i fell down a big hill in some woods!

i love snow!!!!!

happy new year.

rocky (very very hungover)

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i went to a rock club by me and got wankered on Southern Comfort and AK47 :smoke: got in at 4am after walkin into the door twice, haha.

Rocky - my parents have gone up to Leeds today to visit relatives, it better not be snowin for em, cos i aint got any here! peace (i feel sooo shit now...)

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oww my head hurts soo bad :yinyang:

not sure what happened but it musta been good ;)

missus reckons i got in just b4 9, so ive had a good kip, just need my curer now

reckon i`ll be pissed again by the time my lights kick in @6:15

half an hour to get my 1st joint rolled today :wassnnme: man i`m glad its only once a year


to all fellow tokerz :)

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