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Droping cups where you shouldnt

Edwin J

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Well i had a scary weekend.

I went round to a mates house on sat - hoping for a party with quite a few people and a respectable amount of women. When i got there - 4 blokes including me and no women. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Plenty of booze, music and weed (in the form of an extra long party spliff) however.

The scariest moment in the night came when one bloke, for legal reasons we shall call him mr.A - decided to down smirmof ice with the spliff we were having outside. We all got pretty fucked and were buzzing of the coloured lights when mr a said he needed the bog. Then he started to hurl. ALOT.

At this point, stoned off my tits, i suddenly got a very bad feeling. Could weed have done this to a man? i never had such a bad reaction.... Why did mr.a? He asked for water and we gave it to him...of course he was so fucked he dropped his cup in the bog which the unluckiest of us had to fish out between his hurling rounds.

I was really scared i hurt the guy - he had to call someone to take him home. I thought i could get busted...i was shitting myself. He seemed to be ok....not seen him since the party but he could stand up. In the morning the rest of us played footy in the park and generally pissed back to whence we came.

The point of my story is this:

Weed is always said to be harmless. I say it myself and had no doubts until saturday night. I am asking for the weed boffins here to come up with an answer if they can - does thc and alchol make a really bad mix?  What the fuck happened?  


Thanks. Sorry to bother you.

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Anything mixed together always creates more intense effects.  Its a case of personal experience.  You know what you can get away with doing, and what makes you ill!  Personally I have been drinking and smoking together for years so I rarely have a problem.  However once I whitied on 2 pints of snakebite and 5 spliffs.

I don't think anything really bad would happen unless you went WAY over the top.  Its usually nothing a good nights sleep won't cure.

Hope this helps

Splan  :cool:

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I don't drink then have a spliff coz the effects tend to be way more intense and after 10 pints you're not in the right state to handle it.

On the other hand if i have a couple of spliffs and then start drinking there is no problem-wierd :mad:

Like Splan the man said mixing is generally a bad idea unless you know you can handle it.

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:mad: hey reefman, i find that too, if i geta bit drunk and av a couple of joints everythin really starts spinnin, and goes a bit dodgy, but i can av a few joints and then av a load to drink and be fine,apart from the hangover the next day. Tis very weird indeed!!???

i also find that if i get sort of nearly drunk but not quite and av a couple of shpliffs, u get a different buzz for a change every now and again.

But yuo can over do it, i think the more drunk you are the worse the effects are when you mix.ive had sum bed whities when ive mixed and it wasnt very much fun.best to just take it eeeaaasy!!

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I happen to mix the two about every weekend, and after 8 years of it you learn to handle it - mostly!

Usually if I over-do it I just crash out early and get drawn/piled/floured/jumped on by my friends!

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I agree wholeheartly, I've been smoking for 12 years yet if I get drunk then smoke I'll usually throw a whitey, but as long as I get stoned before drinking everything is fine.

I've been pretty unwell on dope cakes and vodka as well, but again only if I'm quite drunk before the cake starts to kick in.

"beer and grass, you're on your ass ...... grass and beer, you're in the clear"

:dj:  So as long as you remember that little ditty you'll be on to a winner !

Littlerach x

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just a quickie:

when pissed, a lot of people get aggressive, so i was wondering if the same happened when skunking and drunking,

i've never known it to happen, but has anyone else ever seen it/experienced it?

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Not in my experience, the mellow of the weed more than compensates for the aggresion of alcohol.

Im used to be the other way round to the rest of you, I was fine smoking after drink, but tended to hurl lots if I started drinking after smoking.

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Yeah, getting stoned then drinking adds a real chaotic intensity to things, drinking then smoking causes sleep or coma and I can't really do it....I keep trying.......


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Well the wierdest thing about the whole night was that i myself had a bit of booze before the spliff - and after the spliff i actually got quite energetic. I was jumping all over the place for a while.

different mixes different high methinks.

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I think the reason a spliff hits  you harder when you are pissed is cos it hits you quicker than alchohol, a few tokes on a joint and the effects are almost instantaneous

If you are stoned and then start drinking it takes a few drinks to feel any effect and therefore it isn't so intense

Well thats my theory

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lol, funny thread!!

I've done it too many times. Out drinking, having a good 'un. Get back, see the bong calling you. It all seems like a good idea. Lovely hit, mmmm, nice. But then you can feel it coming. There's some alarm bells going off somewhere. Oh god, bog and quick.   ;) quick breath  :oldtoker: dont move me!  :oldtoker:

I took my girlfriend to Amsterdam last year and she threw a huge whitey!! We had to come back to earth sat in a McDonalds eating a groenburger (veggie burger) and drinking tea!!

Apparently, alchohol potentiates THC. Alchohol dissolves the THC in your bllod quicker and easier so it gets round your sysytem quick, hence the rush followed by the puke!!

First time i had a smoke at a party i threw a whitey. There i was head between my legs, making a little pile for myself, when i could hear some lads talking. !look, he's fucked, lets do him over and give him a kicking!!" With this i tried to move, but as soon as i did that i puked. I think that put them off, phew!

Its making me laff now thinking about whitieing out, but its hell at the time.

One last  :puke:


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First time i had a smoke at a party i threw a whitey. There i was head between my legs, making a little pile for myself, when i could hear some lads talking. !look, he's fucked, lets do him over and give him a kicking!!" With this i tried to move, but as soon as i did that i puked. I think that put them off, phew!

Shit dude - people have that attitude?  Or were they just winding you up?  I hope these are just people you met and not your friends!  Cos if they're your friends then get some new ones!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

maybe all that alcohol being bad for your temple/body stuff is true.....

Then again this temple was built on cola, mcdonalds and greasy breakfasts so i cant really make it any worse!

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