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Fwd: Latest Libdems Policy On Cannabis


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Subject: [chatlist] Decriminalisation of cannabis and the Lib Dems

Each year, at the time of the Queen's Speech, the Liberal Democrats produce their own, alternative, Queen's Speech outlining the legislation they would put forward if they were in governemnt.

In their 2002 alternative Queen's Speech the Lib Dems committed themselves to introducing a: "Drugs Bill to create a rational drugs policy. A Bill to decriminalise possession of cannabis for personal use, end the use of imprisonment for the possession of any drug for personal use" (1).

It wasn't the legalisation of cannabis that the Lib Dems were arguing for in 2002 but it was at least a positive move in that direction.

However, in their 2003 alternative Queen's Speech, which they have recently published, the Lib Dems have dropped any mention of a bill to decriminalise possession of cannabis.

Unfortunately, this indicates further that the Lib Dems are backtracking on the issue of cannabis. The Lib Dems are aiming to win over the votes of former Conservatives and so are trying to avoid looking too "soft" on cannabis because the Lib Dem leadership fear this will lose them votes.

It seems therefore, that it must be the job of the LCA to stand candidates in as many seats as possible and win as many votes as possible at the next general election in order to show the Lib Dems and all the other "Main" parties that legalising cannabis is in fact a vote winner rather than a vote loser.


(1) "The Liberal Democrat Guarantee: Alternative Queen's Speech November 2002", Page 5. (Some guarantee!).



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As they move towards power they lose the policies that made them worth voting for.

Look at Labour, :stoned:

What I want to know is why do we have this system at all.

Our ministers are making decisions over things they probably dont understand. Shouldnt the chancellor be the foremost expert on finance rather than just a politician?

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A great question Mickle.

In the US, they have business men and women who then go onto political careers.

In the UK, we have career politicians who quite often have never had a job outside the political arena.

Both suck I think.

The US business/politician will always be accused of putting money/old work mates/the bottom line first, to the detriment of the common man.

The UK politician has no concept of what it is like to be the common man, and worries only about getting his votes up. Votes mean acceptance after all (they just refuse to believe that voter apathy is their fault - it's our fault for not being inspired). They get voted in, they have the love and agreement of the people. Simple thoughts for simple minds.

Now - moving to your point more specifically. You would think that the perfect person to be in charge of the economy would be an economist. However, no group of economists can agree on anything economic. It's like philosophy as far as I can tell. No-one is right, no-one wrong...until after, when everyone can bust out some 20-20 hindsight.

An economist is going to want economic bench-marks or goals to strive for. They will need Return On Investment and Dividends.

You don't get that from making sure the whales aren't being killed off. Or by ensuring the survival of a rare plant on top of a mountain somewhere. Not unless you can prove that either of those two things is going to end up with more money in the coffers.

So let's not put them in charge just yet. So who then? A tree-hugger who spends the entire education budget on preserving a shrub in the Highlands? Maybe we should just vote on everything? Just think of all the stuff we, umm, would never get done...

What happened to all the enlightened despots? :)

Mickle - I reckon you go for it. Get yourself voted in as the Prime Minister who listens...maybe set up a website or something...but whatever you do, don't mention the war... :yinyang:

P.S - Tips for the LibDems...

1 - tell Daily Mail readers that cannabis users are the natural predators of paedophiles (best quote I've seen on here ever).

2 - Legalise cannabis, tax it at 10%, and throw all the proceeds into delivering free education for everyone, across the board, all the way to uni.

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Now - moving to your point more specifically. You would think that the perfect person to be in charge of the economy would be an economist. However, no group of economists can agree on anything economic. It's like philosophy as far as I can tell. No-one is right, no-one wrong...until after, when everyone can bust out some 20-20 hindsight.

Nobody is perfect I agree but that is no reason to not try. It should be easy to find someone who has more insight than a politician who last week was transport secretary and next week health minister.

If there was no trust in those of academic standing we wouldnt have any doctors,lawyers,financial advisors etc.. Some are bad and corrupt but most arent - unlike in politics where it seems to be a requirement for the job.

Small teams should be set up to deal with issues from each arena so that a consensus can be reached. I expect this is what allready happens except it is perverted by politics such as "dont research that we are against it!" or "choose this plan instead of this".

As for entering politics, I have the communication skills of Lassie lol and am perhaps overly idealistic (though not to the extent of protecting that rare shrub to the exclusion of all else :( ).

Most people probably care more about whats on TV tonight then the way their country is run, how can you ever persuade them to open their eyes and look further than the goals they have been set.

Edited by mickle
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Small teams should be set up to deal with issues from each arena so that a consensus can be reached. I expect this is what allready happens except it is perverted by politics such as "dont research that we are against it!" or "choose this plan instead of this".

I think you're probably right. A recent study on the rise of Anti-semitism in europe found that the rise was mainly being led by young Muslims. The EU commission asked the study team to leave out that part of the results - said that it sounded too much like hatred and we're all trying to get away from that. But surely if it's the reality of the situation you have to deal with this? It's like Labour saying that TheBigConversation is about the future, not the past, so it's not about Iraq (so do they think Iraq has no future then?).

Another problem is of course that if the results don't suit their policies, they just ignore them. Genius. :smoke:

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-don't know what the answer is - I can never find a major party that I want to vote for come election time - now there's one less! What weed needs is a powerful lobby, rather like the gay lobby - dunno whether anyone else has noticed, they wield incredible power proportional to their relatively tiny numbers! In as little as 35 years, homosexuality has gone from being regarded in the same light as paedophilia to being damn near compulsory. At risk of being branded homophobic, I'm sick and fed up with it being touted as an alternative lifestyle choice to vulnerable children, and butch dykes claiming "their right to bear children" to be brought up intentionally without a father - I hate seeing men snogging, and fading female pop singers mauling each other and kissing......please, if you really must, don't scare the horses! (or me!) :smoke:

While I'm treading on corns, anti-semitism has been mentioned - I'm very against Israel's actions, and the American Jews who back it - try moaning about it and they dredge up the holocaust as justification for everything, and you are accused of being anti-semitic! :smug:

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What weed needs is a powerful lobby

did anyone see "the daily politic's" today???,today was about drugs in prisons and i'm not sure if the've already talked about cannabis,but this week they are talking about drugs, i wonder if the lca were in touch with programmes like this??? ...ie political..and would anyone be appearing on "tdp's" this week,or have i missed it already ????

2 - Legalise cannabis, tax it at 10%, and throw all the proceeds into delivering free education for everyone, across the board, all the way to uni.

3- issue grow licence's at £50-£200(installments if ness),a square metre per year,for personal

4-sell commercial licence's,too supply the coffeeshops

5-set up waste centre's, to get rid of waste water,soil,roots,rockwool,bulbs...etc

(is it possible to recycle rockwool??? bulbs???)


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Most people probably care more about whats on TV tonight then the way their country is run, how can you ever persuade them to open their eyes and look further than the goals they have been set.

Sadly that is very true. Politics has moved so far away from the common man that they no longer see it as a benefit to them, they can not see how they can change anything, and that is the way the government like it, no need to upset the status quo now is there. People, especially young people need to be taught about politic and how it all works, I know when i was at school the subject was never even raised never mind taught, and to be honest i would have rahter learned about how our country is run and what we can do to influence change rather then the religous studies we were forced to take.

Another reason for voter apathy, in my opinion, is the lack of a decent candidate to vote for. Anyone should be able to stand, but unless your a £multimillion party you don't stand a chance. Again everything comes down to money. You can buy power but you can't buy respect.

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