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Cannabis With Antibiotics And Painkillers


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i'm currently on antibiotics and very strong painkillers to help combat an infected wound turned into an abcess, but the painkillers ain't workin. i wanna know if there would be any negative effects on me if i had a spliff or 5 whilst on the other drugs? peace. :smoke:

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I regularly smoke on top of high-end analgesia M8 - but take it easy to start with, the effect can be quite strong. Dunno about anti-biotocs, but can't see any reason why not.....

All the best

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He stated that it is alleged to be active against gram positive organisms

hmm....anyone know anyway of testing an abcess for this, apart from me doing a streak-plate and staining it?

(i do biology at college btw, thus the 'pissed-off-smart-ass' answer)

anyone know how i could make a poultice for it, whatever one of those is? cheers for the advice people. peace.

Edited by Punky
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oi punky i had one of those in may got so bad ended up in the hospital iwas on morphine but still had to nip out on the sly for a good toke the only bonus was.I had 4 weeks of work and plenty of time to look after my plants in wont do you no harm just enhance the buzz and ur feel more monged out .b4 i went to the docs i had a week of hell and was smoking some shit all the time got so bad iwent to the docs and then straight to the hospital thinkin id be in there for a few hours and was in there for a week!had it cut out and had to have a nurse round every day to dress the wound :headpain: nasty things those abscess hope it gets better and have a joint on me :wassnnme:

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chuck the parmaceuticals in the bin, puff away like mad, and go natural for a cure! - back in the summer I had a badly infected arm (from elbow to wrist) - a nurse looked at it and muttered dire things about septicaemia, and drips administered in hospital - bugger that! - three acupuncture treatments, a bucketful of garlic, zinc, echinacea and vitamin c later I was fully recovered - I felt a bit ropy for a couple of days, but was able to carry on working (and I resolutely smoked all the way through!)

If drug companies could patent it, garlic would be hailed as a wonder drug, it is not only antibiotic and antibacterial, it is also effective against viruses! :wassnnme:

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well, i've now decided to stop taking the painkillers as they are doing nothing for me. i'll still take the antibiotics as i really don't want blood poisoning. just checked my stash and i've only got enuff for 2 spliffs :) plus its sativa, so it won't be great, but shit happens. here goes nuttink. :yinyang:

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well, i've been smokin a bit here n there all day, so far - NO PAIN. plus the abcess has seriously reduced in size very quickly (i'll spare the rather vile descriptions). i do feel the ganja has played a part in my quick recovery, and i now understand the need for it for medical use. peace and best wishes to all medi users. :stoned:

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hi there

a good poultice would be to make a paste of bicarb and crushed dry cannabis leaf or trim

the bicarb as it drys out draws the sepsis from the wound and the cannabis is a natural antiinflammitory and pain reliever

good luck


also the antibiotics are probably penacilamines some sepsis bacterium are not affected by these ab's due to resistance

not good as bacteriacides work better but are not often prescribed

Edited by maryjane
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