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Magical Molasses


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Would like to try some of the tea recipes Blue pixie posted containing molasses... don't suppose anyone knows where to get ground alfalfa meal? Tried loads of health food kinda places and nothing..

This is the molasses to get at H&B

Meridian Organic : Molasses :

Natural Sweeteners

Pure Blackstrap

Edit: Sorry as above.. mine had different labels though


Edited by Halfatree
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got some meridian from h&b yesterday and the stuff smells vile :B): i bubbled some compost / catalyst and molasses then added 1/4 of a litre of the stuff to 2l of my normal b'bizz mix for watering. going to do it once a week and see how things go

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what do u thing of this stuff what me dad got from work(demolition).

he users it for fishing bait mix,

it was off a old chemical plant, when site was leveled they dug soil with diggers and then spayed molasses mixed with water

he got 150 ltr of the stuff, its a bit thicker than the bio-biz grow.

what do you think? is this the right stuff?? it could be liquid gold :B):

It will be agricultural grade which is less refined than blackstrap which is human grade so in effect it should be ok to use as it wont have been sulfured

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what do u thing of this stuff what me dad got from work(demolition).

he users it for fishing bait mix,

it was off a old chemical plant, when site was leveled they dug soil with diggers and then spayed molasses mixed with water

he got 150 ltr of the stuff, its a bit thicker than the bio-biz grow.

what do you think? is this the right stuff?? it could be liquid gold :yep:

It will be agricultural grade which is less refined than blackstrap which is human grade so in effect it should be ok to use as it wont have been sulfured

thanks for reply groovelick

i have used it and so far so good lol

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...

OT Bloom is made with molasses already, so could well be unnecessary. I used to use the Meridian with Biobizz grows (Biobizz Bloom is seaweed based), 1 heaped teaspoon in about 6 ltr of feed every 10 days or so through flower was the dose I settled on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Sweet!! ;)

I like cheap quality solutions.

Does molasses interfere with nutrients, additives etc??

Any idea the dosage for Hydro Tank and how would i apply it, don't fancy doing it 200 times with every water change?

Is warm tap water safe, although not keen on it?


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  • 1 month later...

As far as I'm concerned (and I've read several threads on this subject) the Lyle's Treacle'll do nicely thank you.

It's pretty much blackstrap molasses - there's a confusion over names between the two at about halfway across the Atlantic Ocean.

Dumbass here has used it on several indoor grows but has always forgotten to establish a control to test effect or lack of.

Librans huh!

It is allegedly a Big Mac for the micro herd in the soil which help roots access goodness in the medium.

Hope this helps.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi there can you use molasses in a hydro coco setup (hand watering) and how often would you reckon? cheers

been a while since you asked this question, but i thought the Molasses is for the Micro Heard, i.e. feed the soil feed the plant, if you are using coco, im pretty confident you dont have any if at all any micro heard fungi etc, as it's an inert medium, i could be wrong of course, but im pretty sure thats why im loving the benefits of soil over anything else, it buffers itself, has all the goodness already in there (no need for complex ferts and nutes from seedlings to end of Veg, and it of course can hold and keep alive a micro heard in the soil doing their funky thing...

]again i may be mistaken, but if coc was full of little buggers doing their good thing, you wouldn't need to be feeding the plant from day 1?

The holland & Barrett ones is 100% UNSULPHURED, which is the type you want, it can be from anywhere i think the main important part is to make sure it is UNSULPHURED!!!

"smoke weed everyday"

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