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I Have M.e./c.f.s., Anyone Else ?


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Hi folks,

There is lots of information about ganja & M.S., a condition similar to M.E., but there is nothing at all I can find about my own condition & ganja B) .

Can anybody help ?

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Hello there :) Sorry to hear that you have m.e. I have fybromyalgia or fms and is very similiar to m.e. At one point most doctors thought they were the same condition but the main symptoms were different in proportionate amounts. Most doctors now think they are quite different illnesses. But some people believe that m.e. , fms and ms are caused by the same factors. There are many overlapping symptoms, and ten -15 years ago a lot of people that had fms were labeled as having ms and vice versa.

As for bud helping, it mainly depends on your individual case. I mainly use it as a pain killer, appetite stimulant and anti-spasmodic. It also has very strong anti-nausia properties. And it also provides something to do, especially growing it. If you have need of any of these i would recomend it, however it is not for everyone. There are of course many other area's that it could help, but other people might explain better :)

Hope that helps a bit. If you have any questions feel free to ask :)

peace and take care :)

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My advice would be to seek the help of a proper Traditional Chinese acupuncturist - the nhs does not have a monopoly! I've gone on ad nauseam in the past about how wonderful they are, and can often effect complete cures when conventional medics have "written you off" as incurable........(I know, I'm living proof!) You'll find people in the alternative medical world a lot nicer to deal with, and don't be surprised if your practitioner not only condones medical use of ganja, but actively encourages it (mine does). If the quacks have given you any chemicals to take, use the help of your alternative practitioner to get off them (they usually only make you far worse!) - and substitute a good diet and supplements- they do do what they say on the tin!

Above all else, take charge of your return to health - its your body, you say what goes into it, and never let some bloody legalised pill-pusher "write you off" - all that does is destroy your remaining shreds of confidence, whilst only admitting the shortcomings and overall failure of "conventional medicine" to be of any use in many conditions. If not acupuncture, homoeopathy and herbalism are good too.......(just avoid the dangerous "cut down" form of acupuncture practised by gps and their helpers!)


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Hi Mate

Sorry to hear about your Illness M.E.

Here is some information on M.E. for what i call our Green Doctors and Nurses to see and get a better understanding of your illness and this may lead to some answers lol

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Hope this helps :wassnnme:


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Hi Viper I to have have cfs had it for a while

diet is very important

pacing with rest intervals

as you well know you sleep at the most inapropiate times and the general malaise that you live with daily gets some getting used to

i fing bud very suitable for the fatigue and pain associated with cfs

i assume you have a firm diagnosis from an immunologist

or the we will see what its not then diagnose

have you been checked for helica pylori a bacteria of the gut

have you been checked for an overgrowth of candida albicans the type of fauna you can get over run with when cfs id running full belt

there is so much info around , please dont take this the wrong way , but the info available depends on the head thats written it ...the victim or the survivor



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WOW !!!

What a response.

Thank you everyone.

Most people go 'yer what ?'.

Actually I'm pretty good now. I have become an expert in my own condition.

Yes diet is very important.

I also see an osteopath regularly & have massage twice a month. These work very well.

'erbs work well with the pain, apetite stimulation, anxiety & frustration, muscle spasms & cramp. Also my concentration.

What I was actually looking for is any documentation or medical literature recognising the benefits of marijuana on the condition.

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there are a few books one is especially good an oldie but written by a guy going through and living with M.E



ME by feck cant remeber will have to hunt it out for ya sorry one of them days

the government recognise, those suffering most chronic ill health are often thier own experts ......

keep a diary. it works as a journal of the varying ups, downs and sideways of cfs

its good to look back and see how you got through it

i find the general malaise of rhu arth along with cfs makes for lethargy

and what a twist , the mind is on top fuel and yer body say get te fekk or the bodys on the go and mind has departed sometime in the night

one thing for sure you need a great sense of humour

good luck with your control over what is an enigma medically

bright blessings


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Thank you Mary,

Your quite right a sense of humour helps enormously.

I seem to be past the big swings in general.

Now I can do a fair bit & live relativly normally. Its only when I over do things that I become unwell again.

I would apreciate it if you could locate that book. Does it say a lot or a little ?

Most things that do mention it are usually confined to one paragraph.

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the title is M.E And You. its got some good things in it and some that i dont go with

but its up to you, like how the fekk did he get his head together to write it all down lol

M.E and You

by Steve Wilkinson



I fyou cannot get hold of this i will loan it ya for a while but its old and part of my reference libary so i will need it back

regards mj

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I also suffer from Fibromyalgia and have nerve damage in the spine which causes burning and spasms in my legs and feet. I find that I can get pretty stressed with the amount of pain, and lack of sleep due to the pain. What MJ does for me is it reduces the pain and allows me to cope with the pain. There has been the odd occasion where I have been so stoned that I have been pain free, but mostly it allows me to relax enough, drift and forget about it for a while. It helps me relax my muscles and therefore less stressed, and it helps me get to sleep.

I have found that if I start smoking about 6 pm, by 2 am I am ready to go to bed. I try not to smoke during the day as that would be unfair on my employers who have been really supportive of me and I doubt that I would get much done if I did.

I think the best thing for me has been the opening of the mind, it actually makes me more able to recognise my own thoughts and therefore stop the negative thinking associated with chronic pain.

The only things I don't like are the odd experince of panic, I feel like I am going to collpase but that might be just my muscles in my chest relaxing, and all the munchies. I put on far to much weight with the prescribed drugs, and because of the lack of mobility, have been unable to lose the weight again.

For me the benefits far outweigh the negatives.


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Thank You Mary,

I'll see if I can get one.

Aves - One of the things that helped get me going was a simple walk around the block each day. Then Extended to a 20 minute walk eack day. Then half an hour.

Now I'm pretty good. I can undertake most day to day activities.

I smoke all day - which is why I employ myself.

Actually I just smoke when I feel I need to do so. I stick to no times for this but leave my body to tell me when it needs some.

Mobility, freedom from pain & calm mental agility are the cheif benefits I notice.

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