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sufi chants from various places


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I have seen many sufi chants in many places and it always amazes me the sheer emotional power that they produce when they sing .................. its beautiful to watch and listen to ............enjoy

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal(ra) said about the Sufis: "I don't know people better than them." Someone said to him: "They listen to music and they reach states of ecstasy." He said: "Do you prevent them from enjoying an hour with Allah?"

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Stunning rip, very hypnotic.

Does rather beg the question, is it just the men who can have some fun?

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I'm glad you liked them tasty ...... I here what your saying....but thats the way it is (so just for you link at bottom) B) ..... I have seen it done in Syria , turkey.India,Pakistan and Iraq,(when the shah was in power)... and it takes many different forms ..all equally as beautiful as each other .. some of these guys get in a real trance like state and do amazing things with there body's but my favourites are the whirling dervish ..and the Chechen chants ......

Many Dervishes are mendicant ascetics who have taken a vow of poverty, unlike mullahs. The main reason they beg is to learn humility, but Dervishes are prohibited to beg for their own good. They have to give the collected money to other poor people. Others work in common professions; Egyptian Qadiriyya – known in Turkey as Kadiri – are fishermen, for example.

Some classical writers indicate that the poverty of the Dervish is not merely economic. Rumi, for instance, says in Book 1 of his Masnavi

Water that's poured inside will sink the boat

While water underneath keeps it afloat.

Driving wealth from his heart to keep it pure

King Solomon prefered the title 'Poor':

That sealed jar in the stormy sea out there

Floats on the waves because it's full of air,

When you've the air of dervishood inside

You'll float above the world and there abide...

nice words B)

Edited by ripthedrift
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Reminds me of an old school freerave in a field but replacing hundreds of years tradition with some mdma and no real written rules just a feeling reaching spiritual proportions (there was a church of rave now I think about it :rofl: )

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thats exactly how it feels when you see it for real ..... you know that there at peace with what ever they feel inside ......

very moving ..... ;)


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the last video is actually the announcement of the resignation of jaqui smith

love the sufi chanting ..i worked with a kosovan muslim who used to come from sufi decent and would often chant whilst working ,a very calming effect indeed

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